Hollis Dow Hedberg (1903 – 1988; nickname: "El Doctor Hedberg") was an American geologist specializing in petroleum exploration. His contribution to stratigraphic classification of rocks and procedures is a monumental work which received universal acceptance. The firm he worked for, the Gulf Oil Corporation in Venezuela, trusted his findings and explored what had until then been uncharted territory. As a result, they reaped huge benefits from their petroleum findings. Hedberg taught at Princeton University from 1959 until his retirement in 1971. He was awarded the Mary Clark Thompson Medal by the National Academy of Sciences in 1973. In 1975 he was awarded the Wollaston Medal by the Geological Society of London. Hedberg won the Sidney Powers Memorial Award in 1963.
― Anonymous User 1/30/2023
Rare name, really beautiful and unusual. I like it a lot. This name has something really interesting, it also looks nice, charming. Hollis fits better for a female. Classic beauty.
My first name is Hollis. I was named after my father. I am proud of my name. I have a nickname that is only used by family and very close friends. I am male and my name sounds noble and distinguished.
Experimental filmmaker Hollis Frampton (1936 - 1984), whose later work helped pioneer the field of digital art.
― Anonymous User 7/9/2018
I was born in 1952 and given the name Hollace. I was always told Hollace was the female version of the male name Hollis. I know there are other females with the name Hollace. Both spellings are pronounced the same. When I was young there was a female US golfer with the first name Hollis. I often get complements on my name. I suggest the write up on the name Hollis be amended to include this different spelling with a notation of gender female. Hollis should remain as both a male and female name. Hollace is a name I am proud to own.
― Anonymous User 4/13/2018
Hey morons Hollis is the hottest name to exist and should be more common. Hollis sounds like an attractive young woman.
― Anonymous User 3/7/2018
I hate this name. The history is not good and it sounds boring and ghetto on anyone.
― Anonymous User 11/24/2017
Hi my name is Hollis, I am female and Black (I know, shocker right) I grew into loving my name. As a child some people had trouble, and even today I find some have a hard time wrapping their mind around the name. I'm often asked by some where my Mom got the name. I do like my name and love that it suits me.
The name of the ill-fated homesteader in Bob Dylan's song "The Ballad of Hollis Brown." The rock band Hollis Brown derived their name from the song, saying that it sounded "very American."
This is my husband's middle name and we are giving it to our son/daughter as a middle name when she/he is born in May. We both love it and it's family history!
― Anonymous User 3/16/2016
I love this name and I am surprised it is not more popular! Definitely character name material.
I am named Hollis and it is a wonderful name to bare. As a child I wanted the most common name I could possibly imagine but I grew into a confident person who loves that it's unique... I mean how many Matts do YOU know... right?! One thing for the record: this is NOT Hollister. Look at it, there is absolutely no TER. Two different words. Just sayin.
I like this name, it's really cool and unique! But only for a boy... It doesn't seem very feminine to me. It actually didn't remind me of Hollister at all until you guys mentioned it.
This is my 16 year old son's name. People seem to really like it, and the name does suit him as he is very unique. I love that this name is different yet legitimate, and is in no danger of becoming ubertrendy. We have never met another Hollis in person, but we've "heard" of a few others. The gender split seems to be half and half. Sometimes people have mistaken the name for "Thomas" or "Horace" but, surprisingly, not very often. I think that's because it's such a simple name.
You may remember this name from the 1974 film, 'Chinatown': Hollis Mulwray was Faye Dunaway's character's husband, the chief engineer of the Los Angeles DWP who was murdered for knowing too much. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinatown_(1974_film)
I think Hollis is a lovely, dignified name. The one downside: Hollister, an overpriced clothing store an earlier poster mentioned, comes to mind whenever I hear "Hollis." I'm not a huge fan of the store, so it ruins an otherwise perfect name.
Hollis is a character from An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. She's the mother of Lindsay, who Colin later falls in love with after a procession of 19 Katherines. It's a good book; you should really read it.
I love Hollister (which I shop at) and Pictures of Hollis Woods (which I read)! But anyway, I love this name. Actually once I read Pictures of Hollis Woods I really liked it. I love this!