I don't like Harry Potter either, but it doesn't mean I don't like the name. It's not anyone whose name is Harry's fault that J. K. Rowling has a bad rep.
Considering the controversy surrounding JK Rowling and her works, whatever way you happen to lean, I would probably caution at least careful consideration before giving the name Harry to a kid if it's just because of Harry Potter.
Incredibly popular in the UK. It doesn't sound like "hairy" in our accents. I don't get it personally though, it's an OK name but way overrated in this country.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2023
I love this name! Harry Potter (The BEST) Harry Styles, Prince Harry, Harry Houdini and so many more iconic people.
― Anonymous User 5/25/2023
Harry is also the name of Harry Mason, a video game character from the first Silent Hill game.
― Anonymous User 5/20/2023
Meaning Usage Pronunciation Famous Impression Other Harry is an amazing name, although my friend has a brother named Harry, it gives me bad vibes, like ha - iry No one wants their kid called Hairy.
― Anonymous User 5/3/2023
Harry Warden, the killer from the film My Bloody Valentine.
Harry A. Cole (1921 – 1999) was an American lawyer, jurist and politician. He was a member of the Maryland State Senate from Baltimore, Maryland. He was the first African-American ever elected to the Maryland Senate and the first African-American to serve on the Maryland Court of Appeals.
Harry T. Moore (1905 – 1951) was an African-American educator, a pioneer leader of the civil rights movement, founder of the first branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in Brevard County, Florida, and president of the state chapter of the NAACP. Harry T. Moore was the first NAACP member and official to be assassinated for civil rights activism. Harry T. Moore and Harriette Moore are the only husband and wife to be killed for the movement.
It's not very popular or common here in the USA. It's become outdated. Even if it hadn't I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Prince Harry has ruined this name.
― Anonymous User 2/26/2023
What is it with English Harrys? -Prince Harry of England -Harry Potter in an English book -Harry Styles, an English singer Does anyone else see a pattern?
― Anonymous User 2/16/2023
I'm not a fan of this name. Harry Potter is extremely overrated, I hate Harry Styles' music, and then there's that spoiled brat of a prince Harry.
Silly and old-fashioned. Sounds like hairy. It's almost never used in America anymore. For some reason it's still very popular in the land of poor taste. I know that Prince Harry never liked his name. When he was a bachelor, he went to a nightclub in my city and told some girl his name was Gary. He probably wished it were.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2022
Sounds ugly and unattractive, reminds me of the word hairy.
― Anonymous User 5/6/2022
I was never a fan of Harry Potter or One Direction, so I think that this name just sounds like either an old man or a little boy’s name.
This is the name of my boyfriend and I think it is gorgeous, I love everything about it and I love that it is popular. I don't particularly like the name Henry but that is just my personal opinion. I think that Harry is a perfect name.
I love this name, but would love it more if we pronounced it with a British or Australian accent. Like someone mentioned, this name can be a musician name or a professional name. I think of Harry Chapin, Harry Styles, Prince Harry, Harry S. Truman, and when Harry met Sally before Harry Potter (but I still do think of Harry Potter). I do predict this name will be on the rise though due to Harry Styles and Prince Harry.
Harry Callaghan is a musical artist and director. He is known for creating the soundtrack for the 2015 game Portal Stories: Mel.
― Anonymous User 5/27/2020
I like this name because of Harry Potter. I am a huge Harry Potter fan. Great name.
― Anonymous User 5/15/2020
Just one question. If people can use Harry as a formal name and it is so popular, then why do some people frown upon using names like Billy, Danny, Johnny, Sammy etc?, as Harry is a diminutive of Henry.
― Anonymous User 5/2/2020
I was a huge Harry Potter fan until I found out JK Rowling was transphobic. I hate Harry Potter now because of that. I actually would not name my kid after a character in a fictional story anyway, but the association with Harry Potter really makes it bad for me now. You have your opinion though.
― Anonymous User 4/19/2020
It is also used as a diminutive of Harrison (The first name). I would know, as that is my name.
― Anonymous User 2/8/2020
Harry is a pretty decent boy's name that sounds rather vintage without it sounding abundantly old fashioned. Another attribute that I have noticed is the simplicity of this name which is an additional bonus in my book.
― Anonymous User 9/12/2019
This name is used by the famous (and not real) Harry Potter. It's my fave movie and book. :D.
This name, it seems it can suit both people in the entertainment industry (such as Harry Styles, Harry Melling, Harry Shum Jr., etc.) or someone more professional (like Harry S. Truman). It ages well, and I don't mind that it sounds like "hairy". In fact, since I'm a Harry Potter fan, I joke about it with my friends.
― Anonymous User 7/1/2019
The Sundance Kid’s real name was Harry Longabaugh. He was played by the lovely Robert Redford in the 1969 movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
In 2018, 63 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Harry who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 275th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/5/2018
FYI, not all Americans pronounce Harry like hairy. There's something called the merry, Mary, marry divide. I say all three of those words differently from each other (and Harry rhymes with marry, but not with Mary or merry). It's more the Midwest of the U.S. where they say those words the same way. Furthermore, there is no "correct" way of pronouncing things in terms of people's accents. That is an elitist, provincial way of viewing language and you are in disagreement with the greatest linguists in the world if you think there are correct and incorrect accents. I like the name Harry. It sounds friendly to me. I hope it comes back into style in the U.S.
― Anonymous User 9/21/2018
Harry is my uncle's name. It's a good name, and doesn't sound like hairy with the proper pronunciation. The American pronunciation makes it sound like that.
― Anonymous User 8/11/2018
Actual name of the first Singaporean Prime Minister.
― Anonymous User 7/24/2018
Harry Reasoner was an American television journalist and one of the original correspondents for CBS’ 60 Minutes.
Harry Edward Styles is an English singer and songwriter. He is known as a member of the pop rock band One Direction. He made his debut as a singer with his band White Eskimo, who performed locally in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. In 2010, Styles auditioned as a solo artist for the British television series The X Factor. After being eliminated as a solo performer, Styles was brought back into the competition, along with four other contestants, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson, to form One Direction.
Harry Shum Jr., Costa Rican-American actor, dancer, singer, and choreographer best known for his roles as Mike Chang on the 2009 series 'Glee' and Magnus Bane on the the 2016 series 'Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments'.
I really hate this name. Who would name their child such a revolting name? Imagine being called "Hairy" everyday by everybody you meet? Honestly, it's makes me sad just thinking about it...
― Anonymous User 6/17/2016
Harry... You remind me of Harry Potter! Harry means happiness: Harry is always happy. My granny's grandad was called Harry!
This is overused, childish and very unlikeable. I would like Harri, Hari or Harrie. It is just annoying the way so many people use it. If I had a child, I would name him/her Callum/Tanya.
Harry Hart aka Galahad is a major character in the 2015 film 'Kingsman: The Secret Service'. He is the mentor of Eggsy Unwin and portrayed by Colin Firth.
I quite like this name & wish it was not so terribly popular, as I would then consider naming my child this. I can understand why some American commenters aren't so keen, since the way "Harry" and "Hairy" are pronounced similarly in that accent. In the UK & Australia, it is pronounced differently, so doesn't have the gross "hairy" connotation so much, which would turn me off too. I usually think of Prince Harry or this nice old man my aunty used to care for named Harry when I hear this name. It's one of those old, plain classics along with Fred, Elizabeth, William, Katherine etc.
As an American with a son and a father named Harry, I find it to be an absolute classic. My 9 year old adores it as Harry Potter, Harry Styles, and Prince Harry make it quite acceptable stateside. Great American option because still not overly popular here. He often comments how he is happy to be to Jackson H. Or Mason C. Because there are so many in each class.
Harry Wormwood is the title character's tacky, dishonest, used-car-salesman father in Roald Dahl's "Matilda."
― Anonymous User 9/5/2014
I would never name a child Harry because it sounds exactly like Hairy. Also, it is a name associated too closely to Harry Potter. Not that I don't like Harry Potter, of course.
― Anonymous User 8/30/2014
I ♡ this brilliant & amazing name! :D I know many people think of Harry Styles and Harry Potter whenever they hear this name BUT it's still one of those classic names that shouldn't be considered as ruined, unusable etc. just because of popular culture. It's actually pretty popular in the UK. Here in the UK our accents don't make Harry sound anywhere near to 'Hairy' as it's pronounced HA-ree (obviously in a non-US way). Overall, I'm definitely considering this beauty of a name. Xx.
― Anonymous User 8/6/2014
Surgeon-Lieutenant Harry Sullivan was a companion of the Fourth Doctor.
HARRY is also the name of Harry Styles, singer in the British band One Direction, discovered through X Factor UK, and whose career has thus proved extremely successful.
― Anonymous User 10/28/2013
"Cry 'God for Harry, England and Saint George!'" is part of the famous speech from Shakespeare's Henry V; a line spoken by the titular king.
― Anonymous User 10/10/2013
I feel bad for saying this because I an completely obsessed with Harry Potter, but really? Harry is a hideous name! I don't understand why it's #1 in england... who would name their kid "Hairy"?
In response to the previous comment, 7/6/2013: Because, surprisingly, we don't speak with American accents in the UK. Harry and hairy sound nothing alike here.I think Harry is a brilliant name. A good, strong English classic which I can see working on any boy or man. Very handsome!
― Anonymous User 10/10/2013
Harry is a pretty nice name! Harry Potter rocks as well. Harry is a strong name, tough and wholesome. It is a wonderful British name.
Harry T. Stone was a main character on the American television series "Night Court".
― Anonymous User 3/19/2012
Harry Clarke (1889-1931) was an Irish artist and designer of stained glass.
― Anonymous User 12/13/2011
Popular literature aside, I think Harry is just a dumb-sounding name, even when pronounced the English way. 'Hah' and 'ree' sounds like what a clown would say to express surprise. But I've never been a fan of male names ending in y because they sound a bit kiddish. Male or Female, y-ending names are okay for nicknames, but sometimes adults need something more mature sounding. I feel that someone with the name 'Harry' as a full name gets the short end of the stick.
I like the name Harry but I immediately think of Harry Potter as I'm fan. Aside from that, I think it's a good simple name. What's strange is that I don't like Gary, Barry or Larry but I like Harry.
I think Harry is a cute name (if you don't pronounce it the American way as "hairy" - luckily most of the world doesn't!).The only thing that puts me off a bit is that to "harry" someone means to torment or bother them. It seems a bit like calling your kid Pest or Menace.
In Norway, "Harry" is derogatory slang for something which is working class and in bad taste; similar to "chavvy" in the UK, "bogan" in Australia or "trashy" in the US.
I'm surprised no one mentioned Harry Houdini, arguably the most famous stage & influential stage magician of all time. We could also throw in famous 1930s song writer Harry Warren & silent comedian Harry Langdon. In America, Harry was a very popular name in the 1920s and 1930s particularly, if you look at pop culture. I named my son this, so, obviously, I like the name.
My dad's name is Harry and all you people saying that it reminds you of "hairy" are ridiculous. Normal people do not make that connection at all because it is a NAME, not an adjective.
I would like this name if we in America pronounced it the same as the British do. I don't much care for its association with "hairy." Although I do love Harry Potter!
This is the name of my youngest brother, and he wasn't named after Harry Potter at all. He was named after my father's father Harold. At first I still didn't like the name (I thought it sounded like a big dumb bully), but it grew on me. Now I think it's very special.I like that it has such a huge association to the wizard, though. It does more justice than harm. Even if you get teased, there's no insult being called a hero, now is there?
I don't really like this name, as it reminds me of names like Barry, Larry, and Gary, which always make me think of unbearable middle-aged guys. However, this name isn't quite as bad. I don't read Harry Potter books, but their popularity has had an impact on the impression this name gives to people.
Pronounced heh•air•ee, emphasis only on "ee", as the former part would be pronounced quickly and fluidly. As in, "My goodness, sir -- you have quite the hairy chest!"
Harry Mason is the protagonist in the video game "Silent Hill". He also makes brief appearances in the second (depending on the ending) and third games.
I've always thought that Harry was the most awesome name and can't imagine being named anything else. I'm lucky, since my middle name is Henry I'm basically named Harry twice. ;) There can be two frustrations with the name; the oldest one is people assuming the name is a nickname for Harrison. I have gotten this all the time since I was little. Harry is its own name; Harrison is derived from Harry, not the other way around! The other is more recent is people associating it with Harry Potter. Almost every time I meet someone they bring Harry Potter up. They're always shocked to find out I've never read or seen any of the books or movies.
Let's not forget Harry Osbourne from Spiderman. It's funny, because everyone, when they hear the name Harry, automatically thinks of Harry Potter. Even though Harry Potter is one of my favorite series, the first thing to pop into my head is Harry Osbourne, a second before Harry Potter.
I've always heard it pronounced "HAR-ree" (rhymes with "carry"). I strongly suspect this is the pronunciation that at least some of you mean. This is actually the older pronunciation of "Henry," which came to England with the Normans. "HEN-ree" is a modern spelling pronunciation.
This is my other favorite boy's name, and it seems there aren't many boys in this country with the name Harry. I must admit, though, it's partly because of "Harry Potter" that I like this name so much.
EWWW! I hate this name! Who would name their child "hairy"?
― Anonymous User 11/23/2006
Americans seem to think that Harry is almost always associated with Harry Potter, and it's not really. In the UK, Harry is a VERY popular name. I know about six or seven Harrys. One of my two sons is named this, after my husband's father. I think it's a very fitting name. Common, yet each Harry I know has made it unique to himself.PS-Harry is NOT short for Harold, or Harrison in the Harry Potter books. His full first name is Harry. I get very mad when people assume it's short for something. I mean, think about it- When you were a child and got in trouble, adults would normally call you by your full name, not a nick name.
― Anonymous User 9/24/2006
Harry is a cute name, especially when the Harry Potter series came out. It may be the butt of certain jokes, but all-in-all it's a good name.
This is the name of my persian cat and it suits him a lot. He acts just like a human Harry would with a hat on in a 1940s movie. I don't know why, he just does.
There is also a newsreader on Channel 10 in Australia named Harry Potter. I find it very amusing when he signs off every night...'This is Harry Potter for Channel 10 news'. The poor man!
Harry is a wonderful name, especially after JK Rowling turned it into a name of mystery and wonder, as Harry Potter is the "Chosen One" to defeat Voldemort.