I wouldn't spell it Gracelynn, but rather use Lynn as a middle name.
Ok yall are a bunch of haters, I don't think the name Gracelynn is tacky and besides it looks more symmetrical when spelt with two Ns and not one.
Very tacky. So is Jaxtyn, Bodynn, Bentley, Kennediegh, Kinsliegh… etc.
I do think Gracelyn looks better but perhaps Gracelynn does appear more feminine and modern.
Even worse than Gracelyn.
I prefer Grace.
Gracelynn is so dragged out even with the extra ‘n’. Still love the sound!
Gracelynn Weiss is a famous YouTube star known for her family's YouTube channel 'The Weiss Life'.
Very tacky. Grace is pretty on its own.
Hate the extra "n"! Much prefer gracelyn!
I hate it, it's so tacky.

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