My great-grandfather was named Felice. He was born in Italy, but when their family moved to Brazil he instantly became Félix. I love his name and he was a very reproductive man, with 16 sons and daughters with two wives. When he arrived in Brazil he was 9 years old, his father died during the voyage to Brazil, so the beginning of his life here was not easy at all. Even so, he could establish himself as a farmer and formed a big family to help him on the farm. My grandfather is the last son of his first wife (then he married again and had more 5 sons). I love this history of his.
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) was a German composer. One of my favorite composers.
― Anonymous User 7/27/2024
Character Felix (middle-name Archer) Kranken from the YouTube analog horror series The Walten Files by Martin Walls bears the name Felix. He's a born 1935 (presumed) American.
Felix is amazing! I've heard a lot of people say it sounds weird, but I like it a ton. Some people say it sounds like a girls name, but I don't think so. I love how it's Latin, and I would totally name my son this. It's an awesome name, and I'm glad it's not super popular. Though, honestly, it SHOULD be popular. It's that great!
― Anonymous User 1/5/2024
The name Felix is really growing on me. I must say, I do like the “x” ending, and I appreciate the name's pleasant meaning. It sounds more like a person's name than a cat's name to me. I also think it ages well, as I can picture the name on a male of any age. Overall, I think Felix is a nice name.
I named my son Felix, he's now two. I chose the name because it's auspicious and melodic. I also like that it's not super common here in the U.S., but neither does it sound like we were trying to be unique. I also chose it because of a German student who visited our high school and made such an impression on me. He had red hair, seemed so smart and nice.
― Anonymous User 10/31/2022
Felix used to be my absolute favourite name, and I still love it, but it’s not in the top spot any more. Still, I wouldn’t hesitate to name a son this. The meaning “lucky” is a wonderful sentiment about a baby, and it sounds so dapper and handsome. The Felix the Cat association doesn’t bother me much, in fact my only misgiving is its popularity.
Felix Lee born September 15, 2000 is a Australian-Korean rapper, singer and dancer from Seven, Sydney, Australia, he's most known for being a member of Kpop boy group Stray Kids under JYP Entertainment. He joined JYP in 2010 after passing an audition. He participated in the survival show Stray Kids, however, he was eliminated but bought back in the later episodes.
I love the name Felix! It sounds charming and classic, and the spelling is somewhat striking - I like the ‘x’ at the end. Oh, and the meaning is just perfect!
Absolutely rubbish. Probably among worst 10 Names ever. Pure garbage. Unbelievably weird, ugly sounding, harsh in a bothering way, not melodic and cute enough, alien-like and pretentious and sounds like a name that wanna make others think the bearer is better than other people and says "look at me human beings. Beware I'm also included as well". Can't deny it has a real good meaning period. Makes a stupid decision to choose this ridiculous name for your poor baby.
I'm attracted to the spelling, but Felix sounds okay I guess.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2021
It's an alright name, but honestly, I'm not a big fan of names with prescriptive definitions such as lucky, happy etc. Because the person could end up being the exact opposite. I myself am not a very lucky or happy person, and a name such as this one would probably make me more depressed due to the pressure of living up to the name's meaning.
Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (3 February 1809 – 4 November 1847), more widely known as Felix Mendelssohn, was a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor.
― Anonymous User 1/6/2021
Makes me think of the wonderful character Felix on “The Road To Avonlea” television film series (Anne of Green Gables spin off). LOVE it!
Felix is so cool and cute. I LOVE it. It is a name that is kind of funny and it makes me feel happy. It has a friendly/playful vibe but is also strong and classic. I think it fits right in with the popular names of today. Lots of personality!
― Anonymous User 8/30/2020
I really love the meaning, but I really hate this name.
I'm a few months away from naming my son Felix. I don't think any of his school mates will know who Felix the cat was and YouTube fame is fleeting. But does anyone who has the name Felix get picked on in school? Examples: Fe licks balls, or Fe licks the ground, Fe licks you could really insert anything mean young children could think of. I really love the name, not over used here in the states. It's a very sweet boy name.
Felix is my name and I love it, I am just short of words to describe how good the name is, because many have written down all that I wanted to pour out. Even though am not yet successful as the name implies, I am confidently sure that I will.
I am Felix from Africa. The name Felix is a good name that means lucky, success, happy, excellent and fortunate. The name is a good name and the name has been working good for me.
Felix is a lovely name, energetic and upbeat, and it has a nice meaning.
― Anonymous User 12/23/2018
Felix can be used for girls, but personally I like Felix more for a boy because it’s traditionally masculine without sounding too feminine past early childhood like actual unisex names such as Madison or Lindsey. For a girl, I prefer Felicia or the ACTUAL feminine form Felixa as a standard girl's name.
― Anonymous User 12/14/2018
I like that name. It is Puerto Rican. My friend has this name.
― Anonymous User 11/29/2018
I think this name sounds good, and comes across as cool. Unfortunately, it has been ruined by a stupid cat, and an even worse Youtuber. That's really too bad because the name Felix deserved better than that.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2018
Felix Lee Yongbok is an Australian/Korean rapper, dancer, and singer from the K-pop group Stray Kids. He has a voice lower than is legal for an 18 year old man and is super talented.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Felix who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 896th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/11/2018
Wow.. I'm baffled at all these negative comments. It's a lovely name and has been used much more than just Pewdiepie's name and Felix the Cat! I can bring in an example myself although it may or may not be liked, it depends on the person. From the anime/manga/light novel Re:Zero, there is a character named Felix Argyle (Aka Ferris).
I love the name, and I know that some people are like, "It's just a cat and PewDiePie" but I mean seriously, don't let that ruin the name for you! Also, I was writing a story and Felix gets to marry the princess in the story. I think that "lucky" is a perfect meaning because the Felix in the story is definitely lucky!
Despite all of the negative comments regarding the name, I still think that this is a great name. I like names that contain an “x”, and this name makes me think of a young, energetic, and sports-loving teenager, plus, it means "happy". When I chose my English name, Felix was one of the candidates, but chose Frederic instead. It was also the name of a category 5 hurricane that devastated Central America in 2007.
― Anonymous User 12/5/2017
Felix Cane is an Australian professional dancer and world champion pole dancer. Felix Cane won her first title, Miss Pole Dance Australia 2006 after only eight months of pole dancing. The rules of Miss Pole Dance Australia stipulate a winner cannot enter the year after and Felix was a judge instead for 2007.
Prince Felix of Denmark, Count of Monpezat, is the younger son of Prince Joachim and his former wife, Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg. As of April 2017, Felix is eighth in the line of succession to the Danish throne.
My name is Felix and I love it cause it's so unique. I bet no other person in my city has this name except me. And I do get teased for the "Felix the cat" reference but it's okay, at least my name is represented in something famous and popular, so I don't mind. The most subscribed person on YouTube is PewDiePie a.k.a Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg.
Felix Halfon is an Israeli footballer. In August 2003 Halfon was caught smuggling cocaine in the Ben Gurion International Airport. In 2004 Felix was sentenced for 4.5 years in prison but was released in June 2006 after 2.5 years for good behavior.
I am a female to male transgender individual and even before my transition I'd loved the names Leo and Felix my whole life. When I asked several close friends which name suited me most, all of them said Felix was perfect. I couldn't agree more and I get countless compliments for my name, Felix Emil H. Luckily my generation isn't familiar with Felix the Cat, and those who are only bring it up lightheartedly.
― Anonymous User 8/2/2015
Felix is just an all-around great, masculine, classy, unique, pleasant-sounding name. I have nothing but positive associations (Unger, the Cat, Fix-It, Felix felicis...), yet have never met or heard of a real person with the name.
Ignorance at it's most finest. Felix is a bad name to start with, but it is not unisex. You just gave your daughter a male name!
― Anonymous User 10/11/2014
How do you think names become unisex? There's nothing ignorant about choosing to give your child a name traditionally meant for the opposite gender; it's a choice. Saying "most finest" and "it's" instead of "its" on the other hand...
― Anonymous User 6/13/2015
I really don't like this name. And I must address a comment that really bothers me. Anonymous user on 6/13/2015: I take it that you've never heard of a typo or of autocorrect. I also take it that the reasons for your upvotes was due to other people agreeing that they also like the name and anyone saying otherwise, automatically gets voted down because I guess this name is so cherished. That is something I'll never understand. Also, giving a daughter a name that is clearly a boy's name is very ignorant. It's an ignorant, brainless and obnoxious trend in my country. Clearly that is the U.S. Yes it's a choice, but that choice is an ignorant one. Felix is best on a boy but no matter the gender, Felix, in my opinion is a bad name. I'm just thankful that this name is exceedingly rare where I'm from and the only Felix you're bound to meet are cats (:
― Anonymous User 6/21/2016
I named my daughter Felix June-Olivea. I get complements on how cute her name is everyday. Modern yet old fashioned. It fits her so well. We call her Fí for short. I love her name, best choice I made. My mom hated it, but now she loves telling everyone her granddaughter's name means happy beautiful beginning.
I think this name is great for humans, but it seems to be used primarily for pets, particularly cats. (My grandma had a cat named Felix and my daddy called him "Flea-lix.")
Felix Yusupov, the Russian nobleman who assassinated Rasputin, and Felix Dzerzhinsky, a Russian-Polish Communist and the first head of the Soviet secret police.
My two year old is named Felix :) I have yet to meet anyone else with the name, as it has always been relatively uncommon in the US. Everyone seems to love the name, although I have gotten a few comments from older people about the cat. Nothing bad, just mentioning it. We didn't choose the name to be 'urban hipster', we just liked the name and thought it went well with our other sons' names. Some people like old names, but that doesn mean they're trying to make some big statement when they use them. The name is quirky but can be taken seriously, and would suit a jock as well as a more educationally inclined boy. There is no stereotype for the name. I admit it's not everybody's cup of tea, but if you like it, go for it. If someone doesn't like it, hopefully they have the decency to keep it to themselves.
Ahh I love this name. It's so uncommon, but not unheard of. I think it would suit a person very well, not just a cat. It's a great name for either :) I don't know what it is, but something is just so cool about this name!
Felix is the town saint of Zurich in Switzerland (together with Regula, his sister, and Exuperantius their servant, whose name was added to the two only in the late middle ages). I actually know brother and sister who were baptized Felix and Regula, but that is, I think, a bit too much… Name day is September 11.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet: Felix Leiter is a recurring character in the James Bond books and films. He's a CIA agent and James' friend.
I've never heard of Felix the Cat, whatever that is, and I'm 15. Future parents of baby Felix, rest assured, whatever effect that cat had on the world of names is dying out.
I just adore the name Felix. It is top of my list should I have a 3rd boy. I don't think a cartoon character sharing this name, means it is a bad name choice. I just think whoever named the cat had good taste.
It's one of my new favorite boy names. And for everyone who is picturing a cat, if you actually meet someone named Felix, you won't picture a cat anymore, you'll picture that person. So what's the big deal? It's strong and sexy sounding :)
People don't just like Felix to be "hip" or "urban" or different. I like Felix and my other half loves it, and we have no desire to 'make a statement'; the other names he likes are more in the Megan and Logan vein! I only hope it *does* get more popular, then it might lose the image it seems to have. I find Felix a likeable name for a friendly, lively, smiley boy. And Brangelina can use it a thousand times over, for all I care. If I use it, it'll be because I love it, not because I want to stay one step ahead of the Hollywood crowd.
I love the names Felix and Félix. And I hope that Brangelina never use this name. (They like names ending in 'x' for their boys.) They already ruined the name Vivienne for me, so I hope they never use Felix. Felix is a cute name, very unique, and also strong.
― Anonymous User 8/3/2008
Horrible. What an awful start in life with this name. In the top 100 New Zealand baby names for 2006. Oh why?
― Anonymous User 6/9/2008
"Licks". Yuck. Just another "urban hipster name". Hip parents won't like how popular this one is getting. I have the same feelings on Theodore and Jasper.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2008
Sounds like a name for a cat, and quite old-fashioned. The racist meanie George Felix Allen has utterly ruined this name for me.
This is a perfect name for any boy, although I had a lot of negative comments before I had my son, I still used it. It's not common and hopefully there will not be another one in his class at school.
My 3 year old son is Felix and we get such positive remarks about his name. It's rising in the popularity ranks amongst hip urbanites both here in Sydney and in the UK also I believe. It has risen alongside such names as Hugo and Jasper, so I'd class it in that style of names. We don't mind the cat association as we're mad on cats. It is rarely that someone comments on that aspect. We embrace it, and he has a Felix the Cat plush toy. I like that the cat thing puts some people off using it. Otherwise it'd be in danger of entering the Top 100 I think. A sweet, happy name for my beautiful little boy.
My nephew (3 years old) is called Felix Reuben ***** and I think it's lovely. Nobody I know thinks it's strange. Some people have made references to Felix the Cat but not in a bad way. And I don't think the kids at school are going to tease him about it because they won't know about Felix the Cat. The only downside is not being able to find mugs, key rings, pens etc with this name on them as gifts.
Love, love, love this name! The only drawback is possible teasing about the cat connection. Otherwise it's a handsome name with a cool meaning.
― Anonymous User 6/18/2007
Felix is such a cool name. Sure, my only exposure to the name is through the cat, but that's no more discouraging than Raphael being a cartoon rebel turtle.
I love this name like a brother. It is so cool. Good cat name. I just like it. It's my favorite name of all-time.
― Anonymous User 3/28/2007
I personally don't care for this name, however, I think it makes a terrific name for a cat. (I mean no offense to anyone)
― Anonymous User 2/18/2007
I really like this name. It's sweet & has a great meaning. It's a classic that's due for a revival. My husband has a hard time with the Felix the Cat association as well but I think overall this name is very attractive.
Felix is normally used as a man's name, but I discovered that my great-grandmother Maria was known as Felix Maria on her marriage certificate in 1880. Very strange!
I absolutely love this name. A name from the past and for the future. I understand a few early popes were named this. As far as the old Felix the Cat reference, only baby boomers might have issues with this name. Great name!
Felix King is a character in L.M. Montgomery's 'The Story Girl' and its sequel, 'The Golden Road'. These stories were used for the basis of the TV show 'Road to Avonlea', which also included the character.
I like this name as a short/pet form of other names, like Felicity or Felicia. I think it suits girls as well, and I wouldn't call my son Felix.
― Anonymous User 1/24/2006
Felix is the name of the Danish prince, who is son of prince Joakim and princess Alexandra.
― Anonymous User 1/22/2006
Felix is my father's name, and his mother is called Felicia, the feminine form (they are both Italian). Judging by the number of people who say that they would only give this name to a cat, the name is more popular in Italy than it is here in the UK.
Felix is the name of a food product company in Sweden. It had never occured to me that this could be a problem, but then I got to know a boy named Felix, and he actually got teased for Felix Ketchup! Children can be so horrible, they will always find a way to tease if they want to. I think it is a lovely name regardless.