The continent was named after the mythological character. Pronounced YOO-rup or uh-ROH-peh.
― Anonymous User 7/8/2013
Europe derives from the Greek word (mythology): ΕΥΡΩΠΗ. This name itself has the following two Greek components: ΕΥΡΕΙΑ-ΟΠΗ > ΕΥΡΕΙΑ-ΟΨΗ = wide-face, sight, indicating the moon.
It's just a mythological character. No normal person would use it for a child so there is no need to note how weird it would be as a name.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2011
I don't like this name, but it's so much better then America (yet worse than Asia).
― Anonymous User 12/24/2009
To the person who said 'it's ridiculous to name your kid after a continent,' this is just a form of the name Europa, and it has little or nothing to do with the continent. Personally, I like this name, but I think Europa's slightly better.
― Anonymous User 12/22/2009
Europe (the continent) is called Europa in many languages.
― Anonymous User 1/7/2010
No way. Why would you name your kid after a continent? Even worse, given Europe's grim history and current political situation, it sounds awful as a name.