Gender Feminine
Usage English
Meaning & History
Diminutive of Dorothy.
Related Names
Other Languages & CulturesDorothea(Ancient Greek) Doroteya, Dora(Bulgarian) Dorotea, Doroteja, Dora, Tea(Croatian) Dorota(Czech) Dorte, Dorthe, Dorthea, Ditte, Dorete, Dorit, Dorrit(Danish) Dorothea, Dora(Dutch) Tiia, Tiiu(Estonian) Tea, Teija, Tiia(Finnish) Dorothée, Théa(French) Dorinda(Galician) Dorothea, Dorothee, Dora, Thea(German) Dorottya, Dóra, Dorina, Dorka(Hungarian) Dorotea, Dora, Doretta(Italian) Dārta, Dace(Latvian) Dorotėja, Urtė(Lithuanian) Dörthe(Low German) Doroteja(Macedonian) Dorthea(Norwegian) Dorota, Dosia(Polish) Doroteia, Dora(Portuguese) Dorotéia(Portuguese (Brazilian)) Doroteja, Dora(Serbian) Dorota(Slovak) Doroteja, Tea, Teja(Slovene) Dorotea, Dora, Dorita(Spanish) Dorotea, Thea(Swedish)
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A Bug's Life characters, American Horror Story characters, Animaniacs characters, arm wrestlers, Attack on Titan characters, aviation, Baskin-Robbins flavors, cartoon characters, Charles Dickens characters, currently out of the US top 1000, diminutives, Disney characters, English nouns, English verbs, isograms, Marvel characters, one syllable, Oz characters, play titles, Shadowhunters characters, The Flight Attendant characters, word names