Wow, you guys almost killed this name just because it's the name of a holiday! I looked at the name Easter, and there were so many good comments! So why not for Christmas, either? I love it, and I think that Christy or Chris would be great nicknames.
I agree noisynora! I really like it, and it could work on either gender. What if this was your first name, and you had a casual middle name? For example: Christmas Anna? I think it would be cool and funny! If this is your name, and you get bullied, stand up to it, for example say: "Well I like it!" And walk off and ignore the bully! The other names similar to Christmas names, like Fern and Holly, are also really pretty!
Update: I changed my mind. This isn't a "Christmas Name", and neither are Fern, Holly, Noel/Noelle, Belle, and Christine/Christina. Anyone could use these!
I don’t really like it. Kinda ridiculous. If you have a Christmas baby or whatever I honestly think all of these are better than the name Christmas itself: - Holly (Means “holly tree” or “tree with red berries” - Faith (Means “to trust” and used to represent god's faith) - Solstice (Means “when the sun stands still” like the Winter Solstice.) - Belle (Means “beautiful” in French. And you know, Christmas bells.) - Noelle (Literally means “Christmas”) - Christina (This means “follower of Christ.”)I’ll let you be the judge on if you prefer Christmas over these names.
Not gonna use it as a given name for someone, but we all nevertheless love the holiday itself. If you think I'm being a Grinch for being critical of Christmas as someone's first name or surname, I'm fine with that.
While it does sound, in a way, pretty, I imagine the bearer of this name would often be teased or insulted. There are plenty of names that are equivalent in meaning to Christmas.I would consider naming my child, if I were to have one, Christmas. I probably wouldn’t name it that, but it would definitely be a possibility.
I think that it's the most beautiful name ever. This is on the top 5 list for me to name my child. I don't know. The name Christmas is just the best ever!
― Anonymous User 11/14/2018
I would say Christmas is a strange name for a child, but that doesn't mean it should be criticized. What if the child was born on Christmas. That would make sense for a mother to name her child Christmas.
― Anonymous User 11/16/2017
I don't know why I'm even surprised that Christmas is on here. People have named their kids worse names.
Well, I've been reading all your comments and it's OK that some people are in agreement with the name Christmas and others just don't like it. I want to say that my first name is Christmas. I love my name and every person that I meet says it's a beautiful name. My nickname is Xmas and I really like it. Some friends called me Chris and also love it. My dad gave me that beautiful name. He wrote a song about me and my name. My family is so happy to have Christmas all around the year :) I never felt weird about my name, instead I always feel special ☺.
Wow, I never knew this could be used as a name. I guess you do learn something new everyday. I love the holiday ☺, but as a name...? I mean I get the appeal however I just don't think it works. Christopher for a boy and Christabel and Chrissy for a girl are great names. Christmas would be a good name for a character in a book or something though. (^^)b.
― Anonymous User 7/5/2014
There are actually two girls on Facebook called this. I was surprised since I've never heard of it. It's the rarest name I've seen so far.No offense, but if I were to choose Christmas... Well, I wouldn't. Why not stick with Christine/Christina or the many variants? Christmas doesn't sound like a name.
I'd prefer Noel (pronounced NO-el) for a boy, Natalie or Noelle (no-ELL) for a girl. They're less obvious, and wouldn't lead to so many jokes at Christmastime.And by the way, I never heard of it meaning "Christ festival". My father told me it's a shortening of "Christ's Mass".
More suitable for a girl than a boy, and I really can't see it on anyone of the age of 10. It has a pretty sound, and if it wasn't the holiday I would consider using it possibly.
I know someone who told me his grandmother's last name was Christmas so her parents named her "Mary." Get it? Mary Christmas. That that's kind of cute, but I'd heistate making Christmas a child's first name. Maybe a middle name if the child was born on Christmas day.
Just odd. And even odder on a girl. But it does sound nice even with so many consonants and would be nice for a character.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2010
Why would you choose the name Christmas? If you really needed to have a Christmas themed name why not choose something like Holly, Noel or Ivy? I guess a good nickname would be Chrissy but I wouldn't ever use this name.
To the person who said Christmas was the disease the last tsarevich had so many people above me, what the heck? No. He had hemophilia (or haemophilia, if you're British). Christmas is not the name of a disease as far as I know (and since I work in the medical profession, I have a pretty good idea), unless you count the rampant commercialism and obnoxiously early advertising of the holiday as a disease.
I guess the sound isn't that bad, but all I can think of is the holiday. To me this name is highly inappropriate for a child born on any day other than December 25.
On one of the James Bond films, I forget which, there is a girl/woman called Christmas Jones. I forgot who plays her as well - I don't have the greatest attention span when it comes to Bond movies.
I think Christmas is a very pretty middle name for a child born around the holiday. I don't understand why so many people find it weird. I mean there are also girls called Summer and the name doesn't sound weird in winter. She could go by Christie or Chrissy in case she didn't like Christmas.
It sounds weird at any time of the year, during Christmas and in the middle of July. It makes no difference. Besides, this name sounds like the type of name the sort of Christian wackos who religiously watch Fox News and believe there really IS a war on Christmas would choose for their daughter.
On "Three's Company", Suzanne Sommers character bore this name. On a espiode, she revealed her full name was Christmas Snow, however, she went by Chrissy of which she is better known.
I really don't like the idea of naming your kid after a holiday. And, like during the summer, and other months where Christmas is a long ways away, their name will just sound weird. During Decemeber and the other Christmas months it would be cute, but otherwise, *gag*. Plus, what about all the adults and people complaining about how much stress Christmas causes? Then it sounds as if the child causes stress! Cute idea for a story, however, but not for a kid.
I once used this in a story I wrote about a girl who was born on Christmas Eve, therefore her name was such. I never thought that it would be considered foremost as a masculine name.
If you gave your kid this name it would suffer a life of torment. Just think of Shannyn Sossmon naming her little boy 'Audio Silence'. Christmas would be WAY worse!
Most Christians (and others) celebrate Christmas on December 25. However, most Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7, according to the "old calendar."