I adore the name Calista; it's my name as well. However, I spell it with a 'Y', so it appears as Calysta, but you say it the same. I enjoy being called Lyst or Callie.
I love it, but Calista is common amongst young girls where I live. I know about 8 girls with this name and one of them uses the spelling "Callysta", but they are pronounced the same way.
The name Calista isn't that exotic. I DO NOT PREFER THIS NAME AT ALL FOR ANY CHILD. I 100% CHOOSE JAYLEE FOR A BEAUTIFUL GIRL NAME! That is exotic and beautiful.
― Anonymous User 5/18/2021
Oh my gosh this name is blessed with beauty! Thank your mom a thousand times if your name is Calista! Such a wonderful, gorgeous name anyone could have!
Hello everyone! Does this name have a Russian version? I have come across Calissa, Kalissa, Callista, Calista, Kallista, Kalista, Callissta, Kallissta, Calina. Please let me know! Thank you!
My stepdaughter's name is Calista and she got her name from her mother's middle name and she got it from her great aunt. Her great aunt was Irish and was named Calista. My stepdaughter is the most amazing 20 year old young lady that I know.
― Anonymous User 4/7/2018
My name is Kalysta. My parents wanted my name to be even more unique so they spelled it with a K and a Y. I pronounce it as cuh-lis-tuh.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2018
My name is Calista. I'm 17 years old now and everyone calls me Cali and CJ (because my middle name stars with a J). I love my name and anyone else with the same name has to be pretty awesome.
My Name is Calista. My parents gave me this in name 1963. It is a very rare girl's name. The nickname every one called me was Calie. Now I'm 54 years old but the name sound is still young & sweet, a match for any age. I am very proud to own such a beautiful name.
Calista is a lovely name. I've never known of anyone with this name, but when I picture someone named Calista, I think of a beautiful, elegant, sophisticated girl. Calista sounds appropriate on a young child, an adult, and even an older woman. I can't believe that it's so uncommon!
I named my oldest daughter Clista, to be a little more different. Being that it is a name that you rarely hear now, we spelled it without the first A which I now regret. I think it looks better with the A after the C. Being that the C already has the CA sound without the A, I figured it would be assumed. But no, I get asked all the time on how to pronounce her name. It was my first child. I was still young myself and we gave her a name that is longer than the alphabet already. We've always told her she had a princess name. Her name is 28 letters long, longer than the alphabet and a reflection of her ethnicity which is Greek and Irish. I know no one in the world will ever have her name unless someone uses her name or steals it and names their baby the same, which I've had happened to one of my favorite names.
Blessed with a little girl, we wanted to name her "Callie" (rhymes with Sally). However, we decided that Calista looked more professional on a resume. Also, we live right next to California, so it's probable that she may live in "Cali" someday. So, Calista it was. At home it's always been "Callie", but at school it's Calista (in her own 7yo words) "Because everyone says Calista is so beautiful!". We chose this spelling of the name because it is most popular spelling and the name is most commonly associated with actress Calista Flockhart.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2015
I love this name and I love the nickname Calla! This name is so unique without being obnoxious.
When I was younger and Ally McBeal was on, my sister and I always saw Calista's name in the credits. I grew up thinking that it was pronounced ca-LEES-ta instead of ca-LIS-ta. Now that I've learned the "proper" way to pronounce it, I don't like it as much. I think. I don't know. I keep going between liking it and not liking it. It's okay, I suppose. Lol.
I think this name is very, very beautiful on a girl. I also love the nickname Calie, and the one 'l' spelling. My twin girls are going to be named Delaney and Calista.
My daughter is Callista. We spelled it this way because her given nickame is Callie. I regret not spelling it the traditonal way with just 1 L. Everyone, and I mean, everyone loves this name. It was hard to find a name for her sister when she was born, because nothing can stand up to the beauty of Callista. But, Sienna was born and I think they go well!