Also Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Slovenian, Greek, Romanian and Lithuanian.
My real name, my mother decided to use it after watching TV and seeing a smart kid with this name.
I think Bruno is a strong, handsome name.
In Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Let’s Go Pikachu!, & Let’s Go Eevee!, Bruno is the name of a member of the Elite Four. He utilizes Fighting-type Pokémon.
Also Romansh:
Source: "Vornamen in der Schweiz. Prénoms en Suisse. I nomi in Svizzera. Prenoms in Svizra" (1993) published by the Association of Swiss registrars
This name is so ugly.
Also used in Albanian:
I love the song "We don't talk about Bruno". The 2 things that come to mind when I think of this name are the song and Bruno Mars. This name is cool!
This name is good but when everyone hear this name they will be like; WE DON'T TALK ABOUT BRUNONONONONONO.
We don't talk about Bruno! Silencio Bruno! :)
Bruno is my cat's name. It suits him well as he's a distinguished gentleman of a tuxedo cat. He's not named after Bruno Mars or the Disney character, but it's a perfect name for him. Bruno gives very strong and gentlemanly energy.
It's a cool, strong and handsome name 🤩.
Bruno Madrigal is the reclusive uncle of Mirabel in the Disney animated movie Encanto. As a Madrigal, Bruno possesses a magical gift; in his case it is the ability to tell prophecies. Other people struggle to completely understand his gift, and see him as a harbinger of doom, as some of his predictions are unpleasant. These factors have made him an outcast within the community.
Bruno Anthony, played by Robert Walker, was one of the main characters in Alfred Hitchcock's 1951 thriller Strangers on a Train.
Mama Bruno, my beloved.
Bruno is a name of German origin. Its meaning is derived from the German word ‘braun’ meaning brown and armour. Monks and saints were named Bruno in the Middle Ages including Giordano Bruno. The name spread around the world to South Africa, South America, Canada, the USA, Central America, and Oceania. It’s a name with international appeal. Search Bruno on LinkedIn and you will find scientists, engineers, architects, and artists all called Bruno. Many have dark hair and brown eyes – but there are also Brunos with blonde hair and blue eyes – and even redheads called Bruno. The name Bruno is soft and sweet but also powerful. The former minister of health in the Netherlands was called Bruno Bruins.
Bruno is the name of a character from the VOCALOID3 software. He was one of the first Spanish vocals to be released for the software.
Silencio Bruno.
Also Ligurian:
Typical pet name. My aunt had a dog named Bruno.
Bruno honestly sounds like a good cat name.
It is funny that the previous comment mentions this as a good cat name because my older sister has a black cat that goes by Bruno. Small world isn't it.
Also Estonian:
Bruno is a great name. Who is Bruno Mars, I've really never heard of him.
Sounds pretty cool on a boy, but it's too associated with Bruno Mars.
Bruno Neri (12 October 1910 – 10 July 1944) was an Italian footballer who played as a midfielder, and a World War II partisan. In 1940, Neri began combining his playing career with anti-fascist activities; he was killed in an ambush by German troops on 10 July 1944.
Bruno Munari (October 24, 1907 in Milan – September 30, 1998 in Milan) was an Italian artist, designer, and inventor who contributed fundamentals to many fields of visual arts (painting, sculpture, film, industrial design, graphic design) in modernism, futurism, and concrete art, and in non-visual arts (literature, poetry) with his research on games, didactic method, movement, tactile learning, kinesthetic learning, and creativity.
Bruno Giacomelli (born 10 September 1952) is a retired racing driver from Italy. He won one of the two 1976 British Formula 3 Championships and the 1978 Formula Two championship. He participated in 82 Formula One Grands Prix, competing for the first time on 11 September 1977. He achieved 1 podium, and scored a total of 14 championship points.
Bruno de Finetti (13 June 1906 – 20 July 1985) was an Italian probabilist statistician and actuary, noted for the "operational subjective" conception of probability. The classic exposition of his distinctive theory is the 1937 "La prévision: ses lois logiques, ses sources subjectives," which discussed probability founded on the coherence of betting odds and the consequences of exchangeability.
Bruno Bozzetto (born 3 March 1938 in Milan, Italy) is an Italian cartoon animator, creator of many short pieces, mainly of a political or satirical nature. He created his first animated short "Tapum! The weapons' story" in 1958 at the age of 20. His most famous character, a hapless little man named "Signor Rossi" (Mr. Rossi), has been featured in many animated shorts as well as starring in three feature films: Mr. Rossi Looks for Happiness (1976), Mr. Rossi's Dreams (1977), and Mr. Rossi's Vacation (1977).
Bruno Zevi (22 January 1918 – 9 January 2000) was an Italian architect, historian, professor, curator, author, and editor. Zevi was a vocal critic of "classicizing" modern architecture and postmodernism.
Bruno Bucciarati is a main character in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo.
Love it! The name of a mature and caring man.
BROO-no in English.
I like it! It sounds cute on a boy, and quite masculine on a man.
Too macho.
I can't say that I really like this name, but
I can't say that I dislike it either. It is okay, just nothing too special without it being offensive.
My cousin’s name is Bruno and he really likes his name. I suppose in light of his positive nature, I tend to see this name with a favorable bias. A good name overall. :)
Also Czech:
This name sounds very good from my personal point of view. It is a name that can cross cultures and offers a unique form of variety in a classroom filled with Liams, Noahs, Jacobs and Jaidens. The meaning could also go well for a child who has dark to light brown hair.
Bruno Senna, Brazilian racing driver and nephew of F1 legend Ayrton Senna.
Has anyone else noticed that all the Bruno's in these comments are friendly, successful, or something else positive?
My dog's name is Bruno, and he's pretty much the incarnation of kindness.
Bruno the Monkey from the 2007 Canadian animated children's television series, Bruno and the Banana Bunch.
Bruno Meyer is a Swiss religious leader, founder of the Menorah church, a small fundamentalist Christian, evangelist congregation based in Wetzikon, canton of Zürich. He was convicted for rape and child sexual abuse in two cases in 2010.
I am sorry, but when I hear or read Bruno I must always think of the name of a dog, even though I know someone with this name.
Bruno Amoroso was a Danish/Italian economist, author, and Emeritus Professor of Economics at the Department of Society and Globalization of the Roskilde University. He was internationally best known for his work on globalisation.
Bruno (953-?) was the son of Holy Roman Emperor Otto I and his wife Adelheid.
Bruno von Egisheim-Dagsburg was the birthname of Pope Leo IX (Pontificate between 1049-1054).
Bruno of Carinthia was the birthname of Pope Gregory V (Pontificate between 996-999).
I can't help but like this name. Masculine, classic, and there's something rather sensuous about it.
I really hate this name. It makes me think of Bruno Mars, who I also hate. If I could strangle a song it would be his song Grenade. So yeah, I probably won't ever use this name.
Why hate on Bruno Mars? That was rude an unnecessary. Besides, his real name is Peter Hernandez. He adopted the name Bruno after a wrestler.
It's also used in Poland and pronounced BROO-naw here.
In 2009, Bruno was on rank 112 of the most popular boys' names in Germany. Still many people seem to consider it rather old-fashioned. Personally, I have yet to meet a Bruno who is younger than 50.
Bruno Mars: a singer.
I would never name my kid Bruno. I associate the name with density and stupidity.
Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson and her late husband, journalist John Diamond, have a son called Bruno Paul.
Also used as a boys name in Croatia. [noted -ed]
I love this name, but unfortunately I can't use it because of that movie with Sacha Baron Cohen.
Brüno is a character played by Sacha Baron Cohen on Da Ali G Show and in the movie Brüno. He is a flamboyantly gay Austrian fashion television host.
Bruno is the main character in the book and film "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas", set in wartime Germany.
This is a Polish variant, too.
Bruno was the 9th most popular name in Rome in 1936 and the 4th in 1941 behind Franco, Roberto and Mario.
French singer and songwriter Bruno Caliciuri goes by the name "Cali" on his albums.
Has also been used for boys in Slovenia.
I'm named Bruno and live in Brazil. What I can say about this name? Every year I had to study with at least one Bruno, since it is so common here. :P
This is the name of a dog on Cinderella. Remember the dog who dreamed about catching that evil step-mother's cat? He was also turned into the driver of Cinderella's pumpkin carriage.
Bruno Pelletier is a French-Canadian pop star, having been in the French language musical 'Notre Dame de Paris'.
My husband's middle name is Bruno. It gives ethnicity to his name. It's a fun and strong middle name. In high school his friends called him Bruno. Kinda unique, huh?
BRUNO is an awesome name! I know this little boy with this name. He's so cute! But anyway, this name is awesome, but it depends on how you think of it as an adult name. Hmmm...
Bruno Schulz - "Cinamon Shops" fantastic literature, fantastic writer.

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