Brianna is a pretty name! I like Briana better though. I can picture a grandmother named Brianna. I’m not a huge fan of Bri, but that’s just my opinion. I pronounce it “Bree-ah-nuh”.
I have always loved this name, but I couldn’t use it for a potential child (it’s my cousin’s birth name). I much prefer the “Bree-AN-uh” pronunciation to any of the others! I’ve known countless people with this name (which many different spellings and pronunciations). For those considering the name Brianna, don’t skip it!
My name is Brianna pronounced BREE-ANN-UH and I adore my name. Though almost everyone I meet pronounces it BREE-AW-NUH and I HATE THAT. You see if my name was pronounced like that I would probably change it but the way it's actually pronounced is just *chef's kiss. Also why y'all hate Brianna so much? It's much better than Olivia, Ava, and lots of the other popular ones.
I know a few people who named their kids this. I can't seem to like it. It sounds a little tacky to me. I also think it sounds childish and can't imagine a mature adult with it.
― Anonymous User 10/30/2021
Brianna is a really cool name. I know a Brianna who goes by Bri, which is a really cute nickname.
Brianna is practically the Angela or Lisa for my parents' generation. I’ve met a lot personally. Either it’s their first name, spelled different, or their middle name. I prefer the BREE-ah-nah pronunciation, but either one is fine I suppose. As far as the name itself, the meaning is good. I think it’s okay but a little overrated. I do like the spelling though. I would rate the name a 6/10. No strong feelings really.
Woah... I didn't know this name was so overused and common I only know one Brianna and WOW so many people hate this name. In my opinion it's a beautiful name.
― Anonymous User 2/16/2021
My sister in law has this name and loves it. She says she does get called “Bree -Awn-ah” and “Bree-Anna” as well as “Bree”. She likes all of them which is all that matters. Of course if you don’t want your daughters’ name shortened or pronounced a couple ways, it could be an issue. I like this name as it is very elegant, but personally I’m not a huge fan of the shortened “Bree”.
Beautiful! Yes, I can imagine a grandmother with this name, the oldest Brianna I know is 39 and it fits her just fine. Brianna is a smart sounding name in my opinion, and I like how natural it sounds.
My name is Brianna and I hate it. I agree that it is horribly overused and common among my demographic (I'm 23). With that being said however, I don't see how it is a "childish" name. Depending on the pronunciation, it can be fairly eloquent. To be honest, I think it is a pretty name, just too common for my tastes. I haven't come across too many other Brianna's now as an adult, but as a kid I was hardly ever the only Brianna and that was annoying. Would I change my name if it didn't cost so much? Yes I would, but I'm not going to tell other parents not to name their daughters that just because I don't like it myself.
All you haters out there back off- I think Brianna is a beautiful name. One of my best friends' name is Brianna and I think it’s amazing and that’s a FACT :) And if you think it is babyish look in the mirror and then you will see something that IS BABYISH.
BRIANNA IS A PRETTY NAME! One of my best friends is named Brianna, and she’s the only Brianna I’ve ever met. The name might be slightly overused (mine is too, being Aria) but I just call her Bri or BriBri. My other best friend and I nicknamed her Brie Cheese and it’s kinda funny and she likes it. WHY IS EVERYONE HATING ON IT THOUGH? I don’t get some people! The spelling Brianna is beautiful in my opinion so just stop writing super negative comments about it.
In the "Outlander" novels and television show, Brianna is the daughter of Jamie and Claire Fraser. She was named for Jamie's father, Brian.
― Anonymous User 2/1/2019
A feminine form of the Irish name "Brian", meaning "high", "noble", or "strong". It was occasionally used in England from about the 16th century and on, and has recently gained popularity (especially in the United States) in the late 20th century.
In 2018, 10 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Brianna who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 249th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2018
This name is way overused; I know practically fifty Briannas or Brianas. It's not even a very pretty name, it sounds too much like Brian which I've never liked either.
― Anonymous User 10/7/2018
My name is Brianna and I have a lot of nicknames (use them if you will). The names are: Bri, Bribri, and Britard! They are amazing I know! :)
― Anonymous User 5/23/2018
The name Brianna is a great name to have, even if most people pronounce it wrong! But all in all I love my name!
I think the name conjures up images of a very beautiful girl. If I ever had a girl, I wouldn't have thought twice about using this name! I honestly do not get the male name Brian out of it because it's pronounced differently and sounds sooo pretty! I prefer the Brianna spelling.
My name is also Brianna. I pronounce it, "Bree-awn-uh". I don't like my name either, it's so overused, plain, immature sounding and no one ever pronounces it correctly. People usually say, "Bry-ah-nuh" instead of the correct way.
My name is Brianna. Bri-Ann-Ah. How it's spelled. I hate it. No one calls me that. I go by Bri or Breezy or anything else. No one remembers it's Bri-Ann-Ah. I wish I had a different name. I really thought about actually changing my name because I agree that it doesn't sound like a mature woman's name.
Brianna Kahane is an American child prodigy violinist who has played since she was three and has been performing at concerts since she was six. Brianna has been featured on talk shows such as Ellen and Oprah. She has been acclaimed by President Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey.
Brianna Brown is an American actress and producer, known for her television roles as Lisa Niles in the ABC daytime soap opera General Hospital, and as Taylor Stappord in the Lifetime primetime dramedy Devious Maids.
Brianna Caitlin Hildebrand is an American actress. She is known for appearing in the web series Annie Undocumented, and as Negasonic Teenage Warhead in the 2016 film Deadpool, her feature film debut.
I hate this name. It's so trashy, tacky and overused. Plus, can you imagine a grandma with this name?
― Anonymous User 6/29/2016
This is the best name that a person could ever have in the whole universe. If your name is Brianna, it means that you are beautiful and will succeed in life!
My good friend is named Brianna. Her mom pronounces it Bri-AWHN-a, but my grandma and most other people pronounce it Bri-ANN-a. I have always called her Bri-AWHN-a. I think this is a very pretty name, though a bit too common for my taste (but then again, my name is Sophia, which has been quite common these days).
My name is Breawna and I like my name. I used to be annoyed by how people said and pronounced my name though. My mom's name is Beth and her middle name is Ann so people call her Beth Ann which my mom hated. She named me Breawna (Bree-Awn-A) since she didn't want people calling me Briana (Bri-An-A) since it sounds like Beth Ann. I go by the name of Bree though since it was easier for people to spell and say. Sometime around the end of fifth grade I started calling myself Bree and writing it on my papers and I only write Breawna on official or important papers. Many people say that the name Breawna is hideous and ugly which it really isn't. Breawna is a wonderful meaning with a great meaning behind it, Strong One. I will admit that Breawna is pretty popular though. Breawna is an amazing name, but I'll still respect other people's opinions about it. Just don't dismiss a name until you give it a chance.
I've never been able to stand this name and its 101 different spellings. There was a point where it seemed like every tenth girl was being named Brianna, Breonna, Briauna, Bryannah, BreeAnna, etc. I'm glad it's finally started to slip in popularity. It just seems so empty and vapid.
O.M.G! I can not express to you how many Brianna's I've met throughout my life who have the name Brianna. I've met at least five of them and that's only the ones I remember from recent memory. Who knows how many people I've forgot about who had this name. Overall, I think the name is cute up until a certain age, and then it gets kinda childish. Like can't you imagine when all these girls are in their 40's and beyond and their name is Brianna? Plus, if the parents do name their kids Brianna, I think you should stick to the original spelling. Naming your kid Brionna or Brieana, or something crazy like that isn't really called for. Just keep it simple.
My mom gave me this name in the early 90s. It wasn't until I was in high school that this name hit the top 20 baby girl names and became trendy. I do not like my name at all. It's just spelled ugly, to me. My name is Brianna Shanice and it is B.S. I was always the only Brianna in class and my name was usually mispronounced. I'm a Bree-aw-nuh. In high school, I would change the spelling of my name to Breanna. I think it looks better, much prettier. In college, I was a Bree. Now that I'm older, I go by Anna. My name is just not very feminine to me. The spelling makes it seem super masculine. My initials are B.S. My middle name paired with it is tacky. I don't know what my mom was thinking, but she says it was the most beautiful name she had ever heard as a kid. Perception is everything, I guess.
My dd's name is Brianna. We pronounce it bree ann a. She is as strong in character as her namesake suggests. It is a beautiful name that is not common for us and she answers to Bri (Bree) and yes we have had the cheese jokes, and she gets banana from her little brother. When asked her name she always answers in full of Brianna. As to finding a middle name this was quite easy and she has two which flow very nicely with the one directly after her name being Ilanna. Some comments about the name being ugly are untrue it is truly a beautiful name and as she gets older it will continue to be even when she is 40/50 or older. It is a strong name for a confident, self assured person as my daughter is even at 5.
― Anonymous User 1/1/2016
I go by Bri because I actually don't like the name my mother gave.
― Anonymous User 12/28/2015
I love this name. It is not my favorite name in the world, but I certainly wouldn't tell you not to use it! I love this name because it's the name Anna with Bri in front of it. I just don't like how common it is. Other than that, I love this name!
This name sounds absoloutley beautiful! It's so pretty and trendy and in England it's not too overused. Very sweet, girly and elegant.
― Anonymous User 9/12/2015
Pronounced "bree-anna".
― Anonymous User 9/12/2015
My name is Brianna, and although I don't love it, I like it enough and I probably wouldn't ever change it. I pronounce it Bree-on-a, but I have never met another person who pronounces their name the same way. I like that the name means, 'Strong One' and to me it's a pretty strong- sounding name.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2015
I named my daughter Briana back in 1988 because I was tired of the two names Erica and Bianca which were very popular back then. I thought of Briana off the top of my head and thought it was different and beautiful, and still do! Love that name!
My name is Brianna. I've never really cared for my name because of all the spellings and pronunciations that can come out from it. People would always ask me how to pronounce my name, and I would tell them (it's pronounced Bri-awn-a). Even though I would tell them, it would still be pronounced incorrectly most of the time, which I don't get angry at them specifically over, it's just frustrating as a whole having a name that has so many other pronunciations. I eventually started saying I didn't care how it was pronounced when people asked. My youth minister made a joke out of that (there already being two other Brianna's in the room) and pronouncing it like Bri-anna-awna. A lot of my friends do call me Bree. At times I've felt like I really want to change my name (my parents even said I could if I wanted to, I have the same problem with my middle name), but I doubt I would. I think that it can sound like a very pretty name, but I get so upset sometimes that I have a name that has this much controversy over it.
I used to wish I had a different name, but the older I get the more I like it. I'm pretty surprised at how many people said they think the name Brianna is ugly! I think the name sounds elegant and feminine, but I also understand the comment about how the name might not age well because there aren't many older Brianna's since the name is more recent. My name is Brianna Frances Harley and I don't think that sounds too teeny-bopperish. I pronounce it Bree-ann-a and most people either call me Bree or Breezy (my childhood nickname- family still calls me this and my friends caught on, but I don't use it myself.) I introduce myself only as Brianna. I think the name had it's time where it was very overused, but it is less commonly used now and I don't know many other Brianna's. If you were to name your baby Brianna now, it would be a relatively unique name I think (unlike something like Ava or Mia.)
Brianna Brown (born 1979 in St. Paul, Minnesota) is an American actress.
― Anonymous User 7/25/2012
In Europe, Brianna is pronounced "bree-ah-nuh," not "bree-awn-uh." There is an emphasis on the vowel sound "ah" and a short space between said "ah" and the "nuh." The vowel sounds "ah" and "aw" are two very different sounds, and are not to be confused.My name is Brianna, I'm a 90's baby, and we pronounce it "bree-ann-uh." I'm bothered when people call me "bree-awn-uh" (once, someone even pronounced it "bri-ann-uh," like "bri" as in "Brian"), but I'm okay with "bree-ah-nuh." As for nicknames, I've always had a strong dislike for them, so anything like "Bria," "Bree-Bree," "Bre/Bri," etc. are out. When I was little, my mum called me "B-boo," but has stopped for obvious reasons. One of my friends and my grandma sometimes call me "B-chan" ("chan" as in reference to the cutesy Japanese suffix for girls). A handful of close family members call me just "B," and my French teacher calls me "Brianne" (pronounced "bree-ah-n," not "bree-awn"!), but to everyone else, I will forever and always be just Brianna. The people who even have little nicknames/pet names for me rarely even use them. "Brianna" is who I am and what I will be called.To anyone considering naming their child Brianna (however you're willing to pronounce it), I strongly advise laying low on the nicknames (preferably none) and sticking with the original spelling (Brianna, not Breana, Bryanna, Bryona, etc.). The name in its original state and spelling is to be cherished and enjoyed for what it is; it's a simple enough name that sounds intelligent, refined, yet youthful all at the same time, so why change it in the first place?
Every other girl seems to be named Brianna nowadays, if they are not part of the ridiculous Jaylyn/Jaycee/Kadyn/Etc wave. I find it very unimaginative and harsh when said. To be honest, I get grumbled at daily be different people bearing the name; some prefer Bree-On-Uh, others: Bree-ANN-Uh. I simply can't win. My view stands for the name Ryanne, as well, and other names derived (made-up!) from strictly male titles.
This names is very rare in Ireland. I have heard it a few times here but always pronounced Br-eye-nah.
― Anonymous User 7/10/2010
I think this name always sounded cool, despite the fact that it was the name of a catty bully I knew in high school. Which means I really must like it. Bree sounds awesome if you have a multi syllable last name.
This is, unfortunately, my name (pronounced Bree-ON-ah). I don't really like it all that much because it just seems like a really snobby and sloppy name and it doesn't really match my personality at all. That's why I mostly just go by Bri.
I have to disagree with most of you. I think that is just a straight-out ugly sounding name. Just say it, Bree-Anna. They're 2 ugly sounding names put into one really ugly sounding name. I think it is one of those names that if somebody I know considers naming their child that, I'll tell them not to.
Eh, Sort of pretty, but not my favorite. I don't like the nickname Bri as in Brie Cheese (french cheese)! I can't stand the name Bri! It should be pronounced Br-ih.
I quite like the sound of this name, whether it's pronounced Bree-an-a or Brie-an-a. However, there are so many different ways of spelling it that I wouldn't know which one to choose!
― Anonymous User 12/11/2008
This name is so dreadfully boring that it makes me want to sleep (PERMANENTLY, AS IN DEATH) every time I say it.
Brianna is my daughter's name. I was expecting a boy, but she turned out to be a girl. I also delivered her at home, she was in a hurry to come out. I had no names picked for either. I asked the group of first responders if anyone had a name? A fireman suggested Brianna-so be it. Her middle name is Clarice. I think it flows and sound great together, especilly with her last name. I pronounce it BREE-ANN-ah, or the way it is spelled and pronounced-Anna not ahna or ana. Get it right people.
My name is Brianna and I love it. My middle name is Marie and I love how it flows really well together. I also go by the nickname of Bri (br-ee). I personally hate it when people pronounce it bri-ann-a and not bri-onn-a because I feel like they are getting my name wrong completly.
Sorry to all Briannas, but I really do not like this name. The name sounds right for teenage girls but I just can not imagine someone in her 40's, 50's and on bearing this name! It is silly to associate a name with certain age group. But this was my first thought when I heard the name for the first time.
This is my name, but everyone always pronounces it Bri-ONA or they try to spell it Breanna. I really dislike when that happens. But anyways, my nicknames include Nana, Nanners, Bri, and Banana. I recommend those if you have a baby girl named Brianna.
You'll hate me for saying this, but this name looks like a clear sign of utter lack of imagination and innovation on the parents' side. The name is boring, bland, and common, and sounds like it's been lazily constructed from Brian. It may be a matter of getting used to, but the name also seems quite youthful, and thus not something that sounds mature and sophisticated on a woman.
Brianna Corrigan one of the females who used to sing with the band called Beautiful South. She sung a duet which was their biggest hit "A Little Time".
As a response to the person above, this is spelled either way. It can be pronounced Bree-AW-na, but I think it is usually pronounced Bree-ANN-a. I always thought that Briana was Bree-AW-na and Brianna was Bree-ANN-a. That was before I saw all those OTHER spellings, most of which I hate. Bryonna? How about not?
I guess this name is okay, but I'm really confused with the pronunciation. Some people pronounce it BREE - AW - NUH, while others pronounce it BREE - ANN - AA. The variant `Breanna` is definitely pronounced BREE - ANN - AA, so is this BREE - AW - NUH? Now I'm really confused. I think `Brianna` is tons prettier than `Breanna`, but `Breanna` is way easier to pronounce than `Brianna`.
This is my name so I have to like it! :-D My really good friends call me Bri, but I know that I am really Brianna, so I love both Bri and Brianna. Also, when I was a lot younger, about five, whenever someone pronounced it Bri-on-a I got really mad, though I probably didn't do anything because I was VERY quiet. Still, now I like both pronunciations, though I have to go with Bri-ann-a because that's how I pronounce it.
This is a favorite name of my parents', and I had a friend with this name so I like it a lot. It's very pretty and feminine, but also strong sounding. I always pronounce it 'bree-ah-nah', though; that was how my friend said her name too.
Knew one girl named Brianna and that turned me totally off this name. If I had to pick a spelling for this name it would be Breanna.
― Anonymous User 7/6/2006
Origin: Wales - the famous wizard, Merlin's daughter was named Brianna. Gorgeous name but I'm having a hard time picking a middle name to fit well with it.
I loved it as soon as I saw it when I was picking out a name for my daughter. It's really her middle name but because her first name is long (Elizabeth) on her health records and such, it always gets shortened to "Bria" or somehow(!) "Briton". Don't ask me. And then they try to pronounce it Bree-AN-a instead of the European Bree-ON-a. Argh! I still love the name though!
I pronounce my daughter's name Bree-on-a instead of bree-an-a and everybody always gets it wrong but I think it kind of sounds exotic like that. Although my 3 year old son still calls her banana.