The Breton pronouciations are /bʁɛn.dɑ̃n/≈"BREHN-dah^n-n" (in Nothern and Western Brittany) or /bʁɛn.dɑ̃n/≈"brehn-DAH^N-N" (in Southern Brittany). In Breton one always pronouce "an" and "ann" /ɑ̃n/≈"AH^N-N": first a nasal "A" like the French /ɑ̃/≈"AH^N" in "français", "en masse" or "flambé", then a "N"; like if one pronouced the French word "ennui"/ɑ̃n.ny.i/≈"AH^N-NUY-EE" while skipping the "UY-EE" at the end. In both those cases the "R" is the French/Breton/German /ʁ/. [noted -ed]
― Anonymous User 1/27/2023
Brendan, like Brandon, is a very handsome name. I think that it sounds very cool.
Brendan Murray is an Irish singer, and former member of the Irish boyband Hometown. He represented Ireland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 with the song "Dying to Try" but failed to qualify to the final.
Brendan Joseph Hansen (born 1981 in Haverford Township, Pennsylvania) is an American swimmer.
― Anonymous User 8/7/2012
Lovely name. Easy to grow up with. It's a fitting name at any stage in life- I can see it on a baby, child, teen, adult of any profession, as well as an old man. I like it spelled Brendon better, but that's just me. GREAT name.:)
I love the name Brendan, especially as it is the name of one of my best friends. I think he's the only Brendan I know. There's more Brandon's but I prefer Brendan a lot more.
― Anonymous User 8/1/2009
Heard a girl named Brendan and was really annoyed. It means "prince". How feminine is THAT? I think it's a good Irish name for a boy.
― Anonymous User 7/21/2008
I have a very good association with this name. I have always loved this name, and if I have a son, I plan on naming him Brendan. I think Brendan is a beautiful name for a boy.
This is my name, I love it, easy to grow up with, very laid back sounding, very Irish, and not as Beverly Hills 90210 as Brandon. I love my name so much. I pronounce it BREN-din.
I absolutely love this name! I am expecting my first son and will give this name to my child. It is a beautiful, strong Irish name which gives the impression of strong character, charm, handsomeness, intelligence. I love it!
― Anonymous User 7/20/2006
Brendan is a great name for a boy, very easy to grow up with.
― Anonymous User 7/13/2006
Actually, Brendan seems to have three meanings depending on your source. Many sites and books claim it means 'smelly hair', some say, as this one, that it means 'prince'. However, Bruce Lansky's books claim it means 'little raven'. I'm not sure which is true, I looked it up extensively once and got varied answers. 'Prince' as a meaning is very rare to find, 'little raven' is listed as the most common meaning.
It should be noted, however, that Bruce Lansky is notoriously inaccurate when it comes to meanings and origins (Mackenzie meaning "child of the wise leader", anyone?).