I'm already not too big on this name, but what made me really dislike it was a kid named Brayden who had to be one of the most annoying people I've ever met. I know he doesn't represent all Braydens, but he definitely ruined it for me.
These comments are beyond rude and over the top -and it brings down the whole tone of this lovely website! It clearly asks in the rules that people be kind and considerate. Also this is not a made up name it’s Irish and relates to salmon.
― Anonymous User 8/16/2023, edited 9/5/2023
Brayden Davidson, OAM, is an Australian track and field para-athlete who competes mainly in the T36 classification events. He won a bronze medal at the 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships. At the 2016 Rio Paralympics, he won the gold medal in the Men's Long Jump T36.
Brayden Schnur is a Canadian professional tennis player. Schnur reached a career-high ATP singles ranking of No. 92 in August 2019. Schnur turned professional in July 2016 at the Rogers Cup.
Brayden Jaw (simplified Chinese: 赵传礼; traditional Chinese: 趙傳禮; pinyin: Zhào Chuánlǐ) is a Canadian-born Chinese ice hockey player. After playing NCAA Division I Ice Hockey at Harvard University, he signed with the Kunlun Red Stars of the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL).
People really like to call this name "childish". The thing is, all Braydens born in or before 2009 are at least 13 years old. I like this name, and I'm totally fine with people disliking it. It's just still currently popular, which is most likely the reason why many people call it childish.
Hi. Y’all are so unnecessarily rude on this thread. It’s one thing to have an opinion, but it seems too far. I get that most people are tired of “Aiden” names, but still. “HEE HAWWW!”Real mature guys; real mature…Anyways, I don’t think this name is bad. I do prefer the look of the Braeden spelling. This name is highly common in my generation. So, I feel it’s a little overused. However, that doesn’t stop my liking of the name at all.
This is a good name in my opinion. To all those people who hate it, I respect your opinions. I'm fine with you not liking the name Brayden, but please be more polite and don't call it "childish" or "ugly". That is quite offensive, especially to people with the name.
My name is Braeden, and I’m 13. For a long time now, I’ve absolutely hated my name. Not only does it make me sound childish, but annoying. Forever reason, my mom had to spell it strangely, adding an “ae.” To me, this just looks quirky. Any nicknames I’ve found for myself have also been terrible. Brae, Brad, and other names along those lines just don’t work for me. All I’ve found is Aden or Alex, Alex deriving from my middle name. People have told me that my full name makes me sound responsible, and typically relate it to a lawyer, however that really isn’t helping. My name really just impacts my confidence for the worse. If you like the name Brayden, Braeden, etc.. good for you, however I beg you not to name your kids this..
Hello all readers I am Brayden and I am only eleven. I am highly hurt by these comments they bring me down and and make me feel ugly. My name does not even relate to a donkey in the smallest way. My name means brave and I am proud about it. I am a girl and having the name Brayden is hard when teachers say that it's not a boy name. But guys remember the name is only for boys and only girls names could be used for any gender.
Whoa, so many hate comments! This is a cool name; it just sounds very strange on an adult. I know three boys named Brayden and one of them is kind as well as loved by his classmates. Oh, I feel so bad for girls with this name.
I don't care for made up names like this. They don't sound very classy. Brandon and Brendan are better. Also, Brayden reminds me of someone who made my life hell. That person was from a low income family. The reason people associate it with donkeys is because the sound that donkeys make is called "braying".
― Anonymous User 2/14/2021
Ugh. Bray and -den are not two syllables I'd combine ever in a perfect world. Brayden sounds so twerpy.
I honestly love the name Braden (spelled like this) and don't understand why people hate it so much. I met a pair of twins named Audrey and Braden and always thought their names were perfect together.
― Anonymous User 11/24/2020
As a 15 year old female with the name Brayden, I think it’s a gorgeous name and if all of the negative comments here make you insecure about your name, just remember most of them probably got dumped by a Brayden/Braden/Braeden.
― Anonymous User 7/24/2020
Tired of endless names starting with Br. This sounds overused and unattractive.
I happen to like the name Brayden and it’s offensive to say that this name is for donkeys.
― Anonymous User 5/11/2019
I think that Brayden is a great name. How does it remind people of a donkey?
― Anonymous User 4/1/2019
"How does it remind people of a donkey?"A donkey's vocal sound is called braying. Unlike a horse which usually makes a laughing/squealing "eeeeeeeee-hee-hee-hee" sound called a whinny, a donkey lets out a shouting "hee-hawwwwwwww" sound called a bray.
― Anonymous User 3/3/2020
I saw a meme yesterday with some basic looking guys and the caption was Jayden, Brayden, Zayden and Okay-den. Hehhh.
― Anonymous User 11/16/2018
I’m Brayden. I personally didn’t like it in my youth, but then I wanted to be Mario, haha. As I got older I liked it more, I was a bit of a bad boy and the girls loved me and always commented on the name so it grew on me. I was originally going to be Jacob or Luke, but mum liked Brayden when the midwife said it meant, brave and foolish, a donkey that walks through a lions den My mother was definitely not basic or stupid, she was tough and very creative.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Brayden who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 751st most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2018
This, to me, is the very worst of all the -den names. It sounds like the combination of the word "brat" and "aiden". The only kids I know with this name were named by their simple-minded mothers, much to the disappointment of their fathers.
― Anonymous User 10/3/2018
My name is Brayden and I'm a 19 year old female. I absolutely love my name, just dislike being mistaken for a male. Everyone has these bad comments about how "I wouldn't name my kid that, it sounds like a donkey, I don't like the 'den'". Well, good thing your name isn't Brayden. Wouldn't want such negative people having the same name as me. So I'll just leave it there. Brayden is a very beautiful name for both males and females. Have a good day!
It looks like this Aiden-rhyming trend might be dying out, and that is a good thing. Braden, Brayden, and all its spelling variations is a ridiculous name and means... what does it mean? Originally it was an Irish surname but not much else. I find the sound highly grating, like a braying donkey. Clearly this is a young boy's name; it will not age well. These made-up names sound rather low-class to me, and why do folks feel the need to "improve" on the spelling? Hopefully the 'aiden' trend will soon be over. Please, no one bring it back.
I love the name Brayden but would never use it due to how popular it has gotten! Many people love/loved this name. I love the nickname Brady as well! I do not like other “Aiden” rhyming names.
Please, stop naming your kids this! An adult named Brayden? The -den sounds very youthful. The only possible nickname or formal name is Bray, which doesn't sound good. Wait a few more years and people named Brayden/Jayden/Kayden would come and change their name!
― Anonymous User 11/17/2017
Really don't like all these trendy made up names ending in 'Den' Brayden is the worst out of all of them.
"Brayden" and all its spelling variations is a commonly disliked name and that doesn't at all surprise me. Brayden\Braden\Braiden\Braeden is a name trend best forgotten and someday it thankfully will be.
― Anonymous User 9/12/2016
The classic "I'm a basic chick and I got pregnant" name. This and all the Aiden/Aden/Ayden variations are overused and trite.
It's like people got tired of the name Aidan and decided to go off on a tangent and create names like Brayden. I've met Brayden, Hayden, Jayden, Kayden, Grayden... stop it already.
With baby #2 I was so convinced that we were having a girl and I was dead set she was going to be Michaela that I argued with the sonographer when she told me I was having a boy! Alexander, Benjamin and Johnathon were out as hubby would NOT agree, come Hell or high water, he would NOT agree to Michael and thought I was insane with Kobie. But hubby chose Brayden as we had never heard it before - and have only ever encountered one other with the name but of a different spelling. I'd chosen Lee (after his adoptive Grandfather) and Elwynne (after my maternal Grandfather). I'm glad he's a Brayden. He didn't look like a Kobie the day he was born at all!
― Anonymous User 8/14/2015
My name is Brayden and I am perfectly fine with my name.
― Anonymous User 5/12/2015
This name makes me cringe. It brings to mind the sound that a donkey or horse would make. It'll age horribly-- how is anyone going to take "Brayden" seriously one day when he's applying for a job?-- as it not only sounds overly trendy, but also very child-like and cutesy. Unfortunately, there seems to be no end in sight for this name as of yet, as it's becoming very popular.
According to Behind the Name, Braden means salmon and is Irish. The first Braden I met was a girl in the mid-1990s. Started hearing it on boys in the late 2000's. I do like it better for a boy. I think Brady is cute. But I am over the 'aid' names. The name Braden reminds me of braiding someone's hair.
I am 12 and a girl. I have the name Brayden and I like it. I hate when people think I am a boy! It happens all the time. I know they don't mean to, its just annoying.
I happen to really love this name. I'm an 18 year old girl, and it's been good to me all my life. My parents actually made it as an arrangement of letters from my grandparents names, so it's like I'm named after each of them. Say what you will, but I'm proud to be named with this "new trendy boy name".
Another tacky -ayden name that suits a four-year-old but is so hard to picture for a grown man. I really don't get this whole "let's give all our boys rhyming names" trend.
Heinous! It reminds me of donkeys, too! And I can't imagine anybody over the age of 3 named this. Grandpa Brayden sounds just as silly as Grandpa Poop. What about naming him Brandon or Benjamin instead? At least those age well!
― Anonymous User 7/26/2010
Totally hideous, and will sound horrible on the bearer after he's past early childhood. It also sounds like the sound a donkey makes. When will this stupid -aden fad bite the dust?
A donkey brays and this name blows.Quite possibly one of the tackiest and ugliest -aden name.I've seen Braylon also. Must be a cheap fabric made out of donkey skin.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2009
Yet another repulsive -ayden/-aden/-aiden name. Put this name out of its misery, please.
This name is so stupid and babyish! I can't picture anyone over the age of 5 with this name. Why is it so popular? What do morons using it see in this name?
I love this boy's name! Circa 2004! :D I plan to name my first son Brayden, maybe he'll be my only son but surely I'll use this name! It's becoming the new Ethan and Ryan I suppose. Brayden creates an image of a little boy as spunky, a surfer, with long brown hair, blue eyes and a wide awesome smile running around the beach. As a man, I see a Brayden earning 80K. Great name parents/soon to be parents of a baby Brayden!
I completely agree with gaelruadh19, I think that Brayden is incredibly trendy, along with Hayden, Caden, Jayden, and the rest. I can't see this on an adult.
I normally am not fond of names like this (they seem kind of trendy), but I really love Brayden/Braden/Braeden. I think it's a great name for a boy.
― Anonymous User 3/10/2007
Frankly, this name looks and sounds so trendy that it makes me sick to my stomach. It's sad, really, how great, ancient names are taken, mutilated, and popularized, stripped of their dignity; "Brayden" was once "Bradán" ("BRAH-dawn") and it has been turned into something that sounds overly youthful, something that will not age very well but rather become an embarrassing remnant of a trend.
I really like this name for a boy or a girl. If I had a girl I would name her Brayden because very few girls have this name. I think it better suits girls then boys, even though it is masculine.
This name is cute for a little boy. I heard one couple gushing about how they loved the name so much they'd use it if they had a boy or a girl. The name's too harsh for a girl.