OK, am I the only one who thinks this name is over hated? Sure, I think it sounds kind of strange as a first name, but as a last name it's not bad at all. And it reminds me far more of Toni Braxton than the contractions everyone is talking about.
I'm always surprised this is a boys' name instead of a girls', maybe because I immediately think of Toni Braxton. I have heard of Braxton-Hicks though.
This doesn't have a nice sound in my opinion. My first thought is brackish water and "brat". Overall it just seems harsh and contrived. I'm sure there are nice Braxtons out there.
― Anonymous User 4/19/2022
I don't feel too strongly about this name either way; I don't hate it, I don't love it, I think it's just fine. But dear lord, the hatred for this name is beyond reasonable! If you don't like it, that's ok, and yes, its relations aren't nice, but saying it sounds white-trash, hypocritical, belongs to kids with high school drop-out parents, etc is too far. Also, don't dislike bomb people who like/have this name. If they like it, they like it, everyone has different opinions, and just because they aren't the same as yours doesn't mean they're bad opinions.
Sounds like a little suburban white boy who won't stop doing Fortnite dances and is frequently forced into filming TikToks with his divorced Karen mother.
― Anonymous User 3/7/2022
I'm sorry, but I can't think of a positive association with this name. I think of labor contractions, a confederate general, and brackish water. Perhaps if I meet some nice guy (or girl, I wouldn't put it past someone to name their daughter this by now) named Braxton I might have a more positive opinion of it, but for now I just hate it.
The name goes far back, at the very least, to Braxton Bragg (1817-1876). The name is not modern. He was a Confederate military general who was generally remembered by historians for being the leading cause - or one of several causes, for the South's downfall in the Civil War. They blamed it on his poor military strategies. Hence, him and his associates by complete accident tore apart their own cause and helped slaves be free for the rest of American history.
STOP. Basic Bee moms hear this name when they are pregnant for the first time. Braxton-Hicks are uterine contractions not associated with labor, they tone your muscles. Stop using it.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2020
Extremely racist and severely hated as this name is, it deserves to be expelled from all baby name lists worldwide forever.
I only think of labour pains! I don’t like it very much besides. It sounds a little harsh, and I don’t really like x names either, they’re usually too tryendee and yooneeq. Not a fan of this one! Go with a different name.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2020
Pathetic and loathing as a given name. Please avoid.
My name is Braxton, I am 16 years old and I am a GIRL. Although my parents did live in a trailer for a short period of time when they were first married, they no longer do. I am not a high school drop out. In fact I am an A+ student. I am popular with all parents because I am what my father calls a 'smooth talker'. I am not a hypocrite or a liar. I do not have a criminal record and I am not "White-Trash" like loads of people are saying in the comment section. A white-trash name would be Colt or something. I am also not a hic, lucky for me. I think that my name on a girl is extremely unique, and somewhat interesting. It is not a tasteless name. It has lots of taste. Trust me, I know. It's my name. The only negative thing I have to say about it is that at the beginning of the school year when we get new teachers, or when there is a substitute, they often look for a boy when calling role, and get very confused when I raise my hand and say "HERE!". And that is pretty fun sometimes:)
Name sounds very masculine and professional. I really like it. I do not agree with the listed pronunciation and would think "brak-ston" would be correct.
White-trashy, hick name chosen by trailer park parents and unwed mothers. Sounds ugly. Teachers will not be steering young Braxton on to college. This is unfortunate, as it's not his fault.
― Anonymous User 11/9/2018
Another negative association with this hideous name: brackish, as in brackish water. Salty, but also (so says the online Dictionary) "unpleasant or distasteful." By any definition, it isn't fit to drink.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Braxton who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 381st most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2018
Love love love the name. My youngest is named Braxton. Very strong, professional, mature name.
― Anonymous User 8/21/2018
I love the name Braxton. It's a sexy name for a man or boy.
― Anonymous User 8/21/2018
I love this name. I actually named my youngest Braxton MatthewIf I had it to do all over again I wouldn't change anything. He is handsome, beautiful, tan, a great student and loves sports. I give Braxton a 10.
This is a loathesome name. Of all the boys' names trending today this is the worst. Not only is it a medical name, Braxton-Hicks contractions, but the sound is grating and jarring, a mix of 'ax' and the word "AFLAC!" as squawked by the duck in the commercial. Braxton has all the charm of a chainsaw revving up. Please let this trendy name die out!
Why ANYONE would name their child something that is associated with pain is beyond my comprehension. Braxton-hicks contractions. The fact that this so called name is within the charts is mind boggling.Not to mention that Braxton sounds absolutely overly modern and will age laughably badly. I picture a Braxton to have high school dropout teen parents! :S.
― Anonymous User 12/25/2015
Not a terrible choice, but what's so special about it? It doesn't mean anything nice, Braxton Hicks ext. Brax sounds like a hick. Won't age well.
Braxton hicks contractionsAwful, awful and very silly name.
― Anonymous User 9/3/2014
If I was 18 years old, living in a trailer park on food stamps, then chances are I would name my kid this. Very unsophisticated, un-polished and white-trashy.
Braxton gives me the image of a handsome young man. Popular with the girls, unpopular with their parents. He is athletic with a cheeky sense of humour. The leader of the boys club. Under his tough guy image is a heart of gold. Sometimes feels misunderstood, but is quick to dust himself off and get back on the horse.
― Anonymous User 4/8/2014
My little brother has this name, I really like it. I don't understand why people think its just a name for children, I actually see it more of a name for a grown man rather than a young boy. I play a game with him, where he is king Braxton of the Braxtonians in Braxtonia, but I say all of the 'un' sounds as 'own', so instead of 'Brax-TUN' its 'Braxt-OWN'.
I dislike this name intensely. It's a trendy surname with an unattractive sound and a bad association (why would you name your kid after false labour pains?)
― Anonymous User 11/5/2013
The original famous person with this name was the Confederate general Braxton Bragg. Until around 1990, the name was primarily found in the Southern USA but has since spread.Http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/biographies/Braxton-bragg.html.
Ughhh. I don't like this at all. I hate names with x's, (jaxon, Paxton, Lennox... Etc.) and the -ton ending is WAY too surname-y, Winston is an exception. This sounds like something teen parents would come up with because they thought it was "cute" and "cool". Well, it's neither. It doesn't sound like a real name, and its very youthful. An old man named Braxton? I guess it's better than Ryder or kayden, but still. I guess I'm just a traditionalist... I'm calling it now, this will probably be used as a feminine name soon, maybe spelled braxtyn or something to make it "unique". God help us all.
― Anonymous User 6/15/2013
This is a wonderful name! I can see it on a little boy, a teenager and a grown man, and it is extremely attractive either way. I want a future son of mine to have this name, coupled with the middle name Jacob.
I loathe this name. It sounds youthful in an immature way. When I picture a man named Braxton, I think of a middle-aged guy with a beer belly, bleached, spiky hair, in a Hawaiian shirt, who acts like a frat boy. Now, there are surely going to be plenty of Braxtons who aren't like that, but the name gives me that mental image, and it sounds butt-ugly as well.
I think Braxton is a really cool and unique name. I had never heard of it until I saw it on this website and I think it's an awesome name for a guy. I would name my kid this.
I love this name, not only is it an old family name from the 1920's but it came back in my family this year with the birth of my grandson, Braxton Parker Davis.