Wow, I am not a fan of the name myself but these comments are so unreasonably nasty. Please read Rule 5 before you post! No one gets to choose their own name and it's not fair to bully them for it. Choose kindness, please.
OK, OK, OK. First of all, Braelyn is not a trashy name. It is not someone that is going to hand you your food at KFC or a maid or a country singer. Who knows, maybe I, Braelyn, will win a Nobel Prize or maybe I'll be a famous actress. I came on this website to learn positive things about my name, not to be told that it sounds like a donkey name, or you pity anyone with this name. That's called cyberbullying and it is a crime. This is a beautiful name with a beautiful origin. I was born in Scotland to American parents, but they both knew some Scottish Gaelic. I was born in Dundee, at a hospital on a hill. My mother told me that the room had a view of the Tay River, hence my middle name. Anyways, Brae does mean hill in Gaelic, and lyn means river in Gaelic, therefore my full name means hill over river Tay, describing where I was born. I don't want to hear any more hate comments anymore either, because I'm a child reading this and I'm sure many other kids are out there too. If you're a fellow Braelyn or any other variation of the name, I want you to know that you have a special name and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
FYI, this name is Scottish in origin, and means “meadow” or “dweller near the moor”. "Brae" also means bonnie or fair. Which is why I chose it for my daughter, as a nod to my maternal side of the family, which is just two generations off the pond from Scotland to Canada. Had nothing at all to do with donkeys or copying of boys named Braydon, though I do have to agree that "Braylon" is not a great name for a boy - only because of people's tragic mispronunciation of "lon" vs. "lyn" and the ensuing confusion/corrections that will plague the young man with that name.
I don't think many of the people leaving negative comments on this name like Brayden either to be fair.
― Anonymous User 3/30/2022
I don’t understand why so many of you are complaining about this name. People name boys Brayden and no one says anything, so why should Braelyn be a problem? If you hate the name because of the brae/bray part and associate it with donkeys, then how different is it to the name Brayden? This is my name, only spelled Braelynn.
― Anonymous User 1/3/2022
Braelyn is a very cute name. I remember seeing this name somewhere and I thought it was so pretty! I love the spelling Braelynn.
― Anonymous User 10/28/2021
A made-up name that won't age well. Looks like it could be pronounced Bræ-lin instead of Bray-lin, but that's just my opinion.
Well. Another made-up name. Braelyn is a good name for a donkey. It's not a name you will ever hear for a Nobel laureate. Braelyn might wait on you at KFC or style you hair. Who knows, she could be the next Country singer. And for the commenter downthread who says she didn't grow up on a farm and doesn't know how a donkey sounds: All should know that the sound a donkey makes is called braying. If you have fraternal twins and name them Braelyn (girl) and Brayden (boy) I might have to come over there! That is, unless these are your new baby donkeys.
I don’t get all this hate. You are hating on this name because you don’t like newer names. Not all made up names are bad, and just because parents choose to give their daughter this name doesn’t mean they aren’t good parents. Braelyn is a beautiful name. This name is very sweet. I’ve chosen to name my future daughter this name, but spelled Braelynn because I think it looks prettier with 2 “N”s.
― Anonymous User 8/24/2021
It’s sad to see that people are hating and posting rude comments about this name. My name is Braelyn, and I like my name. I am not trash, immature, dumb or low class. My parents found my name on a baby name website and thought it was pretty. They did not care what it meant, or if it even had a meaning or where the name originated from. Please stop saying mean things about a name that people have no choice but to identify with.
I would like to say something. I came on this website because I was curious about my name, and the nastiness that I have seen in these comments of a supposedly innocent baby name website is absolutely unacceptable. I know that I am just one voice on this page of comments but I cannot keep reading these without saying something. My name just happens to be Braelyn because my parents thought it was pretty when they saw it in a baby name book. They did not care what it meant or whether it was Irish, American, or anything else. They absolutely did not choose it because it was "trendy". I am not going to be one of those teenagers who says, "well I love my name and I'm super unique and special", but I do like my name. I have never been bullied for it by anyone, and have had only positive reactions to it by those I meet. I see comments saying that this name is ugly, white trash, juvenile, and sounds like a donkey. This is just irrelevant people behind their screens with nothing else to do with their time but to trash a perfectly fine name for the fun of it. They think that their words do not have an impact because they're just typing it, but thousands of parents who have named their child this are being told that this name is a punishment to the child. I personally don't really care what a bunch of cyber bullies think, but some people really do. They can't help their name, so what's the point other than to hurt people or just hear yourself talk? This really needs to stop. Move on. Your opinions aren't helping anyone anyway.
― Anonymous User 12/2/2020
I think Braelyn is a nice name. Some of these posters below have written the same negative comments on almost every name we’ve looked up. I’m not sure what their intent is. Please don’t take it personal.
Nah, too tryndee-sounding for my taste. I know of a little girl with this name and the middle name Paisley. Poor thing.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2020
While not my favourite name, I would never use it for anything or anybody, this name gets too much hate. It's not ugly! It's a perfectly fine name!
― Anonymous User 7/12/2020
I've read some of these comments saying that Braelyn isn't made-up since it was in a baby book or some baby name website. Lol, no, it IS made-up. People make up meanings for names all the time. Baby name websites aren't exactly reliable, and I've heard false meanings from baby books before. BtN seems to be much more reliable than those, although it could still have some false information. Be careful where you get your information from. Also, just because a name was used in modern-day Ireland does not mean it is Irish. Go look at the list of the most popular names in Ireland currently- not all of them are of Irish origin. So yes, Braelyn has been used in present-day Ireland. No, it is not Irish.
Braelyn is a beautiful Irish name. This is my daughter's middle name. I chose it because it is cute, unique, and reflects our Irish heritage! I very much recommend this name!
My name isn't spelled "Braelyn", but instead "Braylin". I've really only met one person with my name and it was years ago. I can't believe people are this negative about the name. I've never met someone who had anything bad to say to me about it. I don't have an issue with it, I think it's unique and I like it. I'm a little in shock about what these people have said about it, but I don't care, I like it :)
― Anonymous User 4/7/2020
Such a beautiful, timeless name! I loved this name so much that I gave a variation of it to my youngest daughter (Braelyn is too common). She is now 14 and her full name is Braylinne McCayla Bauer. I also wanted to honor our Irish heritage, so I gave her a first name and a middle name that are both traditional Irish names! Beautiful name ❤❤❤.
― Anonymous User 3/9/2020
Funny how this thread began in 2005 ("Should I name my baby girl Braelyn?" and then in 2019 (or so), a bunch of teenage girls add comments ("My name is Braelyn and it's not trashy!")
My name is Brelynn. It is a different spelling of Braelyn. You pronounce this version like the name Bree and the name Lynn but together, you know. The name Brelynn or Braelynn, lol all the various spellings for that matter, are quite beautiful. A lot of people mispronounce it but a lot of people also comment on how pretty the name is. So if you're naming your kid or a book character this you should. I do not know the origin of the name but I do know in my case the name is a combination of my Grandma and Great Grandma's names on my mom's side, Brenda and Evelynn. Bre + lynn = Brelynn.
My name is Braelyn and I love it. I used to think it was bad when I was younger but it is not and if you are stupid enough to hate on a name there is something wrong with you so stop hating on a name just because it is “made up” or “sounds like a donkey”. By the way, that is not true. But seriously, stop hating on a name you immature losers that have nothing better to do it is stupid and wrong it is a beautiful name and you are probably just jealous so don’t do it and I know some people won't read this comment but stop hating on names it seems that people hate on EVERYTHING nowadays, is stupid so be a good internet citizen.
This name is great and honorable, for those who don't like it, stop posting hate! You are just making people feel bad about their name and it's not fair to them that they have to feel bad just because you don't like their name! I know that we all have our own opinions but when you share a negative thought think about what you are going to say because it might hurt someone really bad and you may not have meant it like that. To anyone who has the name Braelyn: OWN YOUR NAME! It is so unique and special you should own it not hide it! Don't live in fear of haters!
I like this name because it really defines my personally. Even though people say or spell it wrong I think it's cool to have a name that's not too common in most places. So if you have my name don't be embarrassed, it's a beautiful name!
This is a rare “made-up” name. My husband's name is Brandon Linn, this is our 4th girl, so we are naming her Braelinn. So folks who don’t like it, quit being TROLLS! Seriously, move on.
― Anonymous User 6/26/2019
I love my name and it is Braelynn. So haters back off 'cuz the meaning of Braelynn is strong, virtuous.
My name is Braelyn and I love it. All of you guys so passionately hating on a name need to grow up. You don't sound mature or smart because you don't like newer names, you just sound pretentious. It's not like anyone can choose the name their parents give them.
― Anonymous User 2/21/2019
This name is just terrible. And I'm not buying that it's Welsh or Celtic as one member commented. That is a theory posited in the intro but not substantiated. As far as I'm concerned, with a master's degree in English, this is just another made-up, white trash, kry8tyve name. And here's that "bray" sound again. Hey, if you have fraternal twins you can name the the boy Brayden and the girl Braelyn, while playing "The Donkey Serenade" at the baby shower. Hee-haw!
― Anonymous User 12/3/2018
I saw this name in print the other day and it's just a ridiculous, infantile, completely made-up name. Don't expect people to be impressed when you throw random syllables together and then give it some bs meaning that sounds like a poorly written and self-congratulatory horoscope or fortune cookie. It doesn't even reflect badly on the child, this name reflects badly on the parents.
― Anonymous User 10/26/2018
All those saying my name is fake or "made up"... it means little hill in gaelic. Ha. Take that. Not some "kreatyve" name.
I have to agree with several of the comments posted on this website behind the name Braelyn, It’s a beautiful name. Braelyn means: Someone who is beautiful on the inside and out but at the same time isn't afraid to share their opinion and will stand up for you, and very trustworthy and is strong, virtuous, and honorable. I have 2 daughters and we named our youngest Braelyn 16 years ago, and I personally knew I was going to name her Braelyn not just because it’s a beautiful name, it was given to her by The Lord through us as parents. By the way, her middle name is after my first sister who passed away. That's even more meaningful! Ideally, I do not care what people have to say about this or any other names that a parent chooses and if you’re not a parent then you would never understand why we choose the names we choose period! Ask yourself this question: What is your name? Why did your parents choose your name? What do YOU and people think about my name? Why do you go on this website if you’re just going to judge people’s names or the name “Braelyn”
― Anonymous User 12/4/2017
Honestly, I've dealt (and am still dealing with) these new, kreatyve, special names but.. this one just kinda hurts. Like something about just is... off. I can't explain it, but it just is one of the worst off.
Braelyn is a modern American name, made in the US from a word of Scots origin plus the popular -lyn ending. It isn't a Welsh, Irish or 'Celtic' name, lol. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being American, having an American name, or having a made-up name for that matter: lots of people have them. Own your name as it is, and stop trying to make it something it isn't.
― Anonymous User 5/10/2017
I am blown away at the critical and judgmental comments here! Braelyn is a BEAUTIFUL name! While it may be "made up" in some instances it **absolutely** also has meaning as the name is broken down into the words that happen to be present in this name. Briallen comes from the Celtic “briallu” meaning "primrose" so this meaning could easily be ascribed to this name. Alternatively Braelyn comes from the Gaelic-Scottish “brae” meaning “hill” and the Welsh “llyn” meaning “lake”. The idea that because the name is "made up" (more contemporary) thus doesn't have a "meaning" is sooooo silly! All names were originally made up. My daughter's name is Terin which is a another name for a small yellow songbird also called a Siskin. I chose Terin because I had met an Irish woman by that name (how it sounded) but with a REALLY weird spelling that I could not remember! It is a Celtic name, meaning Irish hillside. I chose to boil it down to the simplest spelling possible though and ended up with Terin which also means Siskin. I have sometimes read that it is "contemporary" with no meaning (this particular spelling) but that is hogwash because I chose a "legit" name with several meanings depending upon how you spell it and what culture you are talking about. Same concept with Braelyn. It's Celtic and it is beautiful.
My name is Braelyn and I'm not afraid to say it! My mother gave me my name because both my parents loved it. Of course it has a meaning and an origin! It's NOT tacky or hideous!
In 2002 I had a miscarriage and was going to name my son Brayden. This name was my way of having a part of my maiden name used, it being Braye. When I became pregnant again back in 2003 I wanted to recognize my maiden name still. So I too found Braelyn on a site stating it had Irish origins. I thought this was perfect knowing that I was carrying a girl this time. I could still have the opportunity to recognize my maiden name and the son I lost.
In 2001 I was pregnant with my third child. I had 2 daughters, Brittany and Breanna - not because I adored those names, but because it's what we could agree on. My husband thought if we had another girl she would feel left out if she wasn't a B. So I tried to find a B name we could agree on. He loved Brooke and I loved Bridget. Neither would budge so I was in the shower one day thinking of Britt and Bre - Britt, Bre, Brae came to mind so I made up Braelyn. I went to the internet and searched the name and found it in an Irish name database. So, those who think they created the name should remember, there's nothing new under the sun! And just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the beauty of a name is in the eye of the person who names them or who hold that name. I am really offended by folks who call a name white trash or ugly. That's really just an opinion and not really worth anything. My Braelyn is a beautiful, joyful, sweet girl who will move mountains as she grows up! BTW I had a boy in 2004 and we broke free of the B's - I have an IAN!
I'm 38yrs old. I named my daughter Braelynn. She is 4. About 15 years ago, I couldn't sleep one night and became stuck on what I was going to name my daughter whenever I had one. When I was 14, my mother died unexpectedly at 30. Her name was Brenda Lynn. I don't like the names Brenda or Lynn but wanted to name my daughter in memory of my mom. (I knew her middle name would be Sue, after my other favorite lady, my grandma. My middle name is also Sue. A no-brainer for me!) Anyways, after hours of morphing my mom's name, I came up with Braelynn. I like the way it's spelled, cute and unique. I don't like Bre- or -Lin reminds me of a gremlin. Or Bray- or -Lynne it's trying too hard and reminds me of library. After this night, I believed I had come up with an original and unique name. As it turns out, my co-worker's daughter was Breylen. And by this posting, I did not or am not the first to come up with this awesome name. But my motivations, I think, are original, charming, sweet and sentimental. For this, my daughter's name, has a different meaning to me- motherly, protector, humorous, loving, eternal.
I don't understand why people say "I hate this name, it has no meaning." How can you name your child a name with no meaning?" Most parents don't know the meaning of the name that they're giving to their children, even if it has one. I personally like the name Braelyn, as it sound nice.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2016
I've got no problem with it being a made-up name; I don't like it simply because I think it's ugly. Ugly, tacky, and immature.
It's not the "Lyn" suffix that has me cringing at the thought of this terrible name. Although there are many modern "Lyn" suffix names which can become both obnoxious and annoying, some of them I honestly don't mind. It's the prefix of this name. Bray is the unpleasant sound a donkey makes and thrown together, Braelyn sounds WAY too cutesy (in means of not aging well. At all) I can promise you one thing: Braelyn will never be a classic name. It will always sound overly modern and emphatically made-up on the spot.
― Anonymous User 1/22/2016
I've been in love with the name Braelyn for 6 years. I named my first Daughter Gracelyn. Now my second daughter is Braelyn. Beautiful name.
I absolutely love the name and so does my fiance (he found it in the baby book). I am a few months away from naming our baby girl Braelyn and I couldn't be happier with my choice.
Braelyn is a popular name now, and continues to become more popular. As much as some people may hate it, it IS a name that thousands of people have. Every name has people who hate it or love it. People here are horrible for saying such things because it isn't something they would choose. Braelyn has been around now in the US for over 30 years. Braelyn is also a place in East London South Africa, road names in other parts of the world that have been around far longer. It's not something recently made up, and it's not an overly used, boring traditional name.
― Anonymous User 8/28/2014
Every name was originally made up, so people shouldn't be so snotty and uptight about new names. So what if it didn't exist before. Lose the ego and let's move on. What is interesting to me is that the name Braelyn is now being used. I personally love that it has no specified meaning. No need to freak out, people.
I named my SON Braelyn, and it was derived as a different spelling of Bralon, Braylon, Braylen. I know a lot of people are talking crap about this name sounding "white trashy"... did you know there are famous college and NFL football players named Braylon and Braylen. I didn't just throw some sounds together. I didn't grow up on FARMS so I DONT KNOW what donkeys sound like, nor do I care what the sound a donkey makes is called. But I do think the information on this name should definitely include that it can be MASCULINE OR FEMININE because a lot of guys have been named different variations of Braelyn, Braylen, Bralon, Braylon... etc. Then it's dumb to insist on it being a girl name. There were no girls named Braelyn anywhere on the internet when I named him that. Now people are naming girls any variation of the name also, they should all just be considered gender neutral. And anyways, I think the name sounds very strong, especially if you've ever heard of the many football players with it. I can't imagine that anyone would name their child "beautiful cry" whether male or female and also, if this is a modernized American originating name... then all of the etmyology of the different parts of it... Brae or Lyn... are irrelevant now. I didn't name him by picking each syllable. I picked a name that sounded like it could be really tough, and at other times could be really sweet. It has been a perfect name for him, too. He LOVES football. He NEVER gets picked on for his name. He DOES blend and fit in with all of the boys named Kaylan, Waylon, Jaylin, Jayden, Brayden, Hayden, Caden, Aidan, Peyton... while maintaining his still very unique name... Braelyn.
"I know a lot of people are talking crap about this name sounding "white trashy"... did you know there are famous college and NFL football players named Braylon and Braylen."You are not helping your case, dear.
― Anonymous User 12/26/2013
User Contributed Meanings for Braelyn The baby boy or baby girl name Braelyn comes from the Welsh word which means, "Name's original meaning: "Strong; virtuous, honorable." Irish word which means, "strong."Numerological Meaning (For Entertainment Purposes Only) People with this name tend to be very active. They love to travel and hate to sit around in the same spot for too long. They are bold, daring, and persuasive. They love to try new things and take chances. Professionally, they can be successful as a public figure, in the media, or at developing new ideas for small businesses.
― Anonymous User 11/17/2013
In English, a bray means a cry. The suffix -lyn means beautiful. Therefore, the only sensible meaning for this name is a beautiful cry.
― Anonymous User 7/8/2013
By insulting people and labeling them uneducated, ignorant, and irritating just because they don't like the name, the only person who looks uneducated, ignorant, and irritating is you. I think if a person loves the name Braelyn, then they shouldn't feel shame in using it. And I think if a person loathes the name Braelyn, then that is their right. Learn to respect other people's opinions, use punctuation, and spell "ignorant" correctly. THANKS.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2013
You people that say it has no meaning obviously you are all uneducated obviously you have access to a computer so use it and as far as how it sounds like a donkey maybe you make up your own sounds or you're just so uneducated that you really think a donkey sounds this way- wow, people really are ignorant and irritating. As for me I love the name and fyi whether it's a real meaning or not doesn't mean a thing as long as it has real meaning to the parents so all you ignorant people should really keep your comments to yourself because honestly you really sound so IGNORANT! THANKS.
"... and as far as how it sounds like a donkey maybe you make up your own sounds or you're just so uneducated that you really think a donkey sounds this way- wow, people really are ignorant and irritating as for me..."Um, check the dictionary, my dear. From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:"Definition of bray Intransitive verb: to utter the characteristic loud harsh cry of a donkey A braying donkey Also : to utter a sound like a donkey's Bray with laughter Transitive verb: to utter or play loudly or harshly "I'm the best!" he brayed."
― Anonymous User 12/3/2018
A 'bray' isn't what a donkey actually says. It's just a word for the sound. Sort of like how a dog barks or a rooster crows. That's what people are talking about when they say it reminds them of a donkey, and looks like you're the 'ignorant' one for not realizing the definition of the word bray.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2013
This 'name' is not Irish, that's just what parents claim when they want to be yoo-neek and slap it on their daughters, but don't want to look uneducated or like they made it up. I agree with the others here - you can claim it's Irish and ancient and come up with fake meanings for it, but the reality is it's still just a mishmash of made-up parts, and deciding on a meaning for a name doesn't make it any less fabricated and tryndee.The only part of this 'name' that has any history whatsoever is that the word "Brae" has weak connections to the Scottish language. "Brae" is the occasionally used, Lowland Scots word for hill or slope. In other words, it's pretty much just a slang word/colloquialism. 'Lyn' is the nauseating suffix getting put on the end of every female's name nowadays (Taelyn, Jaylyn, Zaelyn, you've seen them all and more)Of course, 'lyn' has been in use in decades past, but usually by itself and never as a suffix to made up prefixes like "Krae" and "Cay." At the end of the day, Braelyn is just as made up as the rest of them, although it does have a particularly unattractive sound in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 4/14/2013
Oh my god, there's a female version of Brayden. The world is officially over. I am absolutely disgusted.
― Anonymous User 2/3/2013
I chose this name for my daughter. I went through a large list of many very popular names. I wanted it to be different. I wanted it to have meaning to me. Her dad's name is Ray, my middle name is Lynn. I wanted Raylynn but thought it too common. I added a 'B' and loved it. I think her name is beautiful because she is my beautiful daughter. She will only face ridicule of her name if she comes across people who think it okay to do such a thing. Many of these comments are just so rude and hurtful. If you wouldn't like your name, or your child's name to be made fun of, then why would you do it to others. And thank you to the people of Scottish and Irish knowledge that gave origin and meaning to this pretty name.
I personally love the name that's why I chose the name for my daughter. I am Scottish and Irish and this is special to me. I don't think it is a made up name since I found it in a baby book. Some of the comments are very rude and I am sure that not all of your names are liked by everyone and you would not like people saying such rude things about your name. Maybe you all should trying being more respectful to others feelings.
This web-site and those commenting have it all wrong. This name is not some new fad. Those who have mentioned Scottish have got it part right. In Ireland and old Scottish they use a form of language called Gaelic. Welsh derives roots from Gaelic as does old Scottish. Since I am Irish and I have lived in Ireland, the name has Irish roots. The spelling and pronunciation are unique but common sounding like many names in the U.S. such as... Sean = Shawn, Siobhan= Shavon, Ashlyn = is Gaelic... just like Braelyn. And yes there are popular figures on this side of the pond with this beautiful name.
No, thank you. I dislike this name strongly. The BRAE part reminds me of a horse sound, and the LYN part makes it look horribly trendy. Also, to the first commenter, I would like to re-emphasize that you cannot assign meanings to names, and it appears uneducated to do so. A name may mean something special to you because it is your name or the name of a loved one, but that is not its literal etymological meaning. At best, your name (from Bernard and Melinda) means "bear-serpent" or "soft bear," but that's a very lenient interpretation. "Soft bear" isn't so bad, it could be interpreted as "teddy bear," if you like. Or, if it's "ber" from Bernard plus "lynn," then it would mean "bear lake." Any which way, there are many prettier, more socially acceptable names out there.
I hate this name. It's tacky and youthful, it has no history or substance, and it certainly won't help the girl later on in life when she's trying to become a lawyer or doctor. Please, parents, there are so many better names out there. Why pick this thing?
I know others disagree, but I don't think Braelyn is too bad for a "created" name, especially when compared to other popular constructions. The familiar elements in the name's composition (especially "lyn") make it seem as though it could be a real name with an actual history.
"Bray" sounds like a sound a donkey would make and the whole name just sounds like you chopped the g off of the word brailling. So, this "name" just makes me think of blindness. Not attractive at all.
― Anonymous User 8/11/2010
Not to offend anyone, but I find this name really ugly. Like someone said earlier adding "-lyn" to a syllable does not make it cute. "Brae" is the sound that a donkey makes.
This name looks and sounds absolutely hideous. It's completely meaningless, with no real etymology or history behind it. It's just some random sound tacked onto a trendy suffix. At least other recently-invented names had thought put into them. I wouldn't even use this name for an animal. There's also the same issue I have with the name Braden/Brayden/Braeden/Braydin/ad nauseum—it sounds like the noise a donkey makes.
"Brae" is not a pretty sound. Sticking -lyn to the end does not make it sound better.
― Anonymous User 4/2/2009
Maybe it's because I grew up on a farm, but any name that begins with Bray-, Brae-, or Brai- sounds like a donkey bray. Unfortunately, that's about how goofy these names are.
What in the world does it mean to call a name "white trash?" I'm extremely amused by the fact that someone who is obsessed with Britney Spears would suggest that my name "is totally white trash." Anyway, I'd like to note that it is becoming a much more popular name. In a way it seems strange to me because I was always the only Bralynne I knew, and now when I type it into google, unlike five years ago, I'm not the only one that pops up.
He/she means it is "white trash" because combining two sounds together to try your best to make a name is considered tacky, and I agree with that. That's the reason a lot of people dislike the name Kaylee. And the fact that Braylen is getting "more popular" doesn't make it any less trashy or annoying. In fact it makes it even MORE trashier because people think it's "SO unique!" yet she'll just blend in with the Kaylees, Jaylins, Baylens, etc. Oh, and also, if you're getting "so offended" that people dislike your name, you should go elsewhere because people are completely allowed to state their opinion on the name, that's what this website is made for pretty much. It's not all unicorns and rainbows and "you're perfect in every way", sweetheart. They don't like your name. Get over it.
I'm a Welsh speaker and lake in Welsh is "llyn" not "lyn", and if you knew anything about Welsh phonetics they do not sound the same. Mere excuse to attempt to give this name a history it doesn't have. I'm not keen on the "lyn" names as it seems to be tacked onto any old sound/name e.g. Gracelyn, Raelynn, Kailyn etc. I do like the classic Evelyn though.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2015
I love this name. :) When I have a kid it's going to be her name and no I wouldn't be following a trend. I saw it on a website and loved it and never knew it was popular until I came to see the meaning and there are meanings for the people who say it's meaningless the others put them up if you would read a little, but oh well. If I choose this name I think I'd have to decide to spell it between Braelynn Braylynn and also there is a boy verson "Braeley", it's my brother's friend's name. It might be spelt different "Brayley" but I like it that way. :)
My name is Braelyn, and I thought it was awfully rude of what someone said about my name. The people named that cannot help that, so is it right to blame them? I'm not sure about the meaning of the name, but I have been told it means 'Salmon of the sea'. Hope my information was useful.
In 1980 when I was a senior in high school I was sitting in my biology class thumbing through the dictionary. I had been dating the man I thought I might marry and was looking for ideas for our future children's names (as most girls do at some point). I found the word brae, which means hill (Scottish), since I am part Scot I figured pretty beginning. Then I started putting second syllables with it, since brae alone was too short. Thinking of my niece whose middle name was lyn with one "n", I put them together. Loved the name keeping it tucked away and only telling one of my sisters about it. 3 years later I got married, to a different man. I was pregnant within 6 months. A girl was born and in 1984 and the name was used. That is the origin of the correct spelling of the name BRAELYN.
― Anonymous User 8/16/2007
There's nothing wrong with parents making up names for their kids. Not everyone wants to be "traditional" and go with names that are etymologically significant. A lot of people want to be creative and make up their kid's names, and I don't see what's so wrong with that. There's no such thing as an illegitimate name. All names had to be made up at some point. Names aren't really even all that important when you really think about it. But rather the person behind it. I don't understand how some names are considered trashy, lower class, etc when it's JUST A NAME. It's not like just because some girl is named Candi doesn't mean she's promiscuous and just because a girl is named Elizabeth or Margaret doesn't mean she's a smart, preppy girl. Some people on this site take things way too seriously and need to tone it down a notch. It's not that serious.
― Anonymous User 4/18/2007
I agree. All names are made up at some point, and if we didn't invent more, we'd all have to stick with the traditional ones and be one of maybe 5 children in a school class with that name. I like the fact that some parents choose to be creative with names, and I think that naming your child as a combination of the parents' names is really nice, and adds a kind of, I don't know, heritage to the name.
― Anonymous User 5/6/2007
I'm sorry. I'm the first poster, and I just wanted to say I am very offended with all the individuals claiming this name means nothing and is completely made up. My name is my name. Take it or leave it! You certainly don't have to name your children anything unique, please feel free to stick with Anne and Adam, just don't step over the line. My name may be made up, but where do you think most names came from? Do you believe there was a magic book of names that appeared about the same times human beings set foot on earth. Please reconsider your stance and try to be less offensive to those of us with interesting parents. Thank you.
As for an above comment about such names, if it means something to the family (such as the first poster) then why not? A name can be changed by the bearer and is only important to them. In your life you are hardly judged by your name. "Oh you're names Braelyn so you're fired!" No! Meanings only have so much importance. It is personal stories that go with the name that are important. And a mix of the parents' names is a beautiful idea.
― Anonymous User 2/8/2007
I am rather fond of this name actually. Perhaps it is because I also like the names Brylie and Brinley, but who knows. I also take a dirty pleasure with the name Shaelyn. I don't know why, as it is very unlike my usual naming style. I hardly think this name is as terrible as it's potrayed to be; there is much worse a child could be named (e.g.- Nevaeh, Precious, Treasure, and, to top it off, Baby). I do tend to agree, though, that Branwen, Bronwyn, or Evelyn wouldn't be bad choices either.
Honestly, what is wrong with these parents?! This name has no meaning, no background, nothing other than just being an obnoxious trend, and it seems that these parents are deluded; they think that they are being "unique" with these names, but they're not. They are merely following a trend. Names like these nauseate me; overly "cutesy", superficial (in that they lack true meaning and history), and nothing but something that we will look at five, ten years down the road and say "Why did we ever do that?!".
If you spell it Bralynn, Lynn is Welsh meaning lake.
― Anonymous User 10/9/2006
Also spelled Braylyn.
― Anonymous User 9/6/2006
My name is Braelyn, and I absolutely despise it. It's made up and has no historical background, and looks very trendy, considering how popular other lyn-names are at the moment. Why not go with Branwen? or Evelyn?
If you look at the elements of the name, "brae" is a Scots word meaning 'hill', and "lyn" is a common name suffix which often denotes beauty. Therefore, "beautiful hill" is a fair estimation of this name's meaning.
I was born in 1983 and my mother named me Bralynne. To my parent's knowledge the name had never been used (I can't verify this fact). My mother explained that the name was created by taking my father's name, Bernard, and my mother's name, Melinda and trying to put them together. It began as Berlin, then Brelin, and finally, Bralynne.Since I believe I am one of the first to have this name, I like to say that it means Unique, Independent, and Non-Conforming (I can't verify this either).
You can't just "give" your name a meaning. It doesn't work that way. Name meanings are composed of elements from different languages. Rosalind, for example, is composed of the elements "hros" meaning "horse" and "linde" meaning "soft, tender." You can't just say "the name Rosalind means blue lake" or something and make it so.
― Anonymous User 7/15/2008
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