I prefer the pronunciation "Bay-ah" or Beh-ah".
I rarely see this as a full name but I'm honestly not against it, I think it could be super pretty as a given name. If you prefer it as a nickname, I think it could be cute and short for Beatrice, Elizabeth, or Bridget. πŸ’œ.
Also Finnish:
Bea is also used in Italian as a nickname for Beatrice.
Beatrice Santello (most commonly referred to as Bea) is a character from the 2017 game Night in the Woods. She is depicted as an anthropomorphic crocodile with a gothic style, and a hardworking if aloof attitude.
Spanish pronunciation: BEH-a.
Also used in Spanish as a short form of Beatriz. (famous bearer)
Nickname for Beatrice.
Usages: Hungarian [noted -ed]Meaning: Short form of BeΓ‘ta and Beatrix.(Information from name #347578 originally submitted by user epresvanilia)
It's cute as a nickname. This looks like it would be pronounced BAY-uh.
Nice as a nickname for Beatrix or Beatrice.
Only older people know how to say my name right (most of the time) I feel like the only person my age with this name. It's a family name so...\_(")_/
Also Galician:
No. Just no.
Bea is the name of the Fighting-type Gym Leader from Pokemon Sword and Shield. She can only be fought in Pokemon Sword (in Pokemon Shield you fight Allister, a Ghost-type Gym Leader, instead).
I would pronounce this Bee-yuh.
In 2018, 67 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Bea* who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 8889th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens. *as a first name, not a nickname.
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Bea are female.
Also Dutch and Norwegian.
Also a Hungarian name. Pronounced: BE-aw.
The name Bea was given to 25 girls born in the US in 2015.
Bea Miller is an American singer and songwriter.
Excuse me, Anonymously User who says that Bea isn’t a name? That is just plain out dumb. My name is Bea and it is a name so don’t be such a smart Alec. It is a name.
To the person above me, saying that a letter can't be a name is ridiculous. What about Dee? Or Jay? Or Elle? Shall I continue, there are a few more. I think Bea is perfectly acceptable. I'm usually not a fan of short, one syllable names, but Bea is an exception. I don't know why I like it, but it's sweet, and I'd encourage parents to use this as a first name.
I hate this name pronounced BEE because of the association with the insect but pronounce BEE-AH I think it's quite cute but I don't think I'd use it.
When I look at this name, I want to pronounce it "Bay-uh".
I love this name, pronounced as it says. I usually don't like names so short but this is one that always stuck out in my mind. Ever like a name for absolutely no reason? That's what this is to me.
I think it's a bit too minimalist. It's better to name a girl Beatrice and call her Bea. I actually prefer the pronunciation ''BEE-ah''. Then it doesn't sound quite so plain.
I adore Bea as short for Beatrice, and pronounced BEE-ah.
In Norway Bea is pronounced as BE-a. A Norwegian film is named "Bare Bea" (Just Bea) - it's about a teenage girl named Bea, who is the last of her little clique to lose her virginity.
I love this name. It is much prettier than Beatrice or Beatrix, though I do like Bellatrix. It is so cute! I wouldn't name my daughter this though because it can't have any nicknames that are shorter and derived from the name itself.
Non-English speakers would say it "BAY-ah", which I think is much prettier.
Aunt Bea was on the TV show 'Andy Griffith'.
Can also be short for Beatrice.
In Germany it is also used as a nickname for Tabea, Beate, with the pronunciation BE-ah.
Bea Arthur is an actress. She was on "Golden Girls" and "Maude."
Bea can also be the short form of BeΓ‘ta.

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