Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Somali
Pronounced Pron. BAR-eh  [key]
Other Forms FormsBARE

Meaning & History

A name that comes from the Somali word bare which means "teacher." Barre was the last name (meaning the first name of the grandfather of) Mohamed Siad Barre (Somali spelling: Maxamed Siyaad Barre). Siad Barre was the military ruler and president of Somali from 1969 until 1991.
Added 4/17/2010 by NameQueen
Edited 2/19/2020 by Mike C and NameQueen

Gender Masculine
Usage English

Meaning & History

Variant of Barry.
Added 1/8/2019 by LMS