Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think it is a lovely name! I like it much more than Ava, in my opinion. Maybe I'm just biased though because this is my name hehe. But honestly, I feel that Avia has quite a classy and enchanting kind of charm to it. I also like that it's very rare, so I've never met another Avia before, n' I'm always the only Avia in my school. I love having a unique name! I LOVE MY NAME AVIA! :D.
Light and airy. I'm personally fond of it because it sounds like it's taken from aviation and as a result reminds me of the sky, flying, and wind.
Pretty, but sounds kinda awkward.
It doesn't sound masculine at all. I like it a lot better than Ava! Ava is just too short and ends too soon so that's why I would say this one is much better!
Avis is a really beautiful name, but I think it’s a girl’s name. I would never name a boy Avia! Way too feminine!
I agree that it's gorgeous. Simple, too.
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOO gorgeous!

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