Personally, I prefer this more over Audrey. Audrey isn't bad, but to me, Aubrey has that fun and bubbly feel to it. It's also my best friend's name, and she's very sweet & funny! :)
I don't get why people are fighting over whether Aubrey should be a masculine or feminine name. It's a beautiful name for both boys and girls! My name is Aubrey and I also relate a lot to Aubrey from Omori, which probably isn't a good thing aha...
Like for a boy, think it sounds silly on a girl, as if they were trying for Audrey and didn’t know how to spell/pronounce it. When its popularity for girls has died down a bit more, I could see it coming back for a boy. It has good literary and historical associations as well as being the name of my brother in law’s childhood (male) friend. Considered it for my son, but decided on Avery. (A related name).
I think that Aubrey is very beautiful. If you mix it with another pretty name like Miya it will be hidden, but it is BEAUTIFUL.
― Anonymous User 4/19/2023
The name Aubrey, at first sounded good to me but once I realized it means "elf ruler" I thought otherwise. It also reminds me of a spoiled brat. I prefer Audrey.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2022
This is my name. My full name is Aubrey Sienna. That combination is very pretty. I think Aubrey sounds very cute and is a nice name. My mother named me. I didn’t know too many Aubrey’s growing up but it has become more common in the recent years. I hate it when people mispronounce my name. I get called Audrey or even Abby! My name is not hard to pronounce at all. Once I saw the meaning of my name, it makes me wonder why my mother chose my name. I want to change my name to something more unique once I’m eighteen.
At a glance: looks like a dysgraphic person's attempt at writing Audrey /jkBut all in all a lovely name that's not overly feminine, but not at all masculine, great choice for fem-aligned people looking for a more gender-neutral name.
I love how warm this name sounds. The "au"-beginning makes me think of autumn and the "bree" part sounds so warm and friendly.I prefer it over Audrey, but I like Audrey too.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2021
I like it. It sounds warm and friendly.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2021
I like this a lot better than Audrey. Aubrey just has a cute way to it!
For all y'all haters on this name it's because you don't understand the true beauty of what the name Aubrey brings to all the girls who have this name. Aubrey actually means "leader of the little people" referring to young children. Now I belive in this because I'm really good with little kids and little kids enjoy playing with me. I might just be a 12 year old girl who knows nothing but I know this one thing. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Aubrey may sound like a dumb name but there is a lot of potential in a girl named Aubrey. Hate all you want but you aren't stopping me from being me.
I personally prefer Audrey to Aubrey. The BR combination that separates the syllables isn't flattering to me.
― Anonymous User 8/9/2020
My parents were going to name my little sister Aubrey, but then they learned that it meant Elf King. They didn't want her to have that name meaning so they chose the more feminine Audrey. Personally, I've never really liked the name Aubrey as I can only see it as a mischievous elfy name now, but I think Audrey is really cute.
So my name is Aubrey and I think it is a great name, I believe that there is more to this name than you think. It has an amazing history and it is a boy and girl name! So I would recommend this name 5/5.
My name is Aubrey, and I'm a girl. My opinion of the name "Aubrey", is that it is way more feminine rather masculine, I just cannot imagine a guy with this name (sorry). I personally always have thought of my name to be unique, and well different. I was very relieved when I got to middle school, and a lot of other girls (not any guys) had this name. In fact, I didn't even know that it was thought of as a unisex name, both masculine and feminine, until one night I spent the night at my friend's and she was on the phone with her mother, she told her my name, and her response was "boy or girl Aubrey?". Anyway, in my opinion "Aubrey" is way more of a feminine name. I'm not really a fan of my name, I would much rather have a different name.
My coworker has a daughter named Aubrey. I haven’t been a huge fan of this name, but I think it can serve a child really well in life!
― Anonymous User 8/9/2019
Early 80’s baby here, Aubrey is my first name. Sure I have been called Audrey which I feel is bland on unimaginative, but I am quick to correct. Early in school I was told it’s a boys name, blah blah blah. It can be used for both, and it never hurt my feelings when people mentioned I was the first female they met named Aubrey. Now I hear “I have a niece named Aubrey”, and I state she must be under the age of 13, and mostly correct. I am a creative, theatric, musically inclined person... I have been told my name suits me and my flair. The Band BREAD had a song in the 70’s about a lost summer love named Aubrey, “...and Aubrey was her name, a not so very ordinary girl or name, but who's to blame”. I love my name, I love being an older female Aubrey... the name is not plain or ordinary and lovely on both sexes.
― Anonymous User 5/23/2019
I see it as a UNISEX name, I like it more for a boy, though.
― Anonymous User 3/26/2019
Aubrey is a lovely name. It’s okay if it sounds close to Audrey. It’s perfect for twin girls. Audrey and Aubrey. Personally I like Aubrey more as a girl’s name. That’s not to say I hate Aubrey as a boy’s name. I don’t, but Aubrey just has a similar connection with the beautiful delicate feminine Audrey so I think it’s more of a feminine name. That said, it’s cute for either gender. It’s unique as a boy’s name and popular as a girl’s name.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2018
There has actually been a lot more female Aubreys than male Aubreys throughout history. I consider the name to be unisex, and I think it's a fine name for a boy, but I've always loved the name Aubrey for a girl. Admittedly, my parents listened to the band Bread a lot when I was a child, and I fell in love with the name when I heard the song. I just think it's so soft and beautiful. I had a daughter early this year and of course I named her Aubrey.
The "b" phoneme is a bit harsh, I think Audrey sounds more pleasant.
― Anonymous User 10/10/2018
I personally think it is only suitable for men.
― Anonymous User 10/7/2018
I only ever heard of this name as a masculine name until today when my daughter mentioned it. I don’t think it is very feminine and think it is better as a boy's name.
― Anonymous User 9/14/2018
One of the few names that I like on a boy and girl.
My name is Aubrey. I'm a girl. I think it could be used for both male and female. I feel like it is rude to say it is just for boys because that can hurt a girl's feelings. And same goes for when people who say it's just a girl's name. That can hurt males too. I feel like I'm creative, fun, and honest, but I keep seeing comments that are saying girls with the name Aubrey aren't any of those things. This is just how I feel though.
It does not matter that the name Aubrey was used mostly as male name a few hundred years ago. Just type Aubrey in any search engine and look up images. Nowadays it is regarded as feminine by many people. I am not saying that you can't use this name for boys. But languages always change and it is really stupid to justify your preference by saying it was used for boys first. Whether you like this name for girls or not, it is a matter of preference, not a matter of right or wrong.
― Anonymous User 1/20/2018
I think it's boring. Sort of flat as well, and not interesting. I don't like it on either gender.
― Anonymous User 1/10/2018
My daughter's name is Aubrianna. People always told me what a beautiful name it was. We call her Aubri for short. Aubri is a strong name. Anna was after someone I look up too and the name Ann is Aubrianna's grandma's middle name.
― Anonymous User 12/24/2017
It's alright I guess, way too popular and Audrey's cooler in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 11/15/2016
My granddaughter is Aubree Ella. I find that it's a very beautiful name for a girl. I don't think it's just a boy's name, there are loads of names which are used for a girl and a boy.
― Anonymous User 9/17/2016
For a girl Audrey is better. I can't see this on a male.
It's alright. I don't have much of a problem with it for either sex, though it does sound slightly more feminine to my ear. Not a bad name, it's just extremely boring.
Definitely a girls name now. She might accidentally get called Audrey, but I don't think it would be that bad. I prefer Aubrey over Audrey. Audrey sounds to me like Odd drey.
― Anonymous User 2/9/2016
This was the name of my paternal grandfather who died three years ago. I still don't get how this name became popular on girls. It sounds so masculine. I wouldn't even use it on a boy since my grandfather was a misogynistic jerk.
Audrey is much better than this in my honest opinion. I wished that Audrey was more popular than Aubrey. It should be the other way around.
― Anonymous User 12/25/2015
I was extremely excited when my husband and I were finally able to agree on AuDrey, a classic girls name. But the more research I did, the more I saw how ridiculously popular the name AuBrey has become. It's dangerously close to the top 20 in the US. I am at a loss. Aubrey is okay I suppose, and I do prefer it on a boy... But really, the name Audrey is being thrown to the wind and overpowered by a kind of forced, generic- looking female Aubrey. We are considering picking a new name altogether because I don't want my daughter to be in a class where Audrey is confused with 5 other Aubreys.
A shame this name has become so trendy on girls. It's quite a handsome boys name, every time I meet a little girl named Aubrey I want to cringe.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2015
Perhaps this is coming from a biased standpoint but I can't see 'Aubrey' for a boy. It just TOO similar to 'Audrey' which happens to be my name. You have Audrey which is a female's name and then you have 'Aubrey' which can EASILY get mixed up with it and I'm just like "Aubrey for a boy?!" Aubrey & Audrey both scream girl to me. I don't mind Aubrey for a girl. I just dislike its obnoxious popularity- Audrey is better If you wish to steal back a male names from the girls, may I suggest some of these?! Riley (all... spellings) Addison Madison Jordan Cameron Sadly, I could go on and on.
― Anonymous User 6/11/2015
I don't see anything masculine about Aubrey. It's a nice choice for a girl.
I really don't understand how this name used to be masculine. Aubrey is completely feminine. Guess it was masculine in like the 1600's? Or whatnot.
― Anonymous User 8/21/2014
I think Aubrey is a pretty name for a girl. I don't love it or anything, but I do like it. However I do love it on a boy and wish it wasn't so trendy for girls! I guess this just isn't usable anymore. :( For a middle name, possibly.
My name is Aubrey, and I am a woman. While I understand that some people may prefer it as a masculine name, I find it VERY OFFENSIVE when people call my name "ugly," say that they are "disappointed" that it is being used as a feminine name, say it is a "shameful" woman's name, are "annoyed" at hearing the name, or that I'm automatically going to be associated with a "skank" just because I happen to share the name with a member of Danity Kane. Are all the Stephani's in this world going to be compared to Lady Gaga? I don't think so, so don't hold that same standard to me..
― Anonymous User 2/17/2014
The name Aubrey was only given to 151 baby boys born in the US in 2012. I think it's so sad that many parents feel they can't use Aubrey for their sons anymore because its so trendy for girls. Personally, I think it's horrible on a girl but quite attractive on a boy. If you're considering it for a boy, don't hesitate! Anyone who teases a boy named Aubrey is ignorant and should seriously be educated on the history of the name.
This name is totally feminine. I wouldn't name a boy such a common girls name. I love this name, better than Audrey. Aubrey is strong, reminds me of nature and is very sweet.
Shameful as a girl name!I don't understand what makes it so darn feminine. I personally hate the name Jason for a boy and I don't consider it that masculine, but look.. I don't slap it on a girl because I hate it on a boy and I don't come up with gross spellings like Jaecyn to make it more feminine.And so what if it sounds like Audrey?! Zachariah sound like Mariah, why nobody mistakens Zachariah for Mariah?Stop with your Cartoon Network-inspired stories like "he will be bullied because I don't find it masculine enough". Aubrey IS a name for boys and it's really dumb to think at it as a girl name just because it ends in -y.
In reply to Brunhilde T.H.B.: That was a really, REALLY poor comparison. Zachariah and Mariah sound absolutely NOTHING alike other than "-iah", Aubrey and Audrey is the difference of only 1 letter. Aubrey is even SOFTER sounding than Audrey, so of course people would use it as a girls name.
This name sounds so feminine and ridiculous on a boy Everyone saying how feminine Audrey is and Aubrey not is in denial because the names are 99% identical. Audrey though sounds like a old lady's name can't imagine it on a child or anyone under 60. It belongs in the same list with Gertrude.
Uh... my name us Audrey (yes with a d) and I was born in 1994. I am currently 21 years of age. Plus I knew 3 other Audrey's around my age starting with 2005 when I was 11 or 12. The name works for all ages. I don't even know why people think that 'Audrey' is an 'dated' name or a 'old woman's name. That makes no sense. Gertrude on the other hand makes more sense.
― Anonymous User 9/21/2015
Aw man. Another traditionally masculine turned trendy, modern feminine name. And the list gets longer...
― Anonymous User 2/3/2013
The more classic name "Audrey" is a much prettier choice, and it's far more unique! Aubrey is the kind of super-trendy name that will sound hopelessly dated in 20-30 years.
― Anonymous User 9/27/2012
I like it as a unisex name. It's got a fun meaning, too.
― Anonymous User 5/26/2012
I love this name for a girl. I'm only 13, but I'd consider naming my daughter this one day. Mainly because "Aubrey" by Bread is one of my all time favorite songs. Funny, Aubrey used to be my favorite male name, but now I ONLY like it as a girl's name.
I think Aubrey is a gorgeous, feminine name. I've known 3 Aubreys, all women, who were attractive, feisty and funny with kind hearts. I would love to give my daughter this name. I prefer Aubrey to Audrey (not that Audrey isn't a nice name, because it is). This is my all-time favorite girls' name, I love it. It is beautiful. So to all you Aubrey's out there: I love your name!
― Anonymous User 8/3/2011
The name Aubrey is, and always will be, a girl's name to me. I do not care what the meaning says. This is a girl's name, in my opinion.
I'd name a boy Aubrey. This is my name, also. My only problem with it is that nobody here knows how to spell it or pronounce it! It would be especially annoying if it were one of the different spellings like Aubreigh or Aubree.Also, I am a teenage girl, but people that know me don't have an association with it as purely female because I am not very feminine at all.
I'm really not liking this name, not only does it sound like a cheaper version of the classic name Audrey, it reminds me of former Danity Kane member and current skank Aubrey O'Day, who is not the best association.
I personally find this name to be very masculine, although I could see it as a feminine name, I prefer it on males.To the person who said they disliked people naming their children after surnames: You do realize that many surnames came from first names, correct?
― Anonymous User 1/28/2009
God, what the hell kind of a name is this? I hate it when people name their kid after a surname, so freakin' annoying. Just pisses me off.
I think that Aubrey is a SEXY male name. But only when pronounced as Awbray, with slight emphasis. Pronounced Awbree definitely sounds more feminine. This is one of my favorite male names, as it conveys a mysterious sort of man.
This is a nice name for guys and girls alike, but it sounds quite feminine to me because of its likeness to Audrey and because of the pronunciation -ee at the end. However, it's not too feminine for men. I don't see why anyone would be upset that this name is used for girls, unless, of course, they are sexist to the point that they think a name is ruined if it's used for girls.
I always loved the name Aubrey and used it as my daughter's middle name. I knew it could be used for a boy as well, but I didn't realize that many people saw it as prominently masculine. Her name is Noel Aubrey, and I know that both her names carry a male connotation, but I wanted to spell Noel just like you see it everywhere at Christmas. That makes me wish I had spelled her middle name Aubreigh.
I hate this name! It is ugly! It reminds me of auugly!
― Anonymous User 12/29/2007
I like Aubrey more on a boy. I used to think it was more feminine but I think it sounds rugged and handsome. I would consider naming a future son Aubrey or possibly using it as a middle name.
― Anonymous User 11/7/2007
Very beautiful, though I still prefer the similar Audrey.
― Anonymous User 8/12/2007
I like this name. When it comes to unisex names, I feel bad that the boys get no chance, but this is a very feminine-sounding name. If I were to use it, it would almost certainly be for a girl, or for a boys' middle name.
― Anonymous User 4/3/2007
As I am an Aubrey myself, I say it would be unfair to give my opinion. I am a girl, and yes, I too was named after that bread song. Only downside is, everyone asks "what kind of a name is Aubrey!?"
I absolutely love the name! I had wanted to name my daughter this since I was about 10. I'm quite a bit older now (and actually have children - 4 daughters). I wasn't able to name any of my first three daughters on this but finally my fourth and final child was a girl and her name is AUBREY (although I wanted to spell it Aubreigh). She loves it and my husband and I love it! It fits her. The only other AUBREY I had ever heard of was someone (male) I went to High school with about ohhhh 20 something years ago. My daughter is now 8 years old. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful name.
This is my ABSOLUTE favorite name for a girl! I don't see how it can be a boy's name! I know a lot of girls named Aubrey or Aubrie, but no boys. This name for a guy sounds strange to me. :D
It's a boys' name because it just is. It's been one for centuries and is an old surname, which were generally used for boys long before they were for girls.
― Anonymous User 5/27/2007
I have had many comments throughout the years as to my name, it has become much more common now. My mother used to think it was cool to meet someone, (always younger) with my name. Now it happens all the time. And yes Bread was the reason I was named Aubrey. I was born the year that song came out, so I felt I was the first person ever with this beautiful name. I know that probably isn't really true, but it sure felt like it while I was growing up. I also get mail to "Mr. Aubrey", I know right away they just want to sell me something and I just throw it away!
I like Aubrey best for a boy, though it is pretty for a girl as well. Unfortunately, Aubrey has become more popular lately. I hope this doesn't continue - Aubrey is such a mysterious name, it would be a shame if it became too common!
I think that Aubrey is a beautiful name and I think it's both masculine and feminine. My name is Aubrey but I spell it Aubrie. I think that makes it more girlie. I am a girl but I think it's a gorgeous name and I love having it. It's very classic and unique and I love that it's different and yeah I was named after the bread song. But I just wanted to put my 2 cents in.
― Anonymous User 10/22/2006
Ah! I just was reading the paper about a murderer named Aubrey Something-or-Other. Now I'll always have a bad association with this name.
― Anonymous User 8/27/2006
I like it for a boy. But for a girl, I like a little something different. So I combined two names and I got Aubriella.
I think this sounds more like a masculine name; I have never heard of a girl named Aubrey. It reminds me of an intelligent, intellectual man who enjoys art, literature and classical music. It is the name of an Irish author, Aubrey Flegg.
As a personal bearer of the name Aubrey, I must admit it's one thing about myself I've always liked. My mother did name me after the song and used to sing it to me when I was little. Sadly, the only other people I've ever met with the name Aubrey have been a 73 year old man and his grandson, who I go to school with. My whole life, I've gotten compliments on my name and, to be honest, I'm rather sad its becoming more popular. It's nice to have a unique name.
I love this name as both a boy's AND a girl's name. I think that one of its strengths is its versatility, and instead of being saddened or outraged by its usage for both genders, people should be pleased. Perhaps the fact that it can be used for either gender will help it stay in use for longer than other, more rigid names.