63%RatingSave Gender Feminine Usage Old Persian (Hellenized) Scripts 𐎢𐎫𐎢𐎰(Old Persian) Ἄτοσσα(Ancient Greek) Meaning & History Hellenized form of Old Persian *𐎢𐎫𐎢𐎰 (Utautha) meaning "well granting" [1]. It was notably borne by the eldest daughter of Cyrus the Great, who married Darius the Great in the 6th century BC. Related NamesFamily Tree·Details VariantUtauthaOther Languages & CulturesHutaosa(Avestan) Atousa(Persian) Categories asteroids, fortune, gift, wealth Sources & References Page at https://iranicaonline.org/articles/atossa-achaemenid-queen.