I like the name. It was on my list but x-nayed due to sounding like ashes.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2024
I have a brother that was named Asher, because when my parents found out that he had a half heart and wasn't likely to live, my mom was upset so she looked in the bible and found the name Asher and chose that name for him. Right now, he is still alive and well at the age of 8.
Very handsome and masculine. I named my son this and it is perfect for him. Love the nickname Ash too. Asha is a lovely feminine alternative that I would highly consider if we had had a girl instead.
I was a bit shocked by some of the comments about Asher. It's a cool name for EITHER gender. It does not come from Ashley, and it is not used only by Christian "extremists". Just stating facts here.
― Anonymous User 6/4/2023
Asher is a silly name because it is from the name Ashley. As a child, we used to play ring-around-the-rosie and when it said "ashes ashes... we all fell down!" we used to say, "Asher, Asher, we all fell down!" It wasn't to be mean, we just had fun and loved how cool the name sounds.
― Anonymous User 5/25/2023, edited 5/25/2023
I really love my name, my name is Asher and I love that it means happy in the bible.
It is literally the best name ever, everyone named Ash or Asher or Ashton is the best. Everyone I have met named Asher is really cool and nice and funny.
― Anonymous User 2/1/2023
Asher Berdacs is a character in the animated show Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. They are Dahlia’s twin and the confirmed love interest of the main character.
I really like this name, but I can already imagine the girls being named Asher in 2027.
― Anonymous User 1/6/2022
Sounds like a wannabe superhero name, it's also overrated.
― Anonymous User 11/2/2021
A famous gaming youtuber by the name of DanTDM has a son whose name is Asher.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2021
My name is Asher and it is a very interesting name! At first I didn't seem to like my name, but it really started to grow on me!
― Anonymous User 10/24/2021
I immediately think of two things: 1) Asher, as in one who ashes (cigarettes) 2) the first place I heard the name used, in a book I genuinely despised yet was made to read two different times in school The second impression is obviously more of a personal bias than anything else. I don't get the same first impression for, say, simply Ash. I do immediately think of ashes, or sometimes just the color of ashes, but they're not necessarily ashes from smoking. But Asher specifically sounds related to the verb "ashing". I know the etymology is different, but that's just what comes to mind for me. It gives me the mental image of yellowed fingernails (and squealing teachers) every time.
― Anonymous User 10/22/2021
I like this name, it's simple yet complex. I think it's mostly masculine, although I can see it on a girl.
My cousin's name is Asher and she’s a girl. I was always jealous of her name because I liked it so much, it suits her perfectly. She’s an outgoing tomboyish girl who loves an adventure!
― Anonymous User 4/23/2021
I adore it! So handsome, mature, and simple! Sounds really cool!
I love the name Asher! It took some convincing, but I finally got my husband to love it too so we named one of our sons Asher. It is such a strong Biblical name. So handsome! It fits him well and we love the nickname Ash!
― Anonymous User 4/3/2021
If you name a girl Asher... I feel so sorry for her.
― Anonymous User 4/2/2021
One of my favorite names ever, and it's just so handsome and blessed. I love this name! The meaning is just wonderful, it does not sound too babyish or tacky and it ages amazingly. I can think of some amazing middle names! Honestly it works just as well for a girl!
We loved this name so much we gave it to our daughter two years ago. I envision an energetic wild haired/passionate girl who loves to climb trees when I think of this name.I think it’s a great name for a little boy as well. To those of you thinking about this name for a girl I recommend listening to the women on here named Asher. I know if a woman introduced herself as Asher she’s definitely have my attention and interests. I hope this helps.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2020
Wait, there are actually girls out there with the name Asher?
Better than Ashley but I have a feeling that this name would get you potentially seen as inferior in England, I don't know why. It doesn't sound very strong in my opinion but as it grows in popularity I may start thinking differently.
My husband and I picked out a few names for our daughter before she was born and told ourselves we’d pick the name that she “looked like” the most. We picked Asher Eve. My Israeli in-laws LOVE the name Asher and assured us that it was perfectly suited for a little girl.
Asher is a great name with a cool nickname, Ash. It sounds more unusual than many biblical names such as Joseph or Aaron, but isn't outlandish. I think Asher and Isaac would make good names for brothers, since Asher means "happy" and Isaac means "laughing".
― Anonymous User 2/6/2019
Sir Asher Joel (1912-98) was a well-known and respected Australian politician.Asher Hart (c1809-71) was an iconic leader of the Jewish community in the Australian city of Melbourne (founded in 1835).
In 2018, 3 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Asher who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 675th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2018
Pretty cool name. I wouldn't use Ash as a nickname though, it sounds too close to ass.
This name just makes me think of some weird type of job. I can just hear someone saying, when asked their occupation, I am the Asher at the forge by main street or something. Maybe I am the only one who thinks that, who knows. It also seems like a name Christian extremists who are pretentious would use on their child because they take so much pride in being religious.
Makes me think of ashes, like from a fire. It just seems like a more childish version of Ashton. I definitely prefer Ashton.
― Anonymous User 4/30/2018
I have three sons, Keelan, Isaac and Asher. I was adamant my third would be called Asher! His mother didn't like it at first but it grew on her. What I didn't realize at the time was Isaac in the bible being his father! And then finding out I have Israeli heritage!
It's an okay name. I don't like it on a girl, but it is a bit trendy and sort of boring. Not my favorite name but there is nothing wrong with the name.
― Anonymous User 9/17/2017
I love the fact that it's masculine, even though my name is Asher and I'm female.
I named my son Asher Elliott over 10 years ago. I love it. I heard it on Supernatural the show season one and when checking the baby name book it meant to bring happiness and he sure did and still does. I like original names. Also, it was a tribute to Ash from Evil Dead whose name was Ashely, but used the nickname Ash which I call my son.
This is not a one trick name. It sounds dark and mysterious, handsome and old fashioned. It's biblical too. Much better than those made up names people these days use all the time.
I think this name has a bit of a "tryndee" feel to it, even though it's not randomly made up or particularly popular, and I also can't really see it as an adult's name. It sounds more like a young boy's name. Aside from that, I don't have a problem with it as a male name; I even think it's kind of cute on a child. It doesn't sound fitting on a girl at all, though; why not go with Ashley, Asha, or Ashlyn instead?
A handsome, cute and sexy name for a guy! ヽ(*^∀゜*)ノ.
― Anonymous User 4/20/2014
As someone called Asher myself and a female, I love this name. It's me all over- it's unusual and crazy and all my friends always say it's so uncommon, although I do know 3 other girls called Asher so maybe it's coming into fashion. Defo suits a girl more so than a boy.
― Anonymous User 4/20/2014
I absolutely adore this name for a boy, unfortunately my parents saddled my older sister with this name and she's 22 and hasn't changed it and she won't change it.
As many people have mentioned, this is the name of a character from 'The Giver'. To the person wanting to name a son Gabriel Asher, I wanted to point out that Gabriel is also a character from 'The Giver' (he's the new child that Jonas' dad has to watch over, and Jonas eventually rescues from release). Anyway, this is a pretty nice name. It sounds like it could be used for a girl or a boy.
Reina Vered, that “Asher” you’re thinking of is the relativiser, which is vocalised with a ḥaṭaph pataḥ under the ’alèph and a sègol under the shin. *This* “Asher”, the name (and therefore the one the page refers to), is vocalised with a qamats under the ’alèph and a tséré under the shin, and comes from a root denoting blessedness and happiness. The vowels matter and are distinctive ― the relativiser has short ones (the first being extra-short), the name has long ones. That’s how one differentiates between the two. I hope that clears things up and you never mistake the one for the other again.
All I can think of is Ash, played by Bruce Campbell, from the _Evil Dead_ series, although Ash is short for Ashley in that case. I don't like Asher for either a girl's or a boy's name. It sounds like someone who cleans up cigarette butts.
I absolutely adore this name. I plan to use it for my baby if it's a boy (expecting next July). The only problem is that the popularity is shooting up through the charts quickly. This happened with my daughter's name, too. Charlotte was still considered something of an "old lady name" over 13 years ago, but now it's in the top 100. With my luck Asher will be in 13-14 years, too. I hope it never makes it into the top 10!
Asher is a beautiful name and it's great because The Giver is my favorite book. I want to use it as a second choice for a boy's name. My only worry is that it sounds like the type of name that might skyrocket very soon. And I wish it was a little more traditional. I like that in a boy's name.
This is a great name. My wife and I chose the name Asher for our son because we loved the meaning "happy" and because it goes great with our last name.
Great name, but it should only be used for boys. I think it definitely sounds masculine and would be really weird on a girl.
― Anonymous User 8/8/2008
The Hebrew prayer over the candles is: baruch atah adonai eloheinu melch ha'olam ASHER kid'shanu b'mitzvotav vitzivanu l'hadlik ner shel (insert holiday here).
I LOVE this name! If I ever have twin boys, I will name them Asher and Isaac. Not only do they sound good together, but the meanings are great: "Happy" and "Laughing".
This name is so GORGEOUS! I love it. I wanted to name my son Gabriel Asher.
― Anonymous User 6/22/2006
Two of Chaim Potoks novels are "My Name is Asher Lev" and its sequel, "The Gift of Asher Lev". I'm surprised this name isn't more popular, given that it has a great meaning, is practical and easy to spell, and is one of the 12 tribes. (Not that being one of the 12 tribes in itself guarantees popularity.) And I almost forgot to mention, we have a son named Asher who was born in 2002.