Princess Anastasia of Greece and Denmark (born Nonnie May Stewart; 1878 – 1923) was an American-born heiress and member of the Greek royal family. She was married to Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark, the youngest child of King George I of Greece and his consort, Grand Duchess Olga Constantinovna of Russia.
― Anonymous User 9/29/2024
Princess Anastasia of Georgia (Georgian: ანასტასია; 1763 – 1838) was a Georgian princess royal (batonishvili), a daughter of King Heraclius II of Georgia of his third marriage to Darejan Dadiani. She was married into the princely family of Eristavi, former Ducal House of Ksani.
― Anonymous User 9/29/2024
This must be the most beautiful name ever, in my opinion.
A plaintive piano composition, each letter a gentle keystroke, red and green and blue and violet, spanning several octaves. As the notes ascend and gradually fade from earshot, I envision the dawn of a new day, mirroring the pledge of a fresh beginning. Traversing the galleries of time, evoking the strength to rise from the ashes and welcome life's challenges. Thus, Anastasia stands not just as a name but also a haunting opera, an evocative reminder that from every discordant note, the symphony of resurrection will emerge with majesty and glory.
I have also seen/heard Nastynka as a nickname for this name in Russian. This is one of my favorite names, I think it's so beautiful. I don't ever plan on having kids but if I did end up having a daughter I would name her Anastasia.
I used to think the name Anastasia sound more better and natural on fictional characters but now I think it can be a good name on both a real person and a character and I think it's a beautiful and magnificent name overall.
This is my favorite name like, ever. It can fit a very classy feminine person, but it can also work on the artsy type and it would be cool as heck on an alt person.I knew this girl in elementary school whose name was Anastasia and went by “Nastia” as a nickname, which I loved. Also Anya as a nickname is very pretty. Idk I love this name so much!
There was also a great sultana, called Anastasia, that was later called Kösem Sultan.
― Anonymous User 6/10/2023
Anastasia of Rhodes was a fierce battle warrior who fought against the Ottomans.
― Anonymous User 6/10/2023
To all the Anastasias out there, just know that it is not to be associated with "anesthesia" and it is not a "stripper" name. Sure, it may be getting a lot more attention nowadays. But when I hear it, I hear sparkles, too, because it is just so gorgeous.
I too, am named Anastasia, way back in 1968. As a kid I hated it. Was nicknamed Stacy, I changed it to Stacie, which I use regularly. I have grown into the name😉. I disagree with being evil, because of the name, as one commented. I have always been complimented for my name. My date of birth is also the name day for Anastasia in Lithuania, which my Great Grandmother was.
I really like it, it's my second name and Anastasias nickname is Anny, the pronunciation is easy and the name is pretty uncommon but it's still not rare.
Beautiful, beautiful name. It is worthy of all its praise! Side note: I am baffled by all of these bitter comments about names. It reminds me of bitter people with nothing to do.
My name is Anastasia. Growing up I despised it and always asked my parents why they couldn’t name me something “normal”, however, it started growing on me over time. Every single person I’ve ever met always tells me they can’t imagine me having any other name and I agree because it fits me perfectly. I now love it completely and might even name my own daughter after me. Of course, having this name comes with endless jokes of anesthesia, Cinderella’s evil step sister, or the Russian princess who was killed. But honestly, I love my name and the stupid jokes could never change that.
BEAUTIFUL name! I don't prefer pronouncing it like they do in English speaking countries. It sounds so much better when it's pronounced the right way in its origins of Greece. It's a name that's perfectly fit for a strong beautiful woman that carries herself like a queen.
Cute name, suits a young princess; but yes, kinda overrated.
― Anonymous User 2/26/2021
I find this name to be lovely. I feel some special connection to it. I don't personally know anyone who has this name but I have decided that if I will have a daughter in the future her name will be Anastasia. And if I end up having multiple daughters the first born will be Anastasia.
Don’t like the harsh, rough sound “aNASTasia” it sticks out a lot. But it’s growing on me now! I’m beginning to kind of like it. Stop the anonymous s—t, please.
― Anonymous User 2/8/2021
Boring and just so ugly!
― Anonymous User 1/26/2021
A famous bearer of this name is Anastasia Maria Holszanska, the alleged first wife of Vlad Tepes, otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler. Many legends surround her life, though arguably none more well known than those surrounding her death; it is well documented that Anastasia flung herself from one of the towers of the Poenari fortress, and into the Arges River. Some of the more romantic accounts tell us that this was due to news that had reached her of Vlad having been captured or otherwise killed in battle, though there are a fair few reports describing her having discovered his infidelity and subsequent desire to marry his mistress, a much younger Romanian woman named Katharine.
Ugly, overrated name. Those named Anastasia are evil. I can just tell how overrated it is from the comments, it’s a no from me. You all are pathetic liking this name, it’s childish and it’s one of the most ugliest and most overrated names on earth. Please go for Anne or Anna instead. Have a good day (unless you are named Anastasia) my family would laugh at this name if I ever used it, it’s that childish.
― Anonymous User 1/13/2021
Very long gorgeous name. I had an older friend named Anastasia. I love it as a middle name as well. The animated movie was beautiful, yet the story in real life is sad.
I like this name. Reminds me of the YouTube channel Like Nastya. In English, her name is Stacy. But her real name is Anastasia. I disagree with you Amy.B!
For people here saying that it's a beautiful name but hard to carry off, the only Anastasia I ever met was a gorgeous six year old child who truly incarnated the beauty of this name inside and out. Because she did it so well, no one ever dared to shorten her name into the more flimsy Ana or Stacey or the trendy Stasia. If a six year old girl could effortlessly carry off this name, a woman of substance easily could as well.
St. Anastasia of Sirmium is a martyr who died in AD 304 or so. Anastasia is venerated as a healer, credited with the protection of the faithful from poison and other harmful substances. This is why in the Eastern Orthodox Churches she is called "Great Martyr Anastasia, the Deliverer from Potions." In the Roman Catholic Church, she is named in the Canon of the Mass. The name Anastasia is popular in Eastern European countries that are traditionally Orthodox (e.g., Russia, Romania, Greece, Serbia, Moldova, Montenegro) because of the saint, not because of Tsar Nicholas II's daughter. She and her family all had Orthodox saints' names (Anastasia, Olga, Nicholas, Aleksei, Maria, Tatiana).
― Anonymous User 10/13/2020
Anastasia (from Greek Anastasía (Ἀναστασία)) is a feminine given name and the female equivalent of the male name Anastasius.
― Anonymous User 9/30/2020
This is an awesome name! So elegant and has great nicknames. I know there are a ton of pronunciations out there, and they are all are so beautiful. The grand duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov was not a bad person, but her parents were not good rulers. I don't think that should reflect poorly on this otherwise beautiful name.
To everyone speculating that this name would be too "much" for real life, I can tell you that I have met not one, but two women named Anastasia, and the name wasn't bizarre at all. I think one commonly went by Ana (Anna), but the other used her full name every day.Anastasia is beautiful. Though it's likely that a real life Anastasia will gain a convenient nickname (most likely Ana or Anya - Stacy is a bit dated, and pretty much its own name now instead of a diminutive), Anastasia can still be used on a day to day basis.
H.I.H Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia (1901-1918) was the youngest daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
Perfect for a princess or queen, but sounds out of place in a modern environment to me. I think you have to definitely consider a lot of aspects to this name for using it. Definitely pretty, but I think it is starting to become common in some places.
― Anonymous User 12/4/2019
Honestly, I really don't like this name. It's becoming too overused (look at the polls section of this website!), and just reminds me of a bratty princess. I think it can be too complicated, especially paired with long middle names, like "Ophelia" or "Anneliese". There's shorter, less old-fashioned and overused names that are much nicer!
― Anonymous User 12/4/2019
I wish it were pronounced STA-zee instead of STAY-zee. Although it reminds me of anesthesia, I think it sounds quite pretty and has a powerful meaning! Pretty!
I always loved the name Anastasia since I watched the animated movie "Anastasia" by 20th Century Fox when I was little, I find it a really majestic and regal name and it makes me think about princesses, snow and elegant palaces, and obviously I think about the real Anastasia Romanov too. In my country (Italy) this name is quite uncommon but it's becoming more popular among little girls (it was the 84th most common name for girls born in Italy in 2017). Personally I know three Anastasias, two of them are Italians and they use Ania as a nickname and one is from Ukraine and she use the Ukrainian nickname Nastia with her family, but her Italian friends and classmates call her Ania too.
My mom was going to use this as my middle name, but she settled on Anne instead.
― Anonymous User 9/2/2019
Anastasia Nikolayevna Romanov was a Russian princess, the last Russian grand high duchess, and a saint along with the rest of her immediate family in the Eastern Orthodox religion.
My name is Anastasia and I'm named after my Russian great-grandmother. It's a quite rare name in my country (Sweden), I've only met one other person named Anastasia before. I love it, it's very regal and feminine. I often get compliments over my name, but other times I can tell that they're thinking "50 Shades of Grey". People sometimes call me "Anastasia Steele" as a joke, but you just have to deal with it.
Anastasia “Stacey” Elizabeth McGill is the treasurer of the baby sitters club in the book series The Baby Sitters Club by Ann M Martin.
― Anonymous User 3/13/2019
My name is Anastasia, it's a Greek name and means "Anastasi" (resurrection) and it goes like this: A-na-sta-si-a. As you see it and very clearly. Of course, because we have the same religion with most Russians, there are lots of Anastasias. I m wondering how it's possible someone thinks that it's anesthesia. Note also that in Greece we take the names of our father's parents mostly, my grandmother was Anastasia as well but it's a rare name even here in Greece.
― Anonymous User 2/11/2019
Anastasia is a lovely, regal name, with an elegant beauty. The famous Russian duchess was a subject of many great films, such as the 1997 musical drama, which is a nice watch (albeit historically inaccurate). Since it means "resurrection", I think it would make a fitting choice for a spring baby.
― Anonymous User 10/28/2018
I would like to remind everyone that the entire Romanov family is venerated as holy official Saints in the Orthodox Church. PLEASE respect that, they were viciously murdered by barbaric communists (who let's just say were not composed of native Russians in the early days mostly...). Anastasia is a gorgeous name.
AgiosParadox, that it also because people were living in poverty and tired of it. It was a tragic event, but it didn't happen simply because people were "barbaric".
― Anonymous User 6/17/2018
To bad it is associated with the tyrannic Nicholas and Alexandra's daughter, as they were truly awful leaders and I can't stand them. The name is kind of pretty, if it is not pronounced ann-uh-stay-shuh.
― Anonymous User 5/7/2018
This name is too long and has way too many different pronunciations. It's pretty though.
This beautiful name Anastasia is used for the main female character in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy book series and its movie series all of which is created and produced by its author E.L. James. The male lead, Christian Grey, falls for a 21 year old college student whose full name is Anastasia Rose Steele. Also, in both the books and the movies we see Christian, along with her fellow friends & family, call her by her nickname Ana, which she likes to be called instead of her full name Anastasia. I never noticed this name before I read all 3 books and it happily made me fall in love with this name. It’s old school and traditional while also remaining new and different. Just love this name! Beautiful.
Princess Anastasia Petrović-Njegoš of Montenegro (4 June 1868 in Cetinje, Montenegro – 25 November 1935 in Cap d'Antibes, France) was the daughter of King Nikola I Petrović-Njegoš of Montenegro (1841–1921) and his wife, Milena Vukotić (1847–1923).
Anastasia Kvitko is a Russian glamour model and entrepreneur. Kvitko was born and raised in western Russia in the Kaliningrad Oblast region and moved to the United States in her late teen years. She first moved to Miami to pursue modeling. After a short time in Miami she then moved to Los Angeles to pursue modeling full time.
Anastasia Dmitrievna Bezrukova is a Russian model and actress. Anastasia Bezrukova was born in Moscow. At the age of ten, she was one of the most in-demand child models in Europe. Bezrukova had modelled for brands such as Benetton, Pinko, Moschino, and Incanto. She had also been on the cover of Vogue Bambini.
Love it, besides the association with 50 shades of gray. Horrible. Beautiful name, though, and I love the meaning since I'm a Christian. Nice reminder of Jesus' resurrection.
In Georgia, Anastasia (Georgian transcript "ანასტასია") is used as a rare form of the name Ana.
― Anonymous User 2/28/2017
I've never been a big fan of that name, even before fifty shades of gray. I don't like Anna, so Anastasia always sounded to me as a somewhat similar name that tries to be cooler than Anna, but only ends up being pretentious and pompous.
According to ( Anastasia ranked 25th place in Estonia (2013), it than rose up to 13th place in 2014 and declined back down to 25th place in 2015. Anastasia also ranked 5th place in Georgia (2011), rose up to 4th place in 2012 and rose up again to 3rd place in 2013 and than declined back down to 4th place in 2014. Last of all, Anastasia ranked 1st place in Moldova (both 2012 and 2013) and declined down to 2nd place in 2014 and remained 2nd place in 2015.
Beautiful and elegant, my favorite quality in this name is that it could be on any girl and it could still work. I mostly like this for decent size last names like Anastasia Rose, Anastasia Tyler and Anastasia White. In my opinion, since Anastasia is such a long name itself it should be evened out with a short last name. Very beautiful and if I ever have kids (not going to happen, no offense to mommies to be), then this would have been a consideration.
My daughter is named Anastasia. We pronounce it Anna-stay-sha, but a lot of people mispronounce it. She is a great little girl and so loving and kind so the name has a very gentle, sweet, shy meaning. We often call her Ana. For me, an Anastasia is a sweet, gentle, shy girl. She is kind and takes care of others around her. She might be a bit stubborn. She has long dark hair and hazel eyes. I love the name and think it is great. It is not too overused or popular but it is classic. It is long and sounds feminine, but you can shorten it down. I just like the name.
― Anonymous User 10/10/2016
It comes from the Greek word "anastasi" (gr. "ανάσταση"), meaning "resurrection".
― Anonymous User 8/26/2016
824 Anastasia is a main belt asteroid orbiting the Sun.
Some of the pronunciations include Ah-nuh-STAY-zhuh, Ah-nuh-STAY-see-a. Ah-nuh-STAY-sha, Ah-nuh-stah-SEE-yah, Ah-nuh-STAH-see-yah, Ah-nuh-STAS-yah. My favorites are: Ah-nuh-STAY-zhuh (English), Ah-nuh-stah-SEE-yah (Russian), and Ah-nuh-STAH-see-yah (European). And this is usually how my name is pronounced. I love all three pronunciations. :)
Twin-sisters Izbitskye who said their grandma was duke Anastasia used DNA-testing ("Family tree DNA") to prove relativity to Romanovs family. Womens DNA-results consists many same to Nicolas II DNA-markers. Both autosomnal and mitochondrial DNA are similar to autosomnal and mitochondrial DNA of the Romanovs family.
It seems like this name is becoming popular among strippers now a days.
― Anonymous User 2/7/2016
This is one of my favorite names. I love the spelling and English pronunciation. It is such a beautiful name and I think of a girl with a lot of inner and outer beauty. I think that its uniqueness is a plus. I mean how many Anastasia's do you know? I only know of one that goes to my school. It is not one of those trendy fad names either. Just a terrific classic name with Greek roots so it is very European. On a different note, reading the comments above about the the sexual nature of the name, It makes sense why the main character in that movie (You all know what I am talking about) is named Anastasia.
I personally like this name, and I don't think it sounds like anything snobbish. It is indeed gorgeous and also quite imposing. Although definitely feminine, it doesn't have even a touch of overwhelming sweetness. And when read aloud it sounds like some kind of poetry. I know the Fifty-Shades-of-Gray heroine has been named Anastasia but it doesn't matter, nor does it affects this name's beauty. I'm not a person from an English-speaking or Russian-speaking country but this name somehow does attract me a lot and I regard it as also pretty when it is translated into the language in my country. If I have had a favourite character in the book I'm writing I'd probably name her Anastasia, but up to now there hasn't been a suitable one. On some accounts, this name has been overused but -- whatever? She will still be my Anastasia, bearing a name with the meaning of resurrection. Among the petforms I like the Russian diminutive Asya best.
― Anonymous User 1/25/2016
It always feels like Anastasia, though a nice sounding name, sounds like the parents were trying too hard. It's long, and for a younger kid can be hard to pronounce. Sure, it's pretty, but it just isn't a great name.Also, if you're writing a story and using Anastasia for a Russian character it's just bad. Don't do it.
― Anonymous User 10/30/2015
Anastasia is my first name and I love both my name and its meaning! In my country it's spelled ah-nah-stah-see-yah. But I also love English pronunciation. It means "resurrection - the one who will be born again". Everyone tells me my name is adorable when they hear it. The only two things I dislike is that many people have trouble spelling it correctly and that because of it's length people will always try to shorten it when I like it just as it is. Nicknames people usually use for me are Annie, Ana, Stasia, Nastia.
I love this name, and I like that it has a variety of nicknames (Anna, Stacy, Stasia, Asia, Annie, Anne, etc). Definitely one of my favorites. I like the English pronunciation :)
Anastasia Romanov was the prettiest of the otma sisters. She had a beautiful name too.
― Anonymous User 6/18/2015
Anastasia is a beautiful name! It's so classy and elegant. ^____^
― Anonymous User 5/23/2015
Anastasia "Ana" Steele is the female protagonist in the trilogy books Fifty Shades of Grey. In the film Fifty Shades of Grey she is played by Dakota Johnson.
― Anonymous User 1/31/2015
It's a beautiful, graceful and feminine name but I would never use it.
Anastasia is the main protagonist of the 1997 film 'Anastasia' which is directed by Don Bluth. It is based on the urban legend claiming that the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia had survived the execution of her family.
― Anonymous User 12/30/2014
My name is Anastasija and I love it! I prefer the 'j' in my name because it sounds better, and is also Bosnian or Serbian. I live in Italy and the pronunciation of the name Anastasia is horrible. I don't like it... it's like 'anastazia' that's why I prefer the j. All the girls that I know with this name are blonde, and I'm brown but really light, so it's close! I wear glasses too! And usually the meaning of your name will be your destiny, so I really hope that's the case with mine c:
Anastasia, as well as being a girl's first name, can also be used as a surname. My last name was originally Anastasi when my great-grandparents immigrated from Sicily to America via Ellis Island. Later my grandfather chose to Americanize it by adding the "A" at the end of it. There are a number of Anastasia's on the East Coast. Perhaps one the most notorious of these was the infamous Albert Anastasia, no relation to me, who worked in the Mafia as head of Murder Incorporated and was assassinated by a rival gang member while he was in a barbershop chair in 1957. I always felt my name held special spiritual significance to me as a Truth seeker throughout my life. I had desired to reach Salvation or enlightenment. It's meaning as the "Resurrection and New Life" signified spiritual attainment of some sort. The name, Anastasia, has thus always been symbolic for me of Salvation through the Victory of Jesus Christ over sin, disease and death through His Glorious Resurrection and Eternal Life.
My name is Anastasia and my friends call me "Anna" They keep on saying that I should put only ONE 'n' but seriously? I LOVE MY NICKNAME AND MY FIRST ONE AS WELL! It never comes off as snobby because I'm a tom-boy. But if you have this name don't be pressured into being a girly-girl (not that there's anything wrong with being one) My screen name is a joke with me and my friends because I am really NOTHING like a princess. In fact the only thing I did that was in the least bit princessy in my whole LIFE is wearing lip gloss. And pink. And playing with dolls... WELL YOU GET THE POINT! So there.
I love this name ever since I was five years old and saw Anastasia. It's a classic for me and I will always love the name Anastasia and I don't care if I don't marry a Russian. I will find any excuse to use this as a name and most likely I would use the nickname Anya because of the movie. I'm also not sure what to really use as a middle name because Anastasia ruby means rise of red and that reminds me of the Soviet Union but Anastasia Snow just seems so dreamy. But I'm not having kids for a while. There's no buts, this is a definite yes if I have a girl because I have such fond memories and I love the connection with the princess but I don't like the nickname Stacy. Also another middle name idea that I love is Hope.
I love this name, but with the an-a-stay-zha pronunciation, and without the nickname Stacy; I wouldn't name my kid this because it sounds to close to anesthesia.
This is my name. So, shout out to everyone above who thinks it's ugly. Considering that I'm older than this "FALSE Disney" movie and I pronounce my name the same way, I'm guessing my mum is either a time-traveler or the pronunciation is older than you think. If we are being technical, the name is Greek, so there goes your "correct" pronunciation. This name, like any name, belongs to its bearer. They can pronounce the name any way they choose. With that being said, I think it's funny that people are talking about an American pronunciation. Having gone through the American public school system, I can say I have heard no less than thirty different pronunciations of my name, and none of them the "horrible American" way that I pronounce it. It wasn't until a semester in England that people actually pronounced my name the "American" way.
I love this name, but only if it is pronounced like the CORRECT RUSSIAN PRONOUNCIATION. The Americanized An-a-stay-zha only came from the FALSE Disney Anastasia movie. It is supposed to be pronounced like An-a-Stah-see-a, not a drop the i, pronounce s like z, pronunciation. Everyone says that the English pronunciation of the name Genevieve is the mispronoinciation, and the French is correct. But we don't have the alphabet like them. And in English, we can pronounce it Anastasia like the Russians do, can't we? I think this is the suitable name to say "I prefer the Russian pronunciation over the Americanized pronounction". Just my opinion!
This name is beautiful! I think that the Russian pronunciation "ah-nah-stah-SEE-yah" is the nicest. I can't stand the English "a-nə-STAY-zhə" pronunciation.
― Anonymous User 4/26/2013
Some of the most beautiful women on this planet have been named Anastasia. For example, Anastasia Karlovich, the Ukrainian chess master.
My name is Annastasia, with a double 'n'. I have to spell it to people constantly, but other than that I really like having it. I always get complimented on it when I introduce myself.As a nickname I almost always go by Anna, but some people call me Stacy, Stasi, or Sia.
American ice dancer Anastasia Cannuscio (born 1992 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).
― Anonymous User 8/10/2012
American child actress Anastasia Mili (born 2000 in Detroit, Michigan).
― Anonymous User 8/10/2012
This name is a mouthful. I've never been a fan of it. I think it has a harsh and ugly sound.
― Anonymous User 8/10/2012
Pierce Hawthorne of the sitcom "Community" comically bears Anastasia as his middle name. It is implied his spiteful father gave him a female middle name to emasculate him.
Anastasia Romanovna (1532?-1560) was the first wife of Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584) of Russia; out of hundreds of eligible young noblewomen ordered to participate in a "bridal contest" in 1547, the young Ivan chose Anastasia. By all accounts, she was his soul-mate; it was common knowledge throughout Russia that she was the only one who could calm and moderate her irascible husband and he accomplished many great things during their marriage. Anastasia, Ivan's beloved "little heifer" (his pet name for her), bore Ivan six children, only two of whom survived to adulthood. Her suspicious death in 1560 devastated Ivan and Russia; without Anastasia, his calming influence, nothing could control Ivan's rage. Ivan suspected nobles of poisoning her (they did not like Anastasia, feeling that she was from an upstart family) and did not hesitate to take revenge.
Diminutive: Sia (American)Note: Many citizens of the United States cannot pronounce the name Anastasia in its Russian and Greek forms, thus the diminutive/nickname Sia (pronounced See-uh).
I love the story of Anastasia Romanov. Recently I went to an exhibit called History's Mysteries at a museum and they said that it's really Olga Romanov's body who was missing! Alexei Romanov's body was missing as well, but it was thought to have burned completely because of his condition.Oh, and I like this name. :) Haha. Kind of got off topic.
It was proven without a doubt that Anastasia Romanov did NOT survive the massacre that killed her family in 1918. Her and her brother's remains were found separate from her three sisters and parents. DNA testing done in 2008 and 2009 proves that none of the Romanovs escaped the execution.Rumors that she was alive were perpetuated by the Bolsheviks themselves because Germany wanted assurances that the princesses "of German blood" were safe. At this point, they had already murdered the royal family, but since the WWI conflict was drawing to a close, they lied about it, rather than stir up more resentment.
My name is Anastasia, and I was named after my Great Grandmother from Mexico. In Mexico my nickname is Tachita since my Great Granmother's was Tacha. Other nicknames I have are Ana, Anya, and Stacia. My favorite nickname is Tachita. I love the name Anastasia, it is a rare and beautiful name.
Anastasia holds the rank of being my favorite girl's name. It's classy, elegant, pretty, and can have many nicknames. I would name a child this in a heartbeat. If anyone is looking for the perfect girl's name, here it is!
― Anonymous User 2/24/2010
My name is Anastasia, and I love it. I was named for the Russian Grand Duchess and my middle name is Nichole. (My mother included the "h" because of Czar Nicholas II.)I get touchy as far as nicknames go. I abhor Ana, Annie, and Stasi. I am known among my friends mostly as Stasia or, my favorite: Stai. I think I would rather go by my first name in its entirety, but people shorten it as they please. :)
This has been my favorite name ever since I first saw the animated movie "Anastasia" when I was seven. (It's still my favorite animated movie so far.) Even if I forgot the name for a time, I would always come back to it. I just can't get over how beautiful it is. I'm not fond of the Stacy nickname. Anya is nice, but since I'm not Russian I think that would be a bit odd to use--unless of course I marry a Russian! :-) But honestly, I might not even use a nickname. What her friends would call her would be up to her, but if I named my daughter this, she would be Anastasia to me. :-)
― Anonymous User 12/6/2009
Anastasia is such a classy, elegant, pretty name. It suits many people from different countries, and it reminds me of winter somehow. I highly recommend this as a name.
Anastasia is my name and I absolutely love it! I've never had anybody tell me they don't like my name either. Most people think this name is Russian, but it is actually Greek, and I am half Greek. My nickname is Tasia (tay-shuh) and all my friends tell me they love it.
It's very weird because I usually don't like names that have too many a's. Like Annabella, Isabella, Mirabella, but I love this name. It is so classy and it's so pretty. It's not a name I would use on a daughter but if you plan or have a daughter named this, excellent choice.
My friend's name is Anastasia, but all of us call her by nickname Nasty and it's funny. And her mother calls her Nastya. Her mom's Russian and in Russia all of girls named Anastasia people call Nastya or Stasya or Asya. It's true.
I think it's a really pretty name that sounds regal and sophisticated. However, when I was little, my grandma had a cat named Anastasia, and it was unordinarily fat so I always think of it when I hear the name. Also, one of my Catholic friends chose this as her conformation name, so I couldn't use it for a story or anything without her teasing me that I named someone after her. But I still think it's pretty and elegant.
I love this name, but I don't know about nicknames. ): Stacie is a name I'm not too fond of, nor is Ana or Anya.
― Anonymous User 6/17/2009
I think it's pretty. It's not my favorite but I think it's pretty. "Stacie" is a good nickname or "Ana" I guess, Stacie is a better nickname than Ana though.
It sounds just as royal as it in fact is. I especially love Anya as a nickname, like what Anastasia went by in the animated movie (you know, before she found out who she was and beat the bad guy and lived happily ever after yadayada).
Anastasia is also a city in Calvino's 'Invisible Cities', where it is a city of desire. It is described as a city which enslaves people with their desires when they believe that they are wholly enjoying it, and can either be benevolent or malignant on a whim.
― Anonymous User 7/12/2008
This is a great name. I think it sounds gorgeous and regal. I really like it.
Yes, this name is also pure Russian. It is spelt Anastasiya in Russia, but this name is Russian, no matter how it is spelt. Also, a common pet name for Anastasia is Anya.
This name is Greek, it's a bit of a stretch to say it's purely Russian (it's not); though it is very popular in Russia. That doesn't make it a purely Russian name any more than the common English usage of Hannah makes the name purely English. Also, Anya is not a nickname for Anastasia (assuming we're still talking about Russian usage), but rather Anna. Nastya would be the most common nickname of Anastasia.
Radu Sîrbu (the Romanian singer) has a daugher named Anastasia-Dalia. Beautiful, beautiful name. Okay maybe I am somewhat biased because it is Radu's daughter but, yknow.
― Anonymous User 10/20/2007
I adore this name and its meaning "she will rise again". I would love to have a daughter and call her this, upper class sounding. My mother was going to name me and my twin brother after the two Russian tsars though my father changed my name to a pet form of Alexsandra.
― Anonymous User 9/24/2007
In relation to Anastasia Romanov, the remains of Aleksei and most likely Maria were just found this month (August 2007). Excerpts from a news article about it from the Associated Press.Archaeologist says bones found in Russia belong to the missing son of czar Nicholas II. By Mike Eckel, Associated Press Article Launched: 08/24/2007 09:33:14 PM PDTMOSCOW - Prosecutors announced Friday that they have reopened an investigation into the deaths of the last Russian czar and his family nearly 90 years ago after an archaeologist reported that he may have found the missing remains of Nicholas II's son and heir to the throne. The announcement of the reopened investigation signaled the government might be taking seriously the claims made Thursday by Yekaterinburg researcher Sergei Pogorelov. In comments broadcast on NTV, Pogorelov said bones found in a burned area of ground near Yekaterinburg belong to a boy and a young woman roughly the ages of Nicholas' 13-year-old hemophiliac son, Alexei, and a daughter whose remains also never have been found. Yekaterinburg is the Urals Mountain city where Czar Nicholas II, his wife, Alexandra, and their five children were held prisoner by the communists and then shot in 1918. Pogorelov, an archaeologist at a regional center for the preservation of historical and cultural monuments in Yekaterinburg, said the spot where the remains were found appears to correspond to a site in a written description by Yakov Yurovsky, leader of the family's killers. "An anthropologist has determined that the bones belong to two young individuals - a young male he found was aged roughly 10-13 and a young woman about 18-23," he told NTV television by telephone. Historians say guards shot the royal family and four attendants in the basement of a nobleman's house. The bodies were then loaded onto a truck and initially dumped in a mine shaft but were later moved, according to most accounts. Parts of the bodies were exhumed in 1991 - the year the Soviet Union broke apart - and reburied in St. Petersburg in 1998. But two sets of remains weren't found then: those of Alexei and a daughter scientists believe was Maria. According to NTV, a 1934 report based on Yurovsky's words indicated the bodies of nine victims were doused with sulfuric acid and buried along a road, while those of Alexei and a sister were burned and left in a pit nearby.
Love the name, I am Russian and this name is quite popular in Russia, Nastya for short (which I don't like), but in English speaking coutries this name really sounds great, very regal, classy, noble, elegant, feminine, definitely not boring. I am considering it for a middle name for my daughter.
I love this name and it is even my Christian name. :D My 1st born daughter well be named Anastasia Marie (“Anastasia” after myself and the Grand Duchess Saint Anastasia).
A not so famous bearer is Megan Mullaly's character on Will&Grace, her name is Karen Walker, but her alias is Anastasia Beverhausen. Anastasia as in the Russian royal, and Beverhausen as in ... where the beaver lives.
I studied Koine Greek in college, and did the etymology of my first name. Ana is a preposition which means 'back up' or 'up again', and stasis is the future form of the verb histemi, which means 'to stand' or 'to rise'. So the literal meaning of the name is 's/he who shall rise up again.' It was apparently given to children born around Easter during the early years of Christianity. I pronounce it ah-nah-stah-SI-Ah, which is the pronunciation used in Holland and Russia.
The most commonly celebrated Name Day for Greeks with the name Anastasios and Anastasia is Greek Easter, as the name means "resurrection." This is a moveable feast day, falling on a different Sunday each year.
― Anonymous User 12/11/2005
Anastasia is the most beautiful name! The meaning and everything in it makes it the perfect name, for me.
― Anonymous User 11/28/2005
A famous bearer in the Netherlands is Anna van Lippe-Biesterfeld van Vollenhoven. She is the daughter of prince Maurits and princess Marilene of Orange-Nassau. Actually her full name is: Anastasia Margriet Josephine. Her parents are still in the line of the Dutch throne.
― Anonymous User 11/16/2005
A popular name, with a sexy background. It's a very beautiful name and brings up an impression of someone light-haired, thin, and beautiful.
As I know the name "Anastasia" means "Resurrection". I think I have one of the most beautiful names in the world. My French friend said that the number of letters "À" makes it very sexual.
Anastasia was also the name of the last Grand Duchess of Russia, who is said to have escaped death when the rest of her family was massacred. Her death is one of the greatest mysteries in the world.
Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov, the youngest daughter of Nicholas II and Alexandra, was popularly believed for many years to have mysteriously survived the massacre that killed the rest of her family. When the remains of the royal family were examined, forensic scientists declared that there were no remains present that matched either Anastasia or her brother, Alexi. A woman calling herself Anna Anderson was believed by many people, including herself, to be Anastasia. A DNA test conducted in 1997, using a sample from Romanov descendant Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, proved that Anderson was not Anastasia, but a Polish factory worker who disappeared around the same time as the Romanov massacre. The Romanov remains were examined again before being interred in a royal tomb in Russia in 2002. This time, the scientists concluded that the bones of Anastasia were indeed present - it is her sister Maria's bones, in addition to Alexi's, that are missing.
Anastasia was a Russian Tsar's daughter. Her family, including: her mother, father, three older sisters, and little brother were all said to be shot to death while imprisoned. Anastasia was said to be the only one to survive. All her families bodies were covered in acid and burnt. There was no evidence to suggest (or not suggest) that Anastasia shared the fate of her family.
― Anonymous User 11/28/2005
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I really hope I'm not the only one thinking about Codename: Anastasia.