In Swedish "Jisses Amalia!" or "Jösses Amalia!" is an old fashioned exclamation of surprise. It seems to have originated in the 1930s.
Although it is not among my favorite names, you can't deny the charm that the name Amalia holds. It is classy, feminine, and elegant. I absolutely love the meaning, and I like “Molly” for a nickname. Overall, I think Amalia is a nice name.
Amalia is also English, used alongside Amelia in English.
English Pronunciations: ə-MA-lee-ə, ə-MAL-yə.
Absolutely stunning!
My favorite variant of Amelia. The long "ah-" sound makes it seem strong and unwavering, and it has good history and is not that common. Overall a great name.
Also Romansh:
Source: "Vornamen in der Schweiz. Prénoms en Suisse. I nomi in Svizzera. Prenoms in Svizra" (1993) published by the Association of Swiss registrars
The name Amalia was given to 510 girls born in the US in 2020.
Amalia is also used in the country of Georgia, where it is written as: ამალია.The name was probably introduced to the country via the play "The Robbers" by Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805), since that is how it was for neighbouring Armenia, where the name is written as Ամալյա (Amalya; variantly transcribed as Amalia). Schiller wrote the play in 1781, but in Georgian theatres it was first performed in 1887.Sources used:
- (in Georgian; mentions Amalia in the description)
- (in English; mentions Schiller's play)
- The Robbers: (in Georgian)
- (general): (lists only bearers living in Georgia)
- You can also find plenty of Georgian bearers on Facebook! The best way to find them is to search per city, preferably the most populous ones of Georgia: Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Rustavi, Gori and Zugdidi.
It sounds like Amelia. I love both names.
Hi, I'm Amalia. I love my name and I go by Amalia and my middle name is Gabriella and I go by Gabi so I'm happy I get to see behind my name. But many people call me Amelia when they see my name so that's kinda dumb, but my name isn't common but it is beautiful!
This is my name and I go by: Mall or Mal (those are the same names just spelt differently). I've NEVER met another person with my name lol.
I think it looks and sounds a lot better than Amelia, which to me is half overused, and half not overused. Looks a bit more mature than Amelia as well. I really love this, and I quite like Amelia, it's just too common and a teensy bit childish. Love this name!
Hate it. Go with Emilia or Amelia instead.
Well, I really like this name, it looks elegant, sounds also good, a lot better than overused Amelia. Amalia looks more mature also. Just a good name!
I SO agree with DeeDeeRee. Amelia is a little overused, and this is a great replacement! Don’t get me wrong, Amelia is also an awesome name, just wish it wasn’t so common!
Amalia is also Polish and Finnish, used alongside Amelia in Poland. The name days for Amalia in Poland are April 20 and October 7. The name day for Amalia in Finland is May 19.
Also Finnish name. Finnish name day May 19. [noted -ed]
Even though it means "work" it still sounds like a name a spoiled girl would have to me.
I love this name! I believe this to be the full name of my great-grandmother, who always went by Mollie.
Amalia is a really cute name. I hope the popularity doesn’t increase too much.
Also occasionally used in Slovene: -- mention it as a variant, including stats
Also Sicilian:
Nice alternative to Amelia! Beautiful. It might get mispronounced and misspelled, but hey, it doesn’t take much to correct someone. It’s your name, be proud of it!
Another pronunciation commonly used is a-mall-ee-uh.
A very pretty and interesting alternative to the popular Amelia.
Amalia of Cleves (1517-1586) was the younger sister of Anna of Cleves, Queen of England and was a potential wife for Henry VIII.
ə-MAL-ee-ə, ə-MAHL-ee-ə, ə-MAHL-yə, and or ə-MAL-yə in English.
This is such an elegant name. I can’t get over the fact they made a variant called Amelia which exploded. I also can’t get over the fact how PRETTY this is. Amalia is mature and it is dignified. I am considering to use this name.
Amalia is way better than the repetitive Amelia.
Eh, Amelia is better.
Amalia (pronounced Ah - MAUHL - lia) is a Spanish name, too. That's the only way I've heard it. My name is Maya, and lots of people use Maya as a nickname for Amalia in Spain.
One of my best friends is named this, but spelt Ahmalia. I honestly think it is a very pretty, strange name.
A Hebrew origin might have preceded the Germanic one. "Amal" (biblical) means work, labor; "-ia" a suffix signifying the Hebrew name of God. Hence Amal-ia, "the labor of god". Probably as in worshiping or toiling in the service of God in some other way.
The name Amalia was given to 357 girls born in the US in 2016.
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Amalia are female.
Princess Amalia of Nassau is a Luxembourgish princess and the eldest child of Prince Félix and Princess Claire of Luxembourg. She's the first and only granddaughter and third grandchild of Grand Duke Henri. She is currently third in the line of succession, behind her paternal uncle Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and her father. She has a brother, Prince Liam of Nassau.
Natalie Portman named her daughter Amalia Portman-Millipied (born February 22, 2017) this. I didn't know it was a Hebrew name, but that makes sense because she is Jewish. It looks sort of like Amelia, though less common.
Greek name, pronounced "ah-mah-LEE-ah" and written Αμαλία. [noted -ed]
I love this name! It was also the name of my friend who moved to Norway, and I find the name so pretty.
This is a very pretty name. I knew an Amalia once, who didn't use a nickname, and the name didn't sound bizarre or pretentious in the real world at all. I also like that, in using Amalia rather than the similar Amelia, you avoid having "meal" stuck in the middle of the name.
The name sounds incredibly unflattering and harsh. Perhaps because it easily makes me think of the word "Maul" Maul. Mauled. Like someone mauled by a crazed animal.Amelia is just so much softer and nicer. There's a reason why this name (Amelia) is more common.
I change my mind about this name. I now think of Amalia to be an acceptable and decent enough name. I used to not care for it at all but now that I gave it some thought, I find that I can tolerate this name and remove it from my list of "my disliked names within the top 1000."
And I believe that Amalia could be a nice name to use to honor someone named "Molly" if pronounced as Ah-MAH-lee-uh. Amalia can be said as Ah-mah-LEE-uh as well. Both pronunciations are nice.
My nana's name, I love her so much! It means "hard worker" She is a hard worker!Also my friend from Norway's name, She spells it Amalie, but some people pronounce it "om-ah-lay" like that girl from the movie Ameile.
I think it's a stuck-up name! Bah!
I love this name! Though I much prefer the variant Amarlia.
This form can be also used in Polish, though it's much less popular than Amelia. Pronunciation: ah-MAH-lyah.
Doesn't Amal also mean - hope, expectation, aspiration - in arabic? It sounds beautiful for me.
Unfortunately, Amalia has once again fallen out of the top 1000 after a brief stint. It's still relatively common, being given to 244 baby girls in the year 2012.
Beautiful. This makes a great alternative to the nice but overused and trendy Amelia. I personally think its prettier :)
You can get the nickname Mali/Molly from this!
Maria Amalia (1746-1804) was the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and his wife Maria Theresia. She was the older sister of Marie Antoinette.
Maria Amalia (1757-1831) was the daughter of Frederick Christian, Elector of Saxony and his wife Maria Antonia.
Maria Amalia (1724-1760) was the daughter of Augustus III of Poland and his wife Maria Josepha.
Amalia (1436-1501) was the oldest daughter of Frederick II, Elector of Saxony and his wife Margarete of Austria.
Maria Amalia (1701-1756) was the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I and his wife Wilhelmine. She was married to Charles of Bavaria, who himself later became Holy Roman Emperor.
Maria Amalia (1780-1798) was one of the daughters of the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II and his wife Maria Luisa of Spain.
Amalia was the youngest daughter of Emperor Francis II and his wife Maria Teresa. She died shortly after birth.
Maria Amalia (1724-1730) was the younger sister of Maria Theresa of Austria.
I like it alright but for some reason it reminds me of goats.
A variant of Amalia is Alma.
One of my very favorite names. I like Lia as a nickname, and Amalia Rose sounds beautiful.
Also Romanian. [noted -ed]
Amalia Balash is a character in the musical "She Loves Me".
My aunt's name is Amalia and I think it is a beautiful name.
Is it possible that Amalia came into usage during the time that Queen Amalia was the queen consort of Greece in the 19th century? Although this royal family was not Greek and not always popular she does seem to have left her mark:"When she arrived in Greece as a Queen consort in 1837 she had an immediate impact on social life and fashion. She realized that her attire ought to emulate that of her new people, and so she created a romantic folksy court dress, which became a national Greek costume still known as the Amalia dress.It follows the Biedermeier style, with a kaftan (êáâáäé) top over which is worn a richly embroidered jacket. It was completed with a cap or fez, traditionally worn by married women, or with the kalpaki (a toque) of the unmarried woman, to which was added the black veil for going to church.This dress became the usual attire of all Christian townswomen in both Ottoman Empire-occupied and liberated Balkan lands as far north as Belgrade.In the early years of the new monarchy, Queen Amalia, with her beauty and vivaciousness brought a spirit of smart fashion and progress to the impoverished country. She laboured actively towards social improvement and the creation of gardens in Athens, and at first won the hearts of the Greeks with her refreshing beauty. The city of Amalias and the village of Amaliapolis were named for the Queen."
Anonymous User is right about the Amalia costume being the national Greek women's costume, although their description is very esoteric and doesn't sound like the (likely bastardized) version I know. The Amalia costume of today is a red velvet hat and jacket with gold trim, lace, and fancy embroidery. It's paired with a white blouse with a lace ruffle down the front and a floor length blue skirt, typically taffeta or satin.
Amalia is a chain of hotels in Greece.
Amal means work in Hebrew and Arabic.
This is my name, and I love it. The only problem is that people always think my name is Amelia (a name that I hate). I say it Uh-Molly-uh, and I go by Molly or Malia. It's a nice name because it's beautiful and pretty, but it can be shortened to so many normal names (Molly, Amy, Lia, Mia, etc.)
Amália Rodrigues was a Portuguese fado singer. She's considered the "Queen of Fado" and a worldwide known symbol of Portugal.
The word "amal" is a Hebrew word, meaning - labor. Therefor, "Amalia" means "God's labor" in Hebrew; And therefor, obviously, it is also a Hebrew name.
I really like this name. I prefer it to Amelia, since Amalia's not as common.
This is a Polish version, too.
Amalia Wilhelmine von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (21th April 1673 – 10th April 1742) was the daughter of Johann Friedrich, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, and Benedikte-Henriette of Simmern.
Princess Catharina-Amalia of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau (given names: Catharina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria; born December 07, 2003, The Hague, the Netherlands), is the first child of Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange, the heir apparent to the throne of the Netherlands, and Princess Máxima of the Netherlands, his spouse.
I suspect that the meaning of this name is derived from a Semitic language such as Hebrew or Arabic. The Arabic word for "work" is "amal" (ayin, mim, lam).
In the game Final Fantasy XII, the princess Ashelia B'nargin uses this as her alias.
Upon first impression, I thought this to be a variant of Amelia and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was not. Nevertheless, this is an underused name that could replace the more common Amelia and Emily.Also, the character from Final Fantasy XII was more often referenced simply as Ashe.
Listen to the German pronunciation of Amalia here:
It's an alias that the character Ashelia uses in Final Fantasy XII.
I love it, not quite as much as I love Amelia but still, it's a very pretty name.
This is also an Italian name. My great-grandmother was from northern Italy and she was named Amalia. In America she went by Mollie.
Finnish name day: 19.5.
Amalia is also the Czech form. Nameday: 10th July.
Czech and Slovak pronunciation is "AH-MAH-lee-a".
Amalia´s pet forms: Amálka, Mia, Mali, Mala, Malczinka, Amalie.
I know someone named Amalia and her nickname is Mali.
They should put the Spanish and Portuguese usage as well. [noted -ed]
Pronounced as "Ah-muh-lia".
German pronunciation: ah-MAH-lee-ah. [noted -ed]
This is also the Dutch pronunciation. [noted -ed]
Personally, I like this name better than Amelia.
Amalia is also the second name (and common name) of Catharina Amalia, daughter of the Prince and Princess of Orange, who will inherit the Dutch throne after her father.
Amalia was the name of the greatest Portuguese singer. She sang FADO like no one else in the world could do. Fado is a traditional type of music in Portugal. It's the tears of a guitar, the soul of two lovers.
Also an ancient Greek name, from the word "amalos", means soft.
Amalia means "God's work" in Hebrew. It can also be used as a vernacular name for Malka.

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