Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts (Japanese Kanji) あか(Japanese Hiragana)

Meaning & History

Directly taken from Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red". Red is the color of youth and celebration in Japan. This name was popular in the Edo Era, nowadays it's more popular as a name element as, for example, in Akari.
Added 7/20/2015 by anonymous
Edited 4/23/2021 by Destry, Evil and Marusero

Gender Masculine
Usage Georgian
Scripts აკა(Georgian)

Meaning & History

Short form of Akaki.
Added 7/11/2019 by anonymous
Edited 7/12/2020 by Lucille and Felie

See Also

User submission Âĸa