Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts あいの(Japanese Hiragana) アイノ(Japanese Katakana) 亜祈, 愛希, 愛祈, 藍希, 和野, 亜委乃, 亜委野, 阿委乃, 阿委野, 安以野, 安惟乃, 安惟野, 安意乃, 安意野, 安維乃, etc.(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. AH-EE-NO  [key]

Meaning & History

This name can be spelled with 安 (a) meaning "low, cheap, inexpensive, rested, peace, quiet" combined with 以 (i) meaning "by means of, because, in view of, compared with", 委 (i) meaning "committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard", 惟 (i) meaning "consider, reflect, think", or 意 (i) meaning "idea, mind, heart, taste, thought, desire, care, liking", that is then combined with 祈 (ino, no) meaning "pray, wish". Or it could be spelled with 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo" or 和 (ai) meaning "peace, harmony, Japanese style, Japan" that is then combined with 希 (no) meaning "hope, beg, request, rare, few" or 野 (no) meaning "area, field". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Added 12/9/2016 by lilolaf
Edited 1/7/2025 by ShioTanbo1, Mike C, Evil and more

See Also

Aino, and user submission Ainó