I usually like names with more meaning, but I can still appreciate the sound of it, which I think is actually quite nice. I would rather go with a spelling like Absidy, though. I could see it as a portmanteau of Abby/Abigail and Cassidy, as well.
I swear, this was initially an urban legend. And then some parents made it a reality. I wonder if it will catch on enough to crack the Top 1000 in the US one day (God, I hope not)...
This is stupid… Very, very stupid. A mother makes anyone singing an ABC-song with her daughter >_<
But if she REALLY, really wants to name it, just stick by with a phonetic variant “Absidy”.
I see some people hate saying that it sounds bad. I disagree. It sounds quite nice. Sure, it’s kind of stupid to name someone after just the first five letters of the alphabet, but if you ignore why it first came into being it’s quite a nice name.
Even if it wasn't spelled this way it doesn't sound nice.
And her little sister LMNOP, pronounced Ella Minnow Pea.
When I first heard the pronunciation, I thought, sure, that sounds neat. Then I was told it was spelled "ABCDE." No. Just no.
This has got to be one of the stupidest names I've ever heard of. Who decided to make this a name?
Fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now I know my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me.

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