UN: HeidiAnn
LN: King
DH: Jonathan Walter (26)
DW: Emily Anne (25)
Mary EvaRandom event number:
55Someone in the family died. Who and what happened?
Jonathan and Emily were thrilled to find out they were expecting a baby. This would be the first grandchild on both sides of the family. At 20 weeks they found out it was a girl. The were so happy. They painted the nursery pink and bought all kinds of adorable clothes for her. They decided to name her Mary Eva after both Grandma's-to-be. At 25 weeks Emily started cramping badly and bleeding. They rushed to the hospital. The doctors discovered that the placenta was pulling away. They did an emergency c-section. Mary Eva was delivered only weighing 1lb 9oz. She had a severe bleed on her brain. Jonathan and Emily were devistated. Little Mary only lived 2 days.
This message was edited 12/22/2007, 6:43 AM