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Re: Top 10 for October
1. Frieda/ Frida "Edie"
2. Aurora "Rory/ Rorie"
3. Josephine "Josie", "Joey", & "Jo"
4. Artemis "Artie" & "Missy"
5. Hazel
6. Vivian "Viv"
7. Althea "Thea" & "Allie"
8. Elaina/ Elena "Nell" & "Nellie"
9. Aveline
10. SabrinaHonorable mentions: Clara, Dorothea "Thea", "Dora", "Dorie", "Dottie", & "Dot", Delphina "Del", Thalia "Tali", Luna, Vanessa "Ness", Leona "Leo" or "Lee", Willemina/ Wilhelmina "Billie", "Millie", or "Mina", Fiona "Fi" & "Fio", Viviana "Viv", Viola "Vi", Cordelia "Corie" & "Cora", Maeve/ Maebh/ Meabh, Mariana "Mari", Ariana "Ari", Aileen, Eliana "Nell" & "Nellie", Antonia "Toni" or "Ann" & "Annie", Calliope "Callie" or "Clio", Cecily, Veronica "Vera" or "Nicky" & "Nica", Violet "Vi", Iris, Maple, Callisto "Callie" or "Clio", Cascadia "Cass" & "Cassie", Serena, Citrina "Trini", Ceridwen "Wendy" or "Cerys", Serafina "Sera" or "Fi", Miranda "Andie" or "Mira", Matilda "Mattie", "Millie", or "Tilly", Melody "Mel", Penelope "Penny" or "Nell" & "Nellie", Mattea "Mattie" or "Tea", Justine, Teresa "Tess", Mira/ Muira, Lucinda "Lucy" or "Cindy", Verity "Vera", Rosaline "Rose", "Rosie", & "Rosa", Talullah/ Talulla "Tully", Delara "Del", Estelle, Stella, Genevieve "Gen" & "Genny", Magnolia "Maggie" & "Mags" or "Nola" & "Noli", Marguerite "Maisie" & "Daisy" or "Pearl", Astrid "Aster", "Astra", "Star", & "Daisy", Arnica "Ari" or "Arnie" or "Nica" & "Nicky", April, Llewella "Lu", "Lulu", & "Lula" or "Ella", "Elle", & "Ellie", Louisa "Lou", Juliet "Jules", Augustine "Auggie" or "Gussie", Marceline "Marcie" or "Celine", Celeste "Cel", Cecilia, Cassandra "Cass" & "Cassie", Petronella "Nell" & "Nellie", Freya, Phoebe, Ursa, Sigrid "Siggy", Renata "Ren", Delphine, Florence, Fionnuala "Fionn" or "Nuala", Gwyneira "Gwyn", Antonella "Toni" or "Nella", "Nell", & "Nellie", Cecile, and Flora.
1. Rowan
2. Adrian
3. Quinton "Quin"
4. Rainier "Rain"
5. Cedar
6. Cassidy "Cas"
7. Ciaran "Ciar"
8. Kestrel "Kes"
9. Magnus
10. Arthur "Artie" tied with Merrick/ Merric "Merry"Honorable mentions: Cedric "Ced", Malcolm "Mal", Peregrine "Perry" or "Pip" & "Pippin", Asher "Ash", Gavin, Robin, Tristan, Connor/ Conor, Xavier, Brendan "Bren", Julian "Jules", Hadrian, Marcel, Rory, Taliesin, Galen, Calvin "Cal", Wesley "Wes", Elliott, Silas, Spruce, Cormac "Cory" or "Mac", Teagan "Teague", Griffin/ Gryphon "Finn", Finley "Finn", Felix, Miles, Avery, Ezra, Patrick "Pat", Theodore "Theo" or "Ted" & "Teddy", Fionn, Frederick "Fred" & "Freddy", Henrik "Henry", Hawthorn, Jasper, Percival "Percy" or "Perry", Sage, Denali "Den" & "Denny", Dennis "Denny", Duncan, Desmond, Quintus "Quin", Quinn, Cecil, Edmund/ Edmond "Ned", Caspian "Cas", August "Auggie", Gabriel "Gabe", Perseus "Percy", Roland, Conrad, Linus, Muir, Simon, Gratian "Gray", Gareth, Eric, Nico, Scott, Seamus, Reed/ Reid, River, Martin, Morgan, Theron, Dylan, Quentin, Cassian "Cas", Cassius "Cas", Cygnus, Esmond, and Rhys.*Edited to fix punctuation and just rearrange the order of a few of the honorable mentions. Posted it literally last minute because I kept forgetting to finish arranging the honorable mentions, was going to post it earlier today but got busy with Halloween stuff. I'm thinking that I probably should just gut my honorable mentions list, it has gotten too large. Or maybe I should stop trying to arrange them in order.
----------------Favorite Names:Frida, Fiona, Dorothea, Althea, Aurora, Josephine, Vivian, Hazel, Artemis, Thalia, Iris, Marguerite, Maeve, Luna, Elaina, Delphina, ClaraRowan, Rainier, Malcolm, Magnus, Ciaran, Cassidy, Merrick, Arthur, Adrian, Julian, Tristan, Robin, Cedar, Cedric, Quinton, Brendan, Xavier, Rory

This message was edited 11/1/2018, 12:47 AM

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