I like:
Allegria - I automatically think of Cirque du
Soleil, but I like it. I think it sounds prettier than
Ambrosine Araminta - GP. If it didn't remind me of a mint-scented air freshener, I'd like it more.
AstraAzureCamelliaCedar - I prefer it for a boy.
CelandineClarityClover - It's not something I would use myself, but it's lighthearted and kind of adorable.
CyanHyacinth Indigo Juniper Kerensa - Lovely.
Lark LilacLinnaeaLotus - A GP of mine as well.
MarisOcean RavennaSapphire - GP.
SeptemberSparrow - I met a
Sparrow who was a really nice person, so I like it even more now because of her.
Anima is interesting, but I automatically think of the psychology term.