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Adoption / Congrats Sign Ups
I have decided to start an adoption / congrats game. Sometimes you will get a biological child, sometimes an adopted one. Some rounds there will be optional questions for pets and other family members. I am going to be away til Sunday or Monday, so will post Round 1 then.I am not going to accept late sign ups after Round 1 and I will limit it to 30 in the first place as it is my first one! If anyone thinks that is an unreasonable number, let me know! lolSign Up Form
H and age:
W and age:Biological Child
Triplets?:Adoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)

This message was edited 9/23/2006, 2:05 AM

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Sign Up Form
H and age: Larry William (26)
W and age: Yara Louisa (24)Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Adam Robert
W and age: Catherine Jayne "Catey"Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes Adoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes**miss_smiley**
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Donovan Blake Mitchell 26
W and age: Natalia Lane Mitchell 25Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: sure Adoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: sure
"Never make someone a priority, who only makes you an option."
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Leo James
W and age: Catherine May "Cate"Biological Child
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: YesAdoptee
Siblings?: Yes
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: Yes
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Kevin Oliver Jadeski; 27 yrs. old
W and age: Victoria Anne Jadeski "Vix"; 26 yrs. oldBiological Child
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: No thanksAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: Yes
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: No thanks
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Alexander Henry (21)
W and age: Sarah Katherine (19)Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes--Sarah Katherine Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
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Sign Up Form
DH and age: Jonathan Ezra (22)
DW and age: Lillian Rose (21)Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: noAdoptee
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: no
Triplets?: no
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Sign Up Form
H: Dylan Edward Spartz (34)
W: Marie Nicole Spartz (30)Biological Child
Twins?: Sure
Triplets?: NoAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: Yes!
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: No
Image Hosted by
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Sign Up Form
DH: Duncan Jonathan (26)
DW: Sarah Victoria (22)Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes
Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts
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Username: DLBSign Up Form
H and age: Matthew James (22)
W and age: Susannah Grace (20)Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes
"The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything." ~~ Theodore Roosevelt
Loving Theodore and Chloe!
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Alden Graham Banyon(24)
W and age: Shelby Rebecca Banyon(24)Biological Child
Twins?: Sure
Triplets?: SureAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: Sure but no more than three
Twins?: Sure
Triplets?: Sure

This message was edited 9/23/2006, 11:19 AM

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H and age: Ryan James
W and age: Rachel LeahBiological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes
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H and age: James Lenard
W and age: Tracy ElizabethBiological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?:y yes
Triplets?: yes
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Ryan Everett (21)
W and age: Kelsey Nicole (22)Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra
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Sign Up Form
Username: Rosethorn08
H and age: Sebastian Ray "Ash" (25)
W and age: Luciana Rose "Lucia" (22)DS/DD: Gabriel Cameron / Gwendoline CiaraAdoptee
Siblings?: Yes
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: Yes

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Sorry, I was asking if you would like biological twins or triplets, no one is starting with children!**miss_smiley**
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DH: Sasha Vincent (28)
DW: Emily Katerina (25)Biological Child
Twins?: No
Triplets?: NoAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: No
Twins?: No
Triplets?: No
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Gregor James Abbott "Greg," 26
W and age: Indira Sunshine Abbott "Indi," 28Biological Child
Twins?: Sure
Triplets?: SureAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: Sure
Twins?: Sure
Triplets?: SureArray

I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.

This message was edited 9/23/2006, 8:47 AM

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Sign Up Form
H and age: Terrence Carl - 24
W and age: Elizabeth Caroline - 22Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Kenneth Elijah 'Kenny' (29)
W and age: Liliana Imogen (28)Biological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yyes
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Kyle Anthony
W and age: Claire MaireBiological Child
Twins?: sure
Triplets?: sureAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: no
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes
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Kyle is 24
Claire is 22
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ign Up Form
H and age:Henry 26
W and age:Juliet 28Biological Child
Triplets?:noAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Mario Salvatore (22)
W and age: Anna MariaBiological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: NoAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: no
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Christopher Jacob "Chris" - 22
W and age: Summer Jeanna - 21Biological Child
Twins?: sure
Triplets?: sureAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: no
Twins?: sure
Triplets?: no
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Gerard David
W and age: Leanne RoisinBiological Child
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: YesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: Yes
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: Yes:D
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Gregory James (29)
W and age: Harriet Jane (25)Biological Child
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: YesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: Yes
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: Yes

Dad: I know what the Loch Ness monster is. I done figured it out by myself!
Brother: Okay, then, what is it?
Dad: It's an elephant.
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Seamus Jupiter (32)
W and age: Rebecca SimoneBiological Child
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yesPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Snape, Sexy and Dangerous!
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Sign Up Form
H and age: Moritz Wilhelm, 30
W and age: Cerridwen Maya, 29Biological Child
Twins?: Catriona Ena Morgaine and Taliesin Drystan Leaf, 3 "Cat and Tali" *
Triplets?: noAdoptee (This is just so that I don't give twins or more as the children up for adoption if nobody wants twins or more!)
Siblings?: yes
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: only once* Oh bother, I just realised everyone else just put "yes when it comes to biological children. If this is so, just ignore the twins ;-) And "yes" for triplets. Thanks!

This message was edited 9/23/2006, 4:16 PM

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