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Nikki's Congrats
For this round only I am only going to post your new baby. Sorry but something is wrong with my comuter and it will not let me copy and paste last round and I dont have time right now to type your whole families out. But next round I will have them all.If you have not responded to this one by then, you just dont get a child for it. Remember, you tell me when your family is complete, there is no set number of rounds.
There is no spelling changes
You can use whatever nn you want but it has to come from the first name! No nn's from middle namesIf you dont have a child for last round than you either did not respond in time or you did something wrong. Go back and check the last post.If you miss 5 rounds in a row you will be dropped. Sorry but if your not going to play Im not going to waste my time coming up with names for youHarrysGirl
G Willow Allison Angelia ELizabeth Roberta Carrie Celine Connie Dell Edith Elsa Florence Gina Hester GerriLawruh
B Gustavo Jeremy Gerald Leonard Llewellyn Melbourne Maurice Peirre Rich Robert Salvador Stanton Jonathan Tyrell WilliamSarah Lee
B Angus Jamison Jerome Lennox Mac Jamel Nate Petro Richard Roberto Absolom Dustan Thanassis Tyree WillisFlute
G Zelda Alice Annie Bethany Robin Caroline Celeste Constance Adelaide Edna Elspeth Flora Ginny Mehitabel Geraldinerainbow_Maya
B Hal Jamal Jeremy Leo Mackenzie Mike Nat Phil Richmond RObin Sam Steve Theo Vin WilsonAmes
G Zoe Alexandra Ann Lisbeth Bree Carolyn Celia Concetta Della Eden Elise Florida Virginia Jan Germaineenlatiah
G Addie Alexandria Anne Maribeth Bridget Carissa Chrissy COnsuelo Adele Ellie Emmie Flossie Ginger Janet JerilynKelseyyy
B Henry Benjamin Jered Leonard Macauley Mickey Nathaniel Philip Rick Robinson Samuel Stephen Theodore Vince WilburSilvie
B Harry Jay Joe Leonardo McArthur Michael Nathan Theophilus Richard Robin Samson Steven Thelonius Vincent WilfredEliz
G Adelaide Alana Anna Elspeth BRianna Carol Chris Cornelia Delphine Elle Emily Fran Genevieve Janice JerricaRachel
G Adela Aliyah Annabelle Betsy Brittany Carmen Christine Corrie Delta Ellen Emmaline Frances Gracie Janine JessieTailyn
B Harold Jacob Joseph Leopold McKay Micah Donato Ray Richmond Robert Samir Esteban Tim Calvin WilhelmKristen
G Addison Alyssa Annalise Betty BRia Carmela Christina Cora Delilah Eleanor Emma Francesca Grace Jeanette Jessicaavalon
B Hank Jason Jonah Leonidas McKinley Michaelangelo Ignatius Raymond Robinson Sandy Ted Timothy Devin Willardestel
B Henry Jaden Jonas Lionel Matt Mitch Ned Rayner Frederick Rod Alexander Edward Toby Gavin WiltonClaire H
B Hannibal Jaylen Jovani Les Matthew Mitchell Edward Rayburn Cedric Rodney Sanford Theodore Tobias Vincenzo XanderEcho
B Hans James Ken Lester Matthias Michael Edmund Rayford Maverick Roderick Santiago Teo Tobin Vinson AlexanderLissy
G Adelia Aliza Annika Elizabeth Gabrielle Carolina Christa Coralie Delaney Helen EMielia Francisca Graciela Jana JaneMelH
B Ike Japeth Kenneth Lesley Matteo Monty Nick Rafer Patrick Roddick Lisandro Teodoro Tom Wally ZackMiss_Smiley
B Isaac Jed Kendall Lon Max Montague Nicholas Raymundo Aldric Rodger Alessandro Mateo Thomas Walter ZacharyAnthony
B Isaiah Jedidiah Kendrick Alonzo Maxwell Montgomery Nicholson Raynard Roderick Rodolfo Si Theodore Tony Wallace ZachariahLala
G Alex Allegra Antonia Billie BRisa Cassandra Christal Cordelia Dorothy Eloise Evie Gigi Hattie Janessa JanetMar
B Jack Jared Kennedy Leonard Maximilian Lamont Dominick Rayshawn Derrick Jarod Silas Terrance Anthony Walden IsaacOslin
G Alexandra Angie Roxanne Wilhelmina Candy Cassia CIndy Corinna Dolores Electra Eve Georgine Harriet Jenny JessalynShayde
B John Jeff Kenton Lawrence Maxim Montana Nicodemus Randy Garrick Ron Seymour Terry Antonio Waldo ZekeLisaK
B Jackson Jeffrey Kenyatta London Maximus Mort Pat Randall BRoderick Ronald SImon Terrance Tonio Walker EzekielAshJ
B Jake Jefferson Kenyon Waylon Maximo Morton Patrick Randolph Rico Ronan Sylvester Terrell Anton Walton IsaacDaddysdancer
G Alexa Angela Becky Willa Candice Cassidy Cynthia Corliss Dorothea Elean Eva Virginia Henrietta Jennifer JassameKeepskuh
G alexis Angel Rebecca Candida Carly Catherine Lucinda Coral Dottie Eleni Evelyn Giovanna Hetty Jane JessamynDiamante04
B Jacob Jem Larry Thelonius Mel Mortimer Payton Rand Ricardo Tyron Simeon Theodore Ty Wes HezekiahMIss Lissa
G Alexandria Angelica Bianca Sybil Carla Ceil Cinderella Debbie Dorothy Elsie Evangeline Ginger Harriet Jean JoLadyBug18
B John James Lawrence Lou Melvin Mordecai Paxton Bertrand Enrico Ronaldo Sinbad Than Tyler Wesley ZechariahAshley
B Jamie Jeremy Lars Lew Melton Moss Pasquale Reggie Richard Aaron Stan Tyrone Westley ZebBrogan
G Allie Angelina Beth Bobbie Carlotta Cecilia Cinda Deborah Dorothea Elizabeth Genevieve Giselle Henrietta Jenna Joeymichal1234
G Ali Angelique Bess Barbara Carlene Cecile Sinead Debra Edie Alice Flo Regina Ester Jeri JosephineKelga
B Jim jeremiah Larson Louis Melville Moses Pete Reginald Rob Sal Stanley Nathan Tyson Weston ZebediahOrchid
B James Jerry Len Lewis Carmelo Morris Peter Regis Bob Salvatore Staford Nathaniel Tyrese Will Zebedee
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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B Max Kendall Isaac**miss_smiley**
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G Bridget Ellie
You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because we're all the same.
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B Wesley Zechariah
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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B Kenton John 'Kent'
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
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Miss Lissa
Miss Lissa
Ryan and Elisabeth
Evander Leif "Vandy" / Ezekiel Luca "Zeke"
Dillon Leland / Isabel Everly
Charlie Seth
Alexandria Jo
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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G: Giselle Genevieve ETA- Sorry, I missed a round!Here is my full family!Andrew Vincent and Lydia Celeste
B: Logan Alan
G/G: Payton Vera / Megan Phoebe "Meg"
G: Giselle GenevieveLogan, Payton, Meg, and Giselle

This message was edited 8/15/2006, 10:33 AM

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Sarah Lee
Lennox Angus
--Sarah Katherine Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
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Toby Wilton My family is complete now. Thanks for hosting!
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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Cameron and Amy
Welcome Elise Virginia
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G Annika Gabrielle
~Lully Lulla~
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From previous round: Piper DanielleMoses Weston*Sorry for not responding sooner. I didn't remember I had signed up for this game.*
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G Alyssa Bria Kristen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
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G Angel Catherine "Cate"xx-Eljah
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B: Jacob Simeon
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
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G: Alexa Cassidy"He wanted the chair; the antique chair; the antique, wingback, Cusack chair!"
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B: Stephen Nathaniel~~Kelsey~~
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra
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B James Roderick I hope everything works out!
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Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
Emerald Dilys
Rowan Niles / Eliza Margot
Winnie Femke / Clairce* Valeria
Olive Consuelo / Helen Ophelia "Nell"
Leonardo Jay Roger + Daphne:
Phoebe, Emerald, Rowan, Eliza, Winnie, Clarice, Olive, Nell, and Leonardo*I'm sorry, there's a mistake in "Clairce"'s" name. It's supposed to be Clarice.
Hannah LAWR-a

"A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself."
~The Usual Suspects.

This message was edited 8/16/2006, 9:20 PM

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G Allison Willow
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