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HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!
The Morales Family
New Jersey
DF [48]: Javier "Javi" Ignacio Morales
DM [47]: Susan "Sunny" May (Delaney) Morales
DS1 [25]: Julian “Julito” Rodrigo Morales (faelsean)
- DGF [25]:
DS2 [25]: Benjamin “Benji” Diego Morales (faelsean)
- DBF [29]:
DD1 [20]: Marjorie Soledad “Marjo” Morales (molly)
DDog1: Beans the English bulldog (molly)
DDog2: Babadook the Jack Russell terrier mix (Darkbone)Javi and Sunny’s kids are grown up now, and they are moving into the adult world. Julito likes cars as much as Javi does, and he is working at a body shop. He is also dating his childhood best friend, whose first name is one of your top favorites and whose middle name is one of your top guilty pleasures. Her last name is Polish. Benji recently started dating a man he met at his job at a publishing company. His first name is the same as a famous literary character, and his middle name and last name are French.***
The Darby-Devlin Family
New York City
DM [55]: Mai Hotaru (Okimoto) Darby
DD [30]: Layla Izanami Darby (Laura B.)
- DW [33]: Luciana Claire “Lou” Devlin (Julia)
- DD [4]:
DCat: Skimbleshanks (Darkbone)Layla and Lou have been happily married for five years. They had a long debate about whether to become parents, and they finally adopted a little girl three years ago. Mai is thrilled to be a grandmother and spoils her granddaughter constantly. Her first name is a recently trendy name, and her middle name is after Layla’s favorite jazz singer. ***
The Kent Family
Oxford, England
DF [57]: Edwin Arthur Kent
DM [52]: Anna Beatrix (Novak) Kent
DD [27]: Evelyn Athena Kent (Story)
- DH [34]:
- DS [2]:
DD [19]: Penelope Winter Kent (Darkbone)Evelyn graduated with an English degree, and not long after she married one of her former teacher’s assistants from her Early Romantic Literature course. Her parents were concerned about her marrying young, but their son-in-law has grown on them and they adore their baby grandson. Evelyn’s husband has a one-syllable first name and a middle name that he shares with an English king. His last name is an English occupational surname. Their son has a nature-inspired first name and his middle name is after a Romantic poet (by which I mean the literary period, not the subject matter).***
The Jones Family
London, England
DM [50]: Cressida Marie "Sid" Jones
DM [50]: Farida Maryam (Abedin) Jones
DS [23]: Henry Howard Aziz Jones (Wordsmith)
- DGF [20]:
DD [16]: Salma Victoria Jones (RowenaRavenclaw) Henry just graduated with an engineering degree, inspired by his mother Sid, and he hopes to find a career in architecture. He is also dating a girl who he met while he was studying at Farida’s coffeeshop. Her first name is Hebrew but not biblical, and her middle name means “light” or a has related meaning. Her last name is Jewish.

This message was edited 3/10/2021, 10:18 AM

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HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  HailCthulhu  ·  3/10/2021, 9:36 AM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  Princess_Shireen  ·  3/10/2021, 11:20 PM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  Laura B.  ·  3/10/2021, 9:13 PM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  Julia  ·  3/10/2021, 7:58 PM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  Story  ·  3/10/2021, 1:27 PM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  Jessamine  ·  3/10/2021, 1:10 PM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  Wordsmith  ·  3/10/2021, 11:40 AM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  RowenaRavenclaw  ·  3/10/2021, 10:52 AM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  Darkbone  ·  3/10/2021, 10:23 AM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  ruby  ·  3/10/2021, 10:01 AM
Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!  ·  elliott  ·  3/10/2021, 9:57 AM