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Re: HailCthulhu's NTNB- Round 3!
The Morales Family
New JerseyDF [48]: Javier "Javi" Ignacio Morales
DM [47]: Susan "Sunny" May (Delaney) Morales
DS1 [25]: Julian “Julito” Rodrigo Morales (faelsean)
- DGF [25]: Everett Blythe Marszałek
DS2 [25]: Benjamin “Benji” Diego Morales (faelsean)
- DBF [29]: Atticus Renaud Lémieux
DD1 [20]: Marjorie Soledad “Marjo” Morales (molly)
DDog1: Beans the English bulldog (molly)
DDog2: Babadook the Jack Russell terrier mix (Darkbone)*The Darby-Devlin Family
New York City
DM [55]: Mai Hotaru (Okimoto) Darby
DD [30]: Layla Izanami Darby (Laura B.)
- DW [33]: Luciana Claire “Lou” Devlin (Julia)
- DD [4]: Everly Nina Darby-Devlin
DCat: Skimbleshanks (Darkbone)
*The Kent Family
Oxford, England
DF [57]: Edwin Arthur Kent
DM [52]: Anna Beatrix (Novak) Kent
DD [27]: Evelyn Athena Kent (Story)
- DH [34]: Bryce Charles Baker
- DS [2]: Rain William Baker
DD [19]: Penelope Winter Kent (Darkbone)*The Jones Family
London, England
DM [50]: Cressida Marie "Sid" Jones
DM [50]: Farida Maryam (Abedin) Jones
DS [23]: Henry Howard Aziz Jones (Wordsmith)
- DGF [20]: Noya Keren Wexler
DD [16]: Salma Victoria Jones (RowenaRavenclaw)
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
Track Sixteen
Sorry I Haven't Texted You Back
Alicia Cook
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