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1990 US Top 600 KUY Dice/Namebank Congrats 3/10
Surnames: 1:
Round 2: years have passed since the previous round.
RelationshipsTo determine if your couples are still together, use these rules.1-2: No longer together (through divorce, a breakup, or death)
3-6: Still together, no change in relationship
7-10: The relationship advances to the next level (dating couples get engaged, engaged couples get married, etc.)For singles eighteen and over, roll your ten-sided die to see if they get partners.For singles 18-25, a score of 6 or higher is a relationship.
For singles 26-35, a score of 4 or higher is a relationship.
For singles 36-40, a score of 5 or higher is a relationship.Now, roll to determine whether the new couples are dating, engaged, or married.1-3: Dating
4-6: Engaged
7-10: Married
ChildrenRoll a d20 to determine the number of children for each relationship. For the sake of this game, the maximum childbearing age for a woman is 40.If the potential mother is 18-25, any score from 1-13 = 0 children, 14-17 = 1 child, 18-20 = 2 children
If the potential mother is 26-35, any score from 1-5 = 0 children, 6-8 = 1 child, 9-14 = 2 children, 15-20 = 3 children
If the potential mother is 36-40, any score from 1-10 = 0 children, 11-15 = 1 child, 16-20 = 2 childrenFor genders, even number = girl, and odd number = boy. If using IVF, surrogacy, adoption, or other method, the rules are as follows: 1-9 = 0 children, 10-15 = 1 child, 16-19 = 2 children, 20 = 3 children
NamesBoys Curtis Colin Julian Jonathon Alan Alejandro Brent Troy Dennis Johnny Randy Isaac Angel Manuel Oscar Jeffery Andre Henry Colton Jake Allen Russell Edgar Larry Carl Jerry Tony Mathew Eduardo Roberto Devon Darius Clayton Jeremiah Brendan Hector Javier Todd Omar Drew Sergio Danny Marc Terry Kristopher Jack Albert Louis Bryce Edwin Max Jimmy Calvin Lawrence Micheal Ricky Ivan Ruben Fernando LeviGirls: Felicia Jillian Brenda Ana Desiree Meagan Katrina Chelsey Valerie Emma Nancy Alison Monique Sandra Alisha Britney Brandy Joanna Gina Grace Sierra Candace Jaclyn Adriana Krista Alexa Candice Lacey Rebekah Sydney Nichole Denise Dominique Ashlee Anne Yesenia Kirsten Claire Deanna Colleen Audrey Mallory Carly Tabitha Cristina Raven Priscilla Stacey Carolyn Carrie Kiara Susan Stacy Angel Linda Mercedes Autumn Ashleigh Kylie Teresa~~~~~Rate my PNLs!
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This message was edited 6/5/2020, 4:33 PM

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