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Re: 1990 US Top 600 KUY Dice/Namebank Congrats 3/10
DW [53] Alexandra Jasmine Davies (nee Blackwell)
DH [53] Andrew Zachary Davies

DS [33] Gregory Steven Davies “Greg”

DS [27] Steven Samuel Davies “Steve”
-DFiancee [28] Derrick Martin McPherson
--ADD [3] Heidi Virginia McPherson-Davies

DD [26] Elizabeth Danielle Davies “Lizzie”
-DBF [25] Vincent Adrian Sawyer

Alexandra & Andrew Davies: Greg, Steve, Lizzie
Steve Davies & Derrick McPherson: Heidi
Lizzie Davies & Vincent Sawyer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the RingsMy Writer's Cafe account!
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