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Each person deletes one name from each family member until there are only two left (first and middle names). The last person can decide on the order of the combos and pick surnames and nicknames. Please reply to the previous poster. There are twelve names for each family member, so the game should take 11 posts, 10 for eliminating and one after that for deciding the combo order.DH: Silas Vernon Giles Ambrose Cedric Cornelius Hubert Walter Oswald Septimus Algernon Basil
DW: Opal Glynis Freda Lavinia Eugenie Beryl Philomena Loretta Dora Mathilde Marguerite TemperanceDS: Leslie Bernard Wilbert Horace Octavian Simeon Sylvester Wilbur Roderick Harold Randolph Ernest
DD: Ethel Myrtle Muriel Betty Magdalene Minerva Araminta Agnes Joyce Cornelia Irene Lucille
DD: Blythe Celia Dinah Clotilde Rhoda Gwendolen Blanche Marjorie Winifred Ida Dorothy Hilda
DS: Terrence Amos Augustine Florian Percival Gilbert Roy Neville Reginald Claude Godfrey Howard
DD: Sybil Mercy Queenie Honoria Octavia Rosina Millicent Henrietta Patience Primrose Juniper Bessie
DS: Ferdinand Clifford Leonard Cecil Gideon Alban Eustace Bryn Lester Wallace Trevor Clivenot all good times must come to an end.
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DH: Silas Vernon Giles Ambrose Cedric Cornelius Walter Oswald Septimus Algernon Basil
DW: Opal Glynis Freda Lavinia Eugenie Beryl Philomena Loretta Mathilde Marguerite TemperanceDS: Leslie Bernard Horace Octavian Simeon Sylvester Wilbur Roderick Harold Randolph Ernest
DD: Ethel Myrtle Muriel Betty Magdalene Minerva Araminta Agnes Cornelia Irene Lucille
DD: Blythe Celia Dinah Clotilde Rhoda Gwendolen Blanche Marjorie Winifred Dorothy Hilda
DS: Terrence Amos Augustine Florian Percival Gilbert Roy Neville Reginald Claude Howard
DD: Sybil Mercy Queenie Honoria Octavia Rosina Millicent Henrietta Patience Primrose Juniper
DS: Ferdinand Clifford Leonard Cecil Gideon Alban Eustace Bryn Wallace Trevor Clive
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DH: Silas Vernon Ambrose Cedric Cornelius Walter Oswald Septimus Algernon Basil
DW: Opal Glynis Freda Lavinia Eugenie Philomena Loretta Mathilde Marguerite TemperanceDS: Leslie Bernard Octavian Simeon Sylvester Wilbur Roderick Harold Randolph Ernest
DD: Ethel Myrtle Betty Magdalene Minerva Araminta Agnes Cornelia Irene Lucille
DD: Blythe Celia Dinah Clotilde Rhoda Gwendolen Blanche Marjorie Winifred Dorothy
DS: Terrance Amos Augustine Florian Perceval Gilbert Roy Reginald Claude Howard
DD: Sybil Mercy Honoria Octavia Rosina Millicent Henrietta Patience Primrose Juniper
DS: Ferdinand Clifford Leonard Cecil Gideon Alban Bryn Wallace Trevor Clive
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DH: Silas Vernon Ambrose Cedric Cornelius Walter Oswald Septimus Basil
DW: Opal Glynis Lavinia Eugenie Philomena Loretta Mathilde Marguerite TemperanceDS: Leslie Bernard Octavian Simeon Sylvester Wilbur Harold Randolph Ernest
DD: Ethel Betty Magdalene Minerva Araminta Agnes Cornelia Irene Lucille
DD: Celia Dinah Clotilde Rhoda Gwendolen Blanche Marjorie Winifred Dorothy
DS: Amos Augustine Florian Perceval Gilbert Roy Reginald Claude Howard
DD: Sybil Mercy Honoria Octavia Rosina Millicent Henrietta Patience Primrose
DS: Clifford Leonard Cecil Gideon Alban Bryn Wallace Trevor Clive
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DH: Silas Vernon Ambrose Cedric Cornelius Oswald Septimus Basil
DW: Opal Glynis Lavinia Philomena Loretta Mathilde Marguerite Temperance
DS: Leslie Bernard Simeon Sylvester Wilbur Harold Randolph Ernest
DD: Betty Magdalene Minerva Araminta Agnes Cornelia Irene Lucille
DD: Dinah Clotilde Rhoda Gwendolen Blanche Marjorie Winifred Dorothy
DS: Amos Augustine Florian Gilbert Roy Reginald Claude Howard
DD: Sybil Mercy Honoria Rosina Millicent Henrietta Patience Primrose
DS: Clifford Leonard Cecil Gideon Bryn Wallace Trevor Clive
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DH: Silas Vernon Ambrose Cedric Cornelius Oswald Basil
DW: Opal Lavinia Philomena Loretta Mathilde Marguerite TemperanceDS: Leslie Bernard Simeon Sylvester Harold Randolph Ernest
DD: Betty Magdalene Minerva Araminta Cornelia Irene Lucille
DD: Dinah Rhoda Gwendolen Blanche Marjorie Winifred Dorothy
DS: Amos Augustine Florian Roy Reginald Claude Howard
DD: Sybil Mercy Honoria Rosina Millicent Henrietta Primrose
DS: Clifford Leonard Cecil Gideon Bryn Wallace Trevor
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DH: Silas Ambrose Cedric Cornelius Oswald Basil
DW: Opal Lavinia Philomena Loretta Mathilde MargueriteDS: Leslie Bernard Simeon Sylvester Harold Ernest
DD: Betty Magdalene Minerva Cornelia Irene Lucille
DD: Dinah Rhoda Gwendolen Blanche Marjorie Winifred Dorothy
DS: Amos Augustine Florian Roy Claude Howard
DD: Sybil Mercy Honoria Millicent Henrietta Primrose
DS: Clifford Leonard Cecil Gideon Bryn Wallace
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DH: Silas Ambrose Cedric Oswald Basil
DW: Opal Lavinia Philomena Loretta Mathilde
DS: Bernard Simeon Sylvester Harold Ernest
DD: Betty Magdalene Minerva Irene Lucille
DD: Dinah Rhoda Gwendolen Blanche Marjorie Dorothy
DS: Amos Florian Roy Claude Howard
DD: Mercy Honoria Millicent Henrietta Primrose
DS: Clifford Leonard Cecil Gideon Wallace
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DH: Ambrose Basil
DW: Opal LaviniaDS: Sylvester Harold
DD: Minerva Lucille
DD: Rhoda Gwendolen Marjorie
DS: Amos Roy
DD: Mercy Henrietta
DS: Leonard Wallace

This message was edited 6/29/2018, 8:40 PM

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Deciding the combo ordersDH: Ambrose Basil
DW: Lavinia OpalDS: Harold Sylvester
DD: Minerva Lucille
DD: Gwendolen Marjorie
DS: Amos Roy
DD: Mercy Henrietta
DS: Leonard Wallace(Good job! I hope this catches on!)

This message was edited 6/30/2018, 3:49 AM

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