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Initials Generation CAF [#7]
DH[79]: AV [R]
DW[71]: EF [L]DS[49]: FM
DD[45]: AO
DD[39]: TN
DD[36]: KY******DS[49]:
-DW[46]: GU [S]-DD[22]: BP
-DD[17]: NT******DD[45]:
-DH[47]: AU [T]-DS[20]: OJ
-DD[15]: LA
-DD[12]: VW******DD[39]:
-DW[32]: HS [K]-DS[6]: TH ******DD[36]:
-DH[36]: LM [U]-DD[13]: MR
-DD[7]: DH******Please Rate My Lists!
Girl Names--
Boy Names--
Top Names: Alexandra and Julian
Bottom Names: Campbell and Carl
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DH [79] Alexander Vincent Reynolds
DW [71] Ellen Francesca Reynolds [Lunsford]DS1 [49] Freddie Michael Reynolds
DD1 [45] Amelia Olive [Reynolds]
DD2 [39] Thea Natalie [Reynolds]
DD3 [36] Klara Yasmin [Reynolds]*
DS1 [49] Freddie Michael Reynolds
DW [46] Grace Una Reynolds [Styles]DD [22] Bethany Phoebe Reynolds
DD [17] Nicole Taylor Reynolds *
DD1 [45] Amelia Olive Thompson [Reynolds]
DH [47] Aidan Ulrich ThompsonDS [20] Oscar James Thompson
DD [15] Lily Ava Thompson
DD [12] Violet Winter Thompson *
DD2 [39] Thea Natalie Klein [Reynolds]
DW [32] Hannah Sarah KleinDS [6] Teddy Harry Klein*
DD3 [36] Klara Yasmin Underwood [Reynolds]
DH [36] Lyle Mason UnderwoodDD [13] Matilda Rose Underwood
DD [7] Dahlia Honor Underwood
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DH {79} Anson Victor Richmond
DW {71} Evelyn Fiona {Lewis} RichmondDS {49} Felix Matthew Richmond
DD {45} Audra Ophelia {Richmond} Trainor
DD {39} Theodora Naomi Richmond-Kresley
DD {36} Karina Yvette {Richmond} Upton*DS {49} Felix Matthew Richmond
DW {46} Grace Uma {Smithson} RichmondDD {22} Brynn Penelope Richmond
DD {17} Norah Tamsin Richmond*DD {45} Audra Ophelia {Richmond} Trainor
DH {47} Alexander Ulysses TrainorDS {20} Owen James Trainor
DD {15} Lilah Alice Trainor
DD {12} Violet Whitney Trainor*DD {39} Theadora Naomi Richmond-Kresley
DW {32} Helene Susannah Richmond-KresleyDS {6} Thomas Henry Richmond-Kresley*DD {36} Karina Yvette {Richmond} Upton
DH {36} Lucas Michael UptonDD {13} Mia Rosalie Upton
DD {7} Daisy Hannah Upton

This message was edited 8/30/2017, 6:53 PM

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DH[79]: Ashley Virgil Ridgeway
DW[71]: Eunice Frederica Ridgeway, née LowellDS[49]: Francis Myron Ridgeway
DD[45]: Anemone Ottoline Ridgeway-Tamm
DD[39]: Thomasina Noelle Ridgeway
DD[36]: Kendra Yolanda Urban, née Ridgeway******DS[49]: Francis Myron Ridgeway
DW[46]: Giovanna Umberta Sferrazza-RidgewayDD[22]: Blossom Polissena Ridgeway
DD[17]: Nella Temperance Ridgeway******DD[45]: Anemone Ottoline Ridgeway-Tamm
DH[47]: Andres Urmo TammDS[20]: Oliver Jerome Tamm
DD[15]: Louisa Ave Tamm
DD[12]: Viktoria Wanda Tamm******DD[39]: Thomasina Noelle Ridgeway
DW[32]: Hunter Sharalyn KillamDS[6]: Tobin Hector Killam-Ridgeway******DD[36]: Kendra Yolanda Urban, née Ridgeway
DH[36]: Léon Matthieu UrbanDD[13]: Mia Roselle Urban
DD[7]: Delphine Haven Urban
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DH[79]: Adam Victor Reznik
DW[71]: Elena Francesca [Lamberti] ReznikDS[49]: Felix Matthew Reznik
DD[45]: Annabel Olivia [Reznik] Tucker
DD[39]: Talia Noelle Reznik
DD[36]: Katherine Yasmin [Reznik] UnderhillAdam & Elena; Felix, Annabel, Talia, and Katherine******
DS[49]: Felix Matthew Reznik
-DW[46]: Genevieve Una Sampson-DD[22]: Bridget Pearl Reznik
-DD[17]: Naomi Tatiana ReznikFelix & Genevieve; Bridget and Naomi******
DD[45]: Annabel Olivia [Reznik] Tucker
-DH[47]: Abram Ulysses Tucker-DS[20]: Owen Jacob Tucker
-DD[15]: Lily Alexandra Tucker
-DD[12]: Vivienne Willow TuckerAnnabel & Abram; Owen, Lily, and Vivienne

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DH[79]: Adam Virgil Radwan
DW[71]: Elvira Felicia Radwan (née Loarca) DS[49]: Félix Malik Radwan
DD[45]: Aida Olga Radwan
DD[39]: Teresa Nadia Radwan
DD[36]: Khalilah Yesenia Radwan******DS[49]: Félix Malik Radwan
-DW[46]: Gabrielle Ursula Radwan (née Said) -DD[22]: Blanca Pauline Radwan
-DD[17]: Natalia Thérèse Radwan******DD[45]: Aida Olga Tieppo (née Radwan)
-DH[47]: André Ulisses Tieppo -DS[20]: Osvaldo Jordán Tieppo
-DD[15]: Liliana Abigaíl Tieppo
-DD[12]: Valéria Willow Tieppo******DD[39]: Teresa Nadia Radwan-Kero (née Radwan)
-DW[32]: Hanna Sara Radwan-Kero (née Kero) -DS[6]: Toivo Hugo Radwan-Kero******DD[36]: Khalilah Yesenia Ueda (née Radwan)
-DH[36]: Levi Minoru Ueda -DD[13]: Mari Reina Ueda
-DD[7]: Dalia Hana Ueda******
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DH[79]: Alexander Vladimirovich Romanov
DW[71]: Elizabeth Felicity Lincoln RomanovDS[49]: Felix Mikhail Romanov
DD[45]: Anna Olive Romanova
DD[39]: Tamara Natasha Romanova
DD[36]: Katerina Yeva RomanovaSasha and Liza Romanov: Felix, Anya, Tamara, Katya******DS[49]: Felix Mikhail Romanov
-DW[46]: Grace Urania Spiros Romanova-DD[22]: Brynn Phoebe Romanova
-DD[17]: Natalia Tatiana RomanovaFelix and Grace Romanov: Brynn, Nata******DD[45]: Anna Olive Romanova Thompson
-DH[47]: Alexander Ulysses Thompson-DS[20]: Owen Jack Thompson
-DD[15]: Lauren Alisa Thompson
-DD[12]: Viktoria Wren ThompsonAnya and Alex Thompson: Owen, Lauren, Vika******DD[39]: Tamara Natasha Romanova Kipling
-DW[32]: Hannah Sophia Kipling

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DH[79]: Arnold Vance Redmond
DW[71]: Evangeline Faith Redmond [Ledger]
DS[49]: Felix Milo Redmond
DD[45]: Alice Ophelia Taylor
DD[39]: Theodora Natalie Redmond
DD[36]: Katharine Yolanda UptonKathy
DS[49]: Felix Milo Redmond
-DW[46]: Geraldine Ursula Redmond [Snow]
-DD[22]: Belinda Phoebe Redmond
-DD[17]: Natalie Theodora Redmond
DD[45]: Alice Ophelia Taylor-DH[47]: Augustus Ulysses Taylor
-DS[20]: Oswald Jameson Taylor
-DD[15]: Lora Alice Taylor
-DD[12]: Violet Willow Taylor
DD[39]: Theodora Natalie Redmond
-DW[32]: Harriet Sara Kasey
-DS[6]: Theodore Harry Redmond-Kasey “Teddy

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This message was edited 8/29/2017, 10:38 AM

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DH[79]: Arlo Vincent [Reeves]
DW[71]: Edith Francine[Lipton]DS[49]: Francis Melvin
DD[45]: Agatha Oriane
DD[39]: Theresa Noelle
DD[36]: Katherine Yvonne******DS[49]:Francis Melvin
-DW[46]: Grace Uma [S]-DD[22]: Brooke Priscilla
-DD[17]: Norah Tabitha******DD[45]:Agatha Oriane
-DH[47]: Amos Uriah [T]-DS[20]: Oliver James
-DD[15]: Lydia Angeline
-DD[12]: Vivian Willow******DD[39]:Theresa Noelle
-DW[32]: Heath Samson [Keane]-DS[6]: Theodore Henry******DD[36]:Katherine Yvonne
-DH[36]: Levi Michael [U]-DD[13]: Mary Rhiannon
-DD[7]: Delilah Hazel
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DH[79]: Alfred Victor Rose
DW[71]: Eleanor Frederica Linton
DS[49]: Frederick Michael Linton
DD[45]: Amelia Olga Linton
DD[39]: Theodora Norah Linton
DD[36]: Katherine Yolande Linton
DS[49]: Eleanor Frederica Linton
-DW[46]: George Ulrich Stafford
-DD[22]: Beatrice Philippa Linton
-DD[17]: Nicole Theodora Linton
DD[45]: Amelia Olga Linton
-DH[47]: Augustus Urban Twick
-DS[20]: Octavius John Linton
-DD[15]: Louisa Adelaide Linton
-DD[12]: Victoria Wilhelimina Linton
DD[39]: Theodora Norah Linton
-DW[32]: Henry Stephen Kendal
-DS[6]: Thomas Humphrey Kendal
DD[36]: Katherine Yolande Linton
-DH[36]: Leopold Malcolm Underwood
-DD[13]: Matilda Rose Underwood
-DD[7]: Dorothea Helen Underwood
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DH[79]: August Victor Roberts
DW[71]: Emma Florence Lyndell
DS[49]: Fred Maxwell Roberts
DD[45]: Antonia Olive Roberts
DD[39]: Tatiana Nell Roberts
DD[36]: Kristina Yasmin Roberts******DS[49]: Fred Maxwell Roberts
-DW[46]: Georgia Unity Solberg-DD[22]: Bryony Paige Roberts
-DD[17]: Nina Tatum Roberts******DD[45]: Antonia Olive Roberts
-DH[47]: Axel Ulrik Thorsson-DS[20]: Oscar Johan Thorsson
-DD[15]: Lovisa Antonia Thorsson
-DD[12]: Viveca Wilda Thorsson******DD[39]: Tatiana Nell Roberts
-DW[32]: Holly Stephanie Kirkland-DS[6]: Theodore Henry Roberts-Kirkland******DD[36]: Kristina Yasmin Roberts
-DH[36]: Lucas Maxwell Ulrichsen-DD[13]: Molly Rose Ulrichsen
-DD[7]: Daisy Hope Ulrichsen******
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DH[79]: Arthur Vincent Radcliffe
DW[71]: Ernestine Frances Radcliffe (née Larsen)DS[49]: Franklin Michael Radcliffe
DD[45]: Anne Olivia Radcliffe
DD[39]: Theresa Nadine Radcliffe
DD[36]: Kathleen Yvonne Radcliffe******DS[49]: Franklin Michael Radcliffe
-DW[46]: Gladys Undine Radcliffe (née Sarka)-DD[22]: Bridget Penelope Radcliffe
-DD[17]: Nicole Tisiphone Radcliffe******DD[45]: Anne Olivia Towner (née Radcliffe)
-DH[47]: Adonijah Upton Towner-DS[20]: Oliver Jason Towner
-DD[15]: Leticia Anne Towner
-DD[12]: Victoria Wynn Towner******DD[39]: Theresa Nadine (née Radcliffe)
-DW[32]: Henry Samuel Kline-DS[6]: Trevor Henry Kline******DD[36]: Kathleen Yvonne Ursler (née Radcliffe)
-DH[36]: Lyle Matthew Ursler-DD[13]: Michaela Rose Ursler
-DD[7]: Daphne Hope Ursler******
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DH[79]: Albert Vinnie [Rice]
DW[71]: Emelia Flora [Lane]
DS[49]: Ferdinand Martin
DD[45]: Antonia Ophelia
DD[39]: Tillie Nikita
DD[36]: Kimberley Yvonne
-DW[46]: Gwen Ursula [Sims]
-DD[22]: Bianca Paris
-DD[17]: Natalie Taylor
-DH[47]: Abraham Uriah [Terry]
-DS[20]: Olivier Jared
-DD[15]: Lisa Anna
-DD[12]: Vivian Willow
-DW[32]: Hadley Sybil [Keller]
-DS[6]: Tomos Hudson
-DH[36]: Leopold Marco [Underwood]
-DD[13]: Maria Rose
-DD[7]: Delilah Harmony
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DH [79] Alexander Vincent Renaud
DW [71] Elisabeth Frances {LaFrentz} RenaudDS [49] Finley Michael Renaud
DD [45] Anneliese Olive {Renaud} Tompkins
DD [39] Tess Nicole {Renaud} Kennedy
DD [36] Kelsey Yvette {Renaud} Upton*DS [49] Finley Michael Renaud
DW [46] Grace Ursula {Stanton} RenaudDD [22] Blake Paige Renaud
DD [17] Nola Taylor Renaud*DD [45] Anneliese Olive {Renaud} Tompkins
DH [47] Arden Uriel TompkinsDS [20] Orion Jameson Tompkins
DD [15] Landry Afton Tompkins
DD [12] Vanna Winona Tompkins*DD [39] Tess Nicole {Renaud} Kennedy
DW [32] Honor Serena KennedyDS [6] Tate Harrison Kennedy*DD [36] Kelsey Yvette {Renaud} Upton
DH [36] Lucas Morgan UptonDD [13] Millicent Rose Upton
DD [7] Daphne Hadley Upton
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DH[79]: Alphonse Victor Rose
DW[71]: Elisabeth FrankaLissiRose [Leeuwenhoek]DS[49]: Ferdinand MatthiasFerdieRose
DD[45]: April Odette Rose
DD[39]: Tabitha NathalieTibbyRose
DD[36]: Kimberley YvonneKimRose ******DS[49]: Ferdie Rose
-DW[46]: Gertrudes ÚrsulaTrudieSantiago -DD[22]: Bethanie Patrícia Rose
-DD[17]: Nikole TatianaNikkiRose ******DD[45]: April Rose
-DH[47]: Aleksander UrbanOlek’ Trzeciak-DS[20]: Oral Jerzy Trzeciak
-DD[15]: Linnet AntoninaLinn’ Trzeciak
-DD[12]: Viviette WalentynaVivi’ Trzeciak******DD[39]: Tibby Rose
-DW[32]: Hollie Shanene Keen

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