Maxine Mary MoriahAge: 31
Occupation: Primary School Teacher
Hobbies: writing, country walks, cooking.
Significant other
James Joseph Piston
Age: 33
Occupation: University Lecturer
Hobbies: researching, jogging, cooking.
Current children? None
Others living with you? None
Pets? Kipper the dog [male, cross-breed]; 10 years old; very relaxed, takes everything in his stride, nothing particularly fusses him.
Winnie the dog [female, cross-breed]; 5 years old; excitable, friendly, loves everyone and everyone loves her!
What is/are the household's religion(s)? Agnostic / Atheist
What language(s) do household members speak? English
Do you travel? If so, how often and where to? We live in England but have relations and close friends in Wales and
Hong Kong who we make yearly/bi-yearly trips to see. We also enjoy holidays in places such as Bulgaria, Morocco, and Argentina.
Would you like to adopt or just to take in custody? Permanently adopt.
How many children would you like to adopt: 3-4
Gender(s): no preference
Age: [newborn-7]
Nationality preference: British
Languages preference: English
Religion preference: no preference
Will you accept/would you prefer:
--siblings? will except
--multiples? will except
--kids with pets? will except any
--children with disabilities/illnesses? As a primary teacher, I have a lot of experience of children with additional needs. We are able to take on children that are mostly able to physically care for themselves but may require additional support with their emotions, learning or behaviour (e.g. ADHD, ASD, dyslexia) or who are wheel-chair bound.
--pregnant teen/teen parent?
Will not except
----with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend?
Will not except
----with baby/toddler?
Will not except
Other preferences: N/A^Top 2 =
Alice and
James ~~ Bottom 2 = Stark and
Indiana (m)