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Re: CAF - Generation
DH (89): Henry Ambrose Cooke
DW (87): Vivian Lucille [Shea] CookeDS1 (65): James Michael Cooke
DS2 (63): Daniel Christopher Cooke
DS3 (60): William Richard Cooke
DD1 (57): Sarah Elizabeth [Cooke] Keefe
DD2 (55): Anna Caroline [Cooke] James
DS4 (52): Evander Marcus Cooke "Evan"Henry & Vivian Cooke; James Cooke, Daniel Cooke, William Cooke, Sarah Keefe, Anna James, and Evan Cooke---------------------------
DS1 (65): James Michael Cooke
DW (64): Alma Helen [Bolton] CookeDD (40): Michelle Valerie [Cooke] Kaiser
-DH (42): Joseph Lawrence Kaiser
--DD (17): Julianne Araceli Kaiser
--DD (13): Meredith Hillary KaiserDD (38): Rosanne Colette Cooke
-DH (40): Nelson Amos Mooney
--DS (11): Owen Morgan Mooney
--DD (7): Iris Juliet Mooney
--DD (5): Grace Autumn MooneyDS (35): Andrew Scott Cooke
-DW (33): April Mercy Hinton
--DD (3): Camille Hope Hinton-CookeJames & Alma Cooke; Michelle Kaiser, Rosanne Cooke, and Andrew Cooke
Michelle & Joseph Kaiser; Julianne and Meredith
Rosanne Cooke & Nelson Mooney; Owen, Iris, and Grace Mooney
Andrew Cooke & April Hinton; Camille Hinton-Cooke---------------------------
DS2 (63): Daniel Christopher Cooke
DW (60): Glenna Eileen [Riggs] CookeDS (34): Colin Justin Cooke
-DW (31): Allegra Mariabella Daily
--DD (9): Lily Bridget Cooke
--DS (5): Archer Ellis Cooke
--DD (2): Abigail Michaela CookeDD (31): Christine Deana [Cooke] Irby
-DH (34): Nicholas Peter Irby
--DS (7): Graham Keir Irby
--DS (4): Evan Doyle Irby
--DS (1): Dawson Brady IrbyDS (28): Gabriel Noah Cooke
-GF (27): Kristen Felicia Houghton
--DD (nb): Alisa Skyler HoughtonDaniel & Glenna Cooke; Colin Cooke, Christine Irby, and Gabriel Cooke
Colin Cooke & Allegra Daily; Lily, Archer, and Abigail Cooke
Christine & Nicholas Irby; Graham, Evan, and Dawson
Gabriel Cooke & Kristen Houghton; Alisa Houghton---------------------------
DS3 (60): William Richard Cooke
DW (58): Amity June Wellman-CookeDD (32): Leandra Topaz Cooke "Leah"
-exBF (32): Lewis Charles Paxton
--DD (15): Gabrielle Jessica Cooke
-DH (35): David William Grigsby
--DS (5): Zane Corbin Grigsby
--DS (2): Liam Adrian GrigsbyDS (30): Spencer Marshall Cooke
-DW (31): Erica Vanessa Menard
--DD (4): Audrey Siobhan Menard CookeDS (27): Stefan Lukas Cooke
-DW (26): Jacqueline Karyn [Branson] Cooke
--DS (5): Oliver Julius Cooke
--DS (4): Benjamin Rory Cooke
--DD (2): Hazel Serenity Cooke
--DD (exp): Rebecca Tara CookeDD (25): Marissa Alexandria Cooke "Mara"
-exBF (24): Blake Chandler Pulliam
--DS (4): Henry Brennan Pulliam
-BF (26): James Walter Byrnes
--DS (2): Elijah Xavier Byrnes "Eli"
--DD (nb): Hannah Madeline ByrnesWilliam Cooke & Amity Wellman-Cooke; Leah, Spencer, Stefan, and Mara
Leah Cooke & Lewis Paxton; Gabrielle Cooke
Leah Cooke & David Grigsby; Zane and Liam Grigsby
Spencer Cooke & Erica Menard; Audrey Cooke
Stefan & Jacqueline Cooke; Oliver, Benjamin, Hazel, and Rebecca
Mara Cooke & Blake Pulliam; Henry Pulliam
Mara Cooke & James Byrnes; Eli and Hannah Byrnes---------------------------
DD1 (57): Sarah Elizabeth [Cooke] Keefe
DH (62): Simon Thomas KeefeDD (35): Rachel Naomi [Keefe] Pemberton
-DH (40): Andrew Jeffrey Pemberton
--DS (12): William Raymond Pemberton
--DD (10): Matilda Greta Pemberton
--DD (7): Sophia Elena PembertonDS (32): Alexander Joseph Keefe
-DW (30): Holly Summer Needham
--DS (9): Killian Maddox Keefe "Ian"
--DD (7): Zora Amity KeefeDD (30): Fiona Sarah Keefe
-DH (33): Anthony Philip Snowden
--DS (6): Moss Kolton Keefe Snowden "Cole"
--DS (4): Nathaniel Joshua Keefe SnowdenDD (28): Autumn Giselle Keefe
-DH (30): Marco Victor Boehm
--DD (5): Jazmyn Haleigh Boehm "Mina"DS (25): Matthew Jacob Keefe
-DW (25): Elizabeth Mary [Krieger] Keefe
--DD (exp): Isadora Valentina KeefeSarah & Simon Keefe; Rachel Pemberton, Alexander Keefe, Fiona Keefe, Autumn Keefe, and Matthew Keefe
Rachel & Andrew Pemberton; William, Matilda, and Sophia
Alexander Keefe & Holly Needham; Ian and Zora Keefe
Fiona Keefe & Anthony Snowden; Cole and Nathaniel Snowden
Autumn Keefe & Marco Boehm; Mina Boehm
Matthew & Elizabeth Keefe; Isadora---------------------------
DD2 (55): Anna Caroline [Cooke] James
DH (56): Casper Albert JamesDD (28): Margot Chantal James
-exBF (29): Gilbert Franklin Soria
--DS (9): Michael Alexander Soria
-exBF (30): Emil Judson Dunning
--DD (4): Alena Carlin Dunning "Allie"
-BF (32): Rafael Joaquin Martinez
--DD (exp): Viviana Marisa MartinezDS (25): Leland Broderick James "Leo"
-DW (24): Corinne Eloise [Langlois] James
--DS (2): Rhys Garth James
--DD (nb): Zoe Maida JamesAnna & Casper James; Margot and Leo
Margot James & Gilbert Soria; Michael Soria
Margot James & Emil Dunning; Allie Dunning
Margot James & Rafael Martinez; Viviana Martinez
Leo & Corinne James; Rhys and Zoe---------------------------
DS4 (52): Evander Marcus Cooke "Evan"
exDW (50): Deborah Janice CriderDD (28): Embry Taylor Cooke "Emma"
-DH (30): Gerald Francis Danner
--DD (6): Ziva Charlotte Cooke Danner
--DD (3): Amara Sienna Cooke Danner
--DD (1): Olivia Annabella Cooke DannerDW (38): Bronwen Jennifer [Flannery] CookeDS (10): Rowan Hayden Cooke
DD (7): Tatiana Elspeth CookeEvan Cooke & Deborah Crider; Emma Cooke
Evan & Bronwen Cooke; Rowan and Tatiana
Emma Cooke & Gerald Danner; Ziva, Amara, and Olivia Danner

This message was edited 12/30/2014, 3:18 AM

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