Juliet Coleen is a sixteen year old girl from Florida with a child on the way! She's 5 1/2 months pregnant but has yet to go for an ultrasound because she doesn't want to know the gender, she has however done all the blood work necessary up to this point. She's an aspiring young artist and is quite good at it. She does well in school but needs help with math classes and hopes that even with the child she can still attend college and later do something with art. Her parents died in a plane crash when she was 11 and she is still sensitive about the subject and wary of flying.
Ankita Kali and Anjali Kala are 9 month old twins from India. They both are just starting to stand up and they crawl around everywhere they can. They also are starting to babble but can't quite talk yet. They were left at at the orphanage shortly after they were born because their parents could not afford them.
Please update us on how your children are adjusting to your family.
This message was edited 7/17/2011, 6:09 PM