in reply to a message by Gabriella Grace

Korina Eleni is a three year old girl from Greece. She was abandoned by her parents at a young age and has no memory of them, however she's a bright, and full of life, Her favorite things to do are talk and sing, run around and play doctor with the other kids.

Kai Alexander is a 12 year old boy from Germany. His family died in a car accident when he was six and has since decided to spend his life helping others. Like most young boys he loves being outside and playing sports, he also likes to do volunteer work when he can and aspires to be a firefighter when he gets older.

Lorena Adelaide "Addie" and Nikolai Alessandro are a bother and sister from Italy.
Nikolai is 16, he is quite shy and very overprotective of his sister. He ran away from a bad home at 12 bringing his sister with him and the two stay together always. He loves music with a passion and is a talented pianist, guitarist, and singer.
Addie is 5 years old and loves nothing more than her brother and tries her hardest to be just like him. She loves having her picture taken and taking pictures, especially of animals, she makes friends easily and loves every living thing on this planet.
All of the children speak enough English to understand what is going on and make conversation, although its not a strong point for Kai who has to think a bit harder on what is being said and what to say.
Please update us on how your children are adjusting to your family.
This message was edited 7/17/2011, 4:46 PM