Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency
Juliet Eloise and Amos Benjamin are 16 year old twins. Their home life has always been complicated. Their father could never keep a job and their mother dropped out of college and had five children, the twins the eldest. Amos is very smart and a hard worker. He takes pride in his grades and work ethic. He studies or reads in the bulk of his free time, but he also likes to go to the park or ride his bike. Juliet gets great grades as well but doesn't have to work nearly as hard, nor does she like school as much. She loves to dance and draw. Juliet became pregnant and things at home turned bad. Her parents kicked her out, and Amos decided to leave too. Juliet's boyfriend has made it clear that he doesn't want to be a part of his child's life, but he sends her money regularly so that she can care for the child. She is close to her EDD, and still hasn't named her daughter.
Jack Malachi is a 6 year old boy. He loves water: he swims like a fish, can go fishing with the best of them, and would live in the water if someone would let him. He draws lighthouses and the ocean and looks forward to bath time. He also like to be read to. He likes to help people when they ask and he likes to ask questions about everything, such as how a toaster toasts bread or if fish sleep or high tall is the tallest mountain and have you ever been there.
Please keep the agency updated on Juliet, Amos, and Jack.