Re: bananarama's Adoption Agency
LN: Macko
Your name: Natalia Leonor (Montoya)
Age: 28
Occupation: former dancer, works for UN
Interests: figure skating, ballet, dance, languages, traveling, reading
Your SO's name: Benjamin Emmanuel
Age: 37
Occupation: doctor, Medicins Sans Frontieres HQ
Interests: languages, traveling, soccer,
Disabilities: none
Child(ren) living with you (name, age, interests, disabilities):
Andrei Pascal, age 5: soccer, playing outside, painting and drawing, skating; has epilepsy
Sebastian Felix, age 3: cooking with mom and dad, soccer, going new places, skating, stuffed animals
Others living with you (name, age, relations): none
Pet(s) living with you (name, gender, species): 2 border collies, Nemo and Delia
Location: Paris, France
House type: 3 story house
Do you travel often? If so, where to? Different European and Middle Eastern countries for work, Spain and Israel for family
Language(s) spoken: French, English, Arabic (both), Spanish (Natalia), Hebrew (Ben)
Nationality/ies: Spanish, Israel, naturalized French
Religion(s): Catholic, Jewish
The Adoptee(s)
How many children do you wish to adopt? (max. 6) 3-5
Age(s) (0-17): newborn-8, at least one baby
Gender(s): both
Preferred origin(s): Romania, other European, Asian, and Middle Eastern countries
Preferred language(s): any
Will you accept:
Children with pets? If so, what sorts? only one, dog or cat
Siblings? yes
Multiples (twins, triplets, etc.)? yes
Cousins? yes
Neighbours? no
Best friends? no
Children with disabilities? If so, what sort and severity? Something treatable, like epilepsy
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents? If so, mother, father, or both? no
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives/etc? letters/email only, if children okay it