We're having a baby... Oh
Lily love, I couldn't be happier! Now, lets have a look at that list of names you like... I'll just take out any that I don't like, and add any that I like that weren't on there, and then you can go through those... Oh, and what do you think of including our parents & grandparents names in our lists, I'm quite fond of honouring names as middle names, what do you think? I've separated out all of our parents & granparents names to make things easier...
Honoring names (Parents/Grandparents):AnneAmeliaBaileyDelaneyElizabethEvelynGraceIrisKatherineLindaMollyPenelopeRose
AaronBaileyCarterDanielDavidEdwardHenryJamesJohnNathanielOliverPhilipQuentinRichardRobertSullivanThis message was edited 1/12/2010, 2:13 AM