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The ridiculous 1 family NTNB- Final round!
Hey all, welcome to the last round. I hope you’ve had fun! I’ll be posting the finished family sometime in the next few days. Here are some stats you probably don’t care about: the Sidebottom-Squirrel-Clumps have had 69 children at 9 different times in their lives. 37 of which have been boys and 32 have been girls. 16 of their children are married, 2 are currently engaged and 3 are dating!! Altogether, Riley and Taylor have 37 grandchildren. Oh and according to a recent study, multiples seem to run in their family.The Sidebottom-Squirrel-Clump family
DH: Riley Taylor "Taylor"? (55)
DW: Riley Taylor "Taylor"? (54)DS: January Nitram (29) {hhhhhmmmmm}
-DW: Chloe Alexis (24)
--DD: Lilia Anastasia (3)
--DD: Maia Annelise (2)
DS: Feburary Leahcim “Febs” (29) {SwtNikki87/Helena/Roey}
-DW: Sarah Brielle (30)
DS: March Yelir (29) {Ninor}
-DW: Tegan Summer (26)
--DS: Questly Fable (3)
--DD: Xarrah Kaori (3)
--DD: Jedi Urora (3)
--DS: Chapter Hart (3)
--DS: Saber Koda (3)
DS: August Leumas (29) {Emilie}
-DW: Rose Anastasia (27)
DS: September Semaj “Temby” (29) {CB/Lady_Skywalker/gabriellagrace}
-Dfiance: Romie Tamara (25)
DS: October Nodnal (29) {Veronica}
-DW: Rose Petal (29)
--DD: Riley Elizabeth (4)
--DS: Samuel Ryan (1)
--DD: Jade Kaitlin (1)
--DD: Emma Taylor (1)
--DS: Jack Dustin (1)
DS: November Selrahc “Nove” (29) {christinaxo}
-DW: Elizabeth Willow (29)
--DD: Ahh, Turn It Off, Turn It Off Jane (8) {Lady_Skywalker}
--DS: Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh William (8) {Atheistia}
--DD: Dagnabit Filler (8) {Stephanie}
--DD: Can-I-Have-A-Banana Rose (8) {gabriellagrace}
DS: Jalember Samoht “Jay” (29) {miss_smiley}
-Dgf: Jessica Kairi (24)
DD: April Heaven (29) {gabriellagrace}
-DH: Luca Alexander Field (32)
--DS: (nb)
--DD: (nb)
--DS: (nb)
--DS: (nb)

DD: May Sixela (29) {Lady_Skywalker}
-DH: Archer Michael Robinson (31)
DD: June Remmus (29) {Genevieve}
DD: July Haras (29) {Stephanie}
-DH: Jack Urban Clump-Squirrel-Sidebottom (30)
DD: December Ylil “Deccy” (29) {Davidica}
-DH: Ryan Dusty Dawson (33)
--DD: Strawberry Molly (5) {Stephanie}
--DD: Mayapple Brandy (5) {gabriellagrace}
--DD: Wineberry Coco "Winey" (5) {AnnaMarie}
--DD: Thornberry Brandy (5) {Atheistia}
--DD: Roseberry Rosie "Rosie-Rose" (5) {Atheistia}
--DS: Dingleberry Bailey (5) {molly}
--DS: Huckleberry Buster “Huck” (5) {Roey}DD: Diklah To-Kill-A-Mockingbird “Lah-lah” (26) {rachel e}
DS: Ithai Oliver-Twist (26) {SwtNikki88}
-DW: Jacinta Chloe “Jac” (27)
--DS: Don't-Worry-Be-Happy James Howlett (8) {molly}
--DS: Your-Slogan-Here James-Logan (8) {Davidica}
--DS: I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own Peter Parker (8) {Lady_Skywalker}
--DD: Stop-Ye-Whining-Ye-Yellow-Bellied-Lily-Livered-Landlubber Sooooo-Not-Worth-It “Lily” (5) {Roey}
--DS: Get-Over-Here-Foul-Wench I-Feel-Twenty-Pounds-Lighter (5) {molly}
--DS: Argggh Me Harty Can I Haz a Cheeseberger (5) {gabriellagrace}
--DS: Yo-Ho-Ho-And-A-Bottle-Of-Rum Where's-The-Man-In-The-Moon “Rum” (5) {AnnaMarie}
DS: Meshach Star-Wars “Meesh” (26) {Lady_Skywalker}
-DW: Lauren Asha (27)
--DS: Thatcher Ryan (nb)
DS: Caiaphas Matrix “Cai” (26) {Atheistia/ Ninor}
-DW: Anne Regan (25)
DS: Nogah Jane-Eyre “Nog” (26) {Nyx}
-Dgf: Elizabeth Gemma (22)
DS: Merari Titanic (26) {Rachel Dianne}
-DW: Shiloh Tamara (23)DD: Miss Luke (22) {Atheistia}
DD: Female-Half-Of-The-World-Champion-Paris-Figure-Skating-Team Prudence “Champ” (22) {molly}
DD: Dungeon Mistress Fluffy “Missy” (22) {molly}
-DH: William Brandon Brown (24)
--DD: Atlanta Kara (2)
--DS: Cairo Alexander (2)
DD: Petty-Officer Magnanimous “Pet” (22) {Genevieve}
DD: Queen Banana Cream “Queeny” (22) {rachel e}
DS: Earl Junkie (22) {gabriellagrace}
DS: Captain Jack-Sparrow (22) {SwtNikki87}
-DW: Tylie Mariel (19)
DS: Archdeacon Chili Con Carne “Archie” (22) {Roey}
-Dfiance: Josie Winter (21)DD: KnockKnock Grubs “Knocka” (16) {Davidica}
DD: Whos-There George Bush (16) {Ninor}
DD: U-8 Placenta (16) {Veronica}
DD: U-8-Who Cervelle De Veau “U-U” (16) {Veronica}
DD: Lionel-Get-You-Nowhere-You-Better-Tell-The-Truth Inedible-Underwear “Linny” (16) {molly}
DS: Ho-ho-Hee-hee-Ha-haaa Asparagus "Ho-Ho" (16) {Nyx}
-Dgf: Amalia Hollie (16)DS: Resilience “Tube” (14) {Ninor}
DS: Sencere "Rohai" (14) {Roey}
DS: Valor “Phraseby” (14) {Lady_Skywalker}
DD: Clemency “Liam” (14) {Atheistia}
DD: Bookishness “Molly” (14) {molly}
DD: Imagine “Rachel” (14) {Rachel e}
DD: Purity “Bubblewrap” (14) {gabriellagrace}DS: Rover Anakin “Rove” (9) {Ninor}
DS: Subaru Jacen (9) {Stephanie}
DS: Lincoln Jedi "Link" (9) {rachel e}
DS: Jaguar Skywalker “Jag” (9) {Ninor}
DS: Hyundai Raymus “Dai” (9) {Stephanie}
DS: Chrysler Lando (9) {Lady_Skywalker}
DS: Aston-Martin Sith (9) {Roey}
DS: Chevrolet Artoo-Detoo “Chevvy” (9) {Helena}
DS: Dodge Obi Wan (9) {rachel e}
DD: Mazda Padme (9) {Lady_Skywalker}
DD: Porsche Lightsaber (9) {molly}
DD: Cadillac Captain Juno Eclipse "Cadi" (9) {Atheistia}
DD: Infiniti San Hill “Indi”(9) {Rachel Dianne}
DD: Beemdoubleyou Force "BMW" (9) {Roey}
DD: Isuzu Tatooine (9) {molly} DS: Eighteen-Twelve Can-I-Flirt-With-You “Teenie” (8) {Ninor}
DS: ElevenNinetyTwoAD May a thorn sit down amongst the roses (8) “El”{Davidica}
DS: Five-B.C. Okay-so-I-came-over-here-to-ask-you-to-dance-but-I'm-kind-of concerned-I-mean-we-could-hit-it-off-really-well-end-up-having-a-few drinks-next-thing-you-know-you're-giving-me-your-number-because-I'm too-shy-to-ask-for-it-I-finally-get-up-the-nerve-to-call-and-we-take in-a-movie-have-some-dinner-I-relax-you-relax-we-go-out-a-few-more times-get-to-know-each-other's-friends-spend-a-lot-of-time-together, then-finally-have-get-past-this-sexual-tension-and-really-develop-this intense-sex-life-that-is-truly-incredible-decide-our-relationship-is solid-and-stable-so-we-move-in-together-for-a-while-then-a-few months-later-get-married-I-get-a-promotion-you-get-a-promotion-we buy-a-bigger-house-You-really-want-kids-but-I-really-want-freedom, but-we-have-a-kid-anyway-only-to-find-that-I-am-resentful-the-sparks start-to-fade-and-to-rekindle-them-we-have-two-more-lovely-kids-but now-I-work-too-much-to-keep-up-with-the-bills-have-no-time-for-you, you're-stressed-and-stop-taking-really-good-care-of-yourself-so-to get-past-our-slow-sex-life-and-my-declining-self-confidence-I-turn-to an-outside-affair-for-sexual-gratification-You-find-out-because-I'm careless-and-a-lousy-liar-you-throw-me-out-and-we have-to-explain-to-the-kids-why-mommy-and-daddy-are-splitting-up That's-just-too-sad-Think-about-the-children-For-God's-sake-if-you dance-with-me-and-we-hit-it-off-let's-just-keep-it-sexual-because-we both-know-where-it's-going (8) {Roey}
DD: Eighteen-Eighty-Nine If-I-Told-You-That-You-Had-A-Beautiful-Body-Would-You-Hold-It-Against-Me “89” (8) {Veronica}
DD: Sixteen Oh Three I Lost My Phone Number, Can I Have Yours (8) {Stephanie}DS: (9 months)DD: (nb)
DD: (nb)
DD: (nb)
DD: (nb)
DS: (nb)
DS: (nb)
DS: (nb)
DS: (nb)
Many of her siblings have had “normal-named” children but April and her husband Luca are the forth of Riley and Taylor’s children to carry on their “kooky” naming ways. They want their children to have FNs that are common items and their MNs to be the same common items with the prefix Mc- and a part of the anatomy following it (eg. Bucket McBuckethead or Sock McSockfoot).Now, Taylor and Riley were shocked and quite confused at having a singular child. Riley (or perhaps Taylor, I don’t want to imply something weird) could even see which shoes she was wearing just by simply extending her leg out from underneath her stomach. Immediately after having their lone son, Riley and Taylor started trying to conceive more children. The hospital staff were not impressed at this. Nonetheless, they succeeded and nine months later the Sidebottom-Squirrel-Clumps have had another eight children. Taylor and Riley want this strange son of theirs to fit into their family as much as possible so they have given him three FNs and a large number of MNs. His first FN is a medical condition, his second FN is the same medical condition and his third FN is the same medical condition once more. His first group of MNs are the beginning words to a song. His second group of middle names are a sentence that an alien might say on landing on planet earth ending with “Big-Mac-Burger”. His last MN is John.As for the family’s last group of children they want their names to be anything that fits in with the rest of their siblings. Use previous guidelines if you like. Go for it!
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DD: April Heaven (29) {gabriellagrace}
-DH: Luca Alexander Field (32)
--DS: Ceiling McCeilingeyes (nb)
--DD: Laptop McLaptoptoes (nb)
--DS: Pencil McPencilelbow (nb)
--DS: Gel McGelknuckles (nb)DS: Sciatica Sciatica Sciatica Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack Have-No-Fear-I'm-Just-Here-For-A-Big-Mac-Burger John (9 months)DD: Pursember H2 (nb)
DD: Year-Zero Va-Va-Voom (nb)
DD: Gin-Rummy Puppet (nb)
DD: Yoda-Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo-Yoda I-Could-Just-Drown-In-Those-Blue-Eyes (nb)
DS: (nb)
DS: Siusyola Kcirtap (nb)
DS: Boobalyboobalyboobobember Archduke Franz-Ferdinand (nb)
DS: Manasseh Varnish (nb)
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DS: Mouse McMouseleg
DD: Calendar McCalendartoe
DS: Screen McScreenfoot
DS: Jar McJarnoseDS: Generalized Anxiety Disorder I-Was-Riding-Shotgun Hello-Earthling-I-Want-A-Big-Mac-Burger JohnDD: Razberry Princess
DD: Cranberry Chiquita
DD: Coralberry Bella
DD: Winterberry Angel
DS: Blueberry Lucky
DS: Blackberry Max
DS: Boysenberry Oso
DS: Bleaberry Pepper
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DD: April Heaven (29) {gabriellagrace}
-DH: Luca Alexander Field (32)
--DS: (nb) Toothbrush McToothygrinn
--DD: (nb) Keyboard McKeyboardstroke
--DS: (nb) Mustache McMustachetickly
--DS: (nb) Totty McHottytottyDS: (9 months) Indigestion Acidosis Reflux I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts deedle dee deet Tell Me More About This Flying Circus Big-Mac-Burger DD: (nb) Petty Banana Mania Crapulence
DD: (nb) Ensign Aquamarine Widdershins
DD: (nb) Vice Caribbean Green Abibliophobia
DD: (nb) Fleet Mountain Meadow Canoodle
DS: (nb) Senior Master Sergeant Beaver Malarkey
DS: (nb) Lieutenant Colonel Neon Carrot Gonzo
DS: (nb) Airman First Class Purple Pizzazz Mumpsimus
DS: (nb) Major General Sepia Oocephalus
(for the girls I did US Navy rank "words" [not the full ranks as that would be silly for a lady] and for the boys I used US Air Force ranks; their first middle names are all Crayola Crayon colors and their second middle names are some strange words from the English dictionary I’ve come across) SO much FUN and THANKS FOR HOSTING!!!

This message was edited 10/16/2009, 6:06 AM

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Thanks For Hosting (DONE)The Sidebottom-Squirrel-Clump family
April+ Luca
--DS: Desktop McDesktopisfun (nb)
--DD: Camera McCameraislost (nb)
--DS: Lunchbox McLunchboxmeat (nb)
--DS: Noodles McNoodlescaboodles (nb)Riley + Riley
DS: Zellweger Cerebrohepatorenal Syndrome I'll-be-there-in-the-back-of-your-mind-from-the-day-we-met-till-you-making-me-cry-and-it's-just-too-bad-as-you've-already-had-the-best-days-of-your-life Ok-people-of-earth-take-me-to-your-leader-or-I-will-crush-you-with-this-Big-Mac-Burger John (9 months)DD: Dextromethamphetamina Ooo-I-Luv-Da-Way-Luv-Da-Way-U-Luv-Me Pregabalyn (nb)
DD: Kokeshi Ultraviolet Lorazepam I-like-to-move-it-move-it (nb)
DD: Gosselyn Katiecara Madelynhannah Alexisleah Fun Fun Fun (nb)
DD: Lisdexamfetamina Asphyxia Catamenial Im-not-krazy (nb)
DS: Landau-Kleffner Pyrimidinediones Anticonvulsant Im-just-a-little-unwell (nb)
DS: Lennox-Gastaut In the library reading aloud is not allowed (nb)
DS: Sebaceous Billy-la-Bafanda Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum (nb)
DS: Neurotransmitter Chuck Norris Nothing Goes Here Kaczmarek (nb)
As for the family’s last group of children they want their names to be anything that fits in with the rest of their siblings. Use previous guidelines if you like. Go for it!

This message was edited 10/16/2009, 2:29 PM

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The Sidebottom-Squirrel-Clump family
DH: Riley Taylor "Taylor"? (55)
DW: Riley Taylor "Taylor"? (54)DS: January Nitram (29) {hhhhhmmmmm}
-DW: Chloe Alexis (24)
--DD: Lilia Anastasia (3)
--DD: Maia Annelise (2)
DS: Feburary Leahcim “Febs” (29) {SwtNikki87/Helena/Roey}
-DW: Sarah Brielle (30)
DS: March Yelir (29) {Ninor}
-DW: Tegan Summer (26)
--DS: Questly Fable (3)
--DD: Xarrah Kaori (3)
--DD: Jedi Urora (3)
--DS: Chapter Hart (3)
--DS: Saber Koda (3)
DS: August Leumas (29) {Emilie}
-DW: Rose Anastasia (27)
DS: September Semaj “Temby” (29) {CB/Lady_Skywalker/gabriellagrace}
-Dfiance: Romie Tamara (25)
DS: October Nodnal (29) {Veronica}
-DW: Rose Petal (29)
--DD: Riley Elizabeth (4)
--DS: Samuel Ryan (1)
--DD: Jade Kaitlin (1)
--DD: Emma Taylor (1)
--DS: Jack Dustin (1)
DS: November Selrahc “Nove” (29) {christinaxo}
-DW: Elizabeth Willow (29)
--DD: Ahh, Turn It Off, Turn It Off Jane (8) {Lady_Skywalker}
--DS: Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh William (8) {Atheistia}
--DD: Dagnabit Filler (8) {Stephanie}
--DD: Can-I-Have-A-Banana Rose (8) {gabriellagrace}
DS: Jalember Samoht “Jay” (29) {miss_smiley}
-Dgf: Jessica Kairi (24)
DD: April Heaven (29) {gabriellagrace}
-DH: Luca Alexander Field (32)
--DS: Bench McBenchknee(nb)
--DD: Pepper McPeppernose(nb)
--DS: Ash-Tray McAshtrayfunnybone(nb)
--DS: Candle McCandlehip(nb)

DD: May Sixela (29) {Lady_Skywalker}
-DH: Archer Michael Robinson (31)
DD: June Remmus (29) {Genevieve}
DD: July Haras (29) {Stephanie}
-DH: Jack Urban Clump-Squirrel-Sidebottom (30)
DD: December Ylil “Deccy” (29) {Davidica}
-DH: Ryan Dusty Dawson (33)
--DD: Strawberry Molly (5) {Stephanie}
--DD: Mayapple Brandy (5) {gabriellagrace}
--DD: Wineberry Coco "Winey" (5) {AnnaMarie}
--DD: Thornberry Brandy (5) {Atheistia}
--DD: Roseberry Rosie "Rosie-Rose" (5) {Atheistia}
--DS: Dingleberry Bailey (5) {molly}
--DS: Huckleberry Buster “Huck” (5) {Roey}DD: Diklah To-Kill-A-Mockingbird “Lah-lah” (26) {rachel e}
DS: Ithai Oliver-Twist (26) {SwtNikki88}

... Load Full Message

This message was edited 10/16/2009, 3:07 AM

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