Call it fanfic if you want...
by La Reina (guest)
12/28/2008, 8:10 PM
UN: La Reina
Name: Arsene Lupin, Gentleman-Cambrioleur
Race: vampire
Age: born at 1879 - count yourself!
Interests: art, stealing, etc.
Disabilities: N/A
Abilities: teleportation, invisibility
SO: Clarisse Antoinette
Race: vampire
Age: about my age...
Interests: children
Disabilities: N/A
Abilities: mind-reading, telekinesis
Children: Jean, but he died long ago
Others: none
Pets: none
Location: We move from place to place
Number: 3
Race: vampire
Gender: at least one boy
Will you accept:
-disabilities? Yes, of any kind but not severe
-siblings? Yes
-multiples? Yes
Other: this time, we want children who, unlike our two previous children, won't die. Both Genevieve and Jean were concieved before we were transformed, and now, we cannot produce offspring.