bananarama's Fantasy Adoption Agency
I made one for fantasy creatures such as vampires, elves, dwarves, fauns, centaurs, gargoyles, hobbits, moogles, and other fantasy races. Have fun!Username:Name:
Disabilities:Children: (biological or adopted; names, ages, interests, disabilities)Others living with you (who and what is their relation?):Pets (species, other information):Location:Adoptee(s):
Number of children you’d like to adopt (max 3):
Race preference:
Genders:Will you accept:
-Disabilities? (kinds and severities):
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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Call it fanfic if you want...UN: La ReinaName: Arsene Lupin, Gentleman-Cambrioleur
Race: vampire
Age: born at 1879 - count yourself!
Interests: art, stealing, etc.
Disabilities: N/A
Abilities: teleportation, invisibilitySO: Clarisse Antoinette
Race: vampire
Age: about my age...
Interests: children
Disabilities: N/A
Abilities: mind-reading, telekinesisChildren: Jean, but he died long ago
Others: none
Pets: none
Location: We move from place to placeAdoptees:
Number: 3
Race: vampire
Gender: at least one boyWill you accept:
-disabilities? Yes, of any kind but not severe
-siblings? Yes
-multiples? YesOther: this time, we want children who, unlike our two previous children, won't die. Both Genevieve and Jean were concieved before we were transformed, and now, we cannot produce offspring.
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Welcome Baru, Pazuzu, and Lillix!Baru (m), Pazuzu (m), and Lillix (f) are triplet vampires - a rarity indeed! They have black hair and red eyes. They like sucking blood and playing.
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Username: LoxandraName: Legolas Greenleaf of Mirkwood Lord of the Elves of Ithilien
Race: Elf Sinda, Silvan Elves of Mirkwood
Age: 2931 years old
Occupation: Lord of the Elves of Middle Earth
Interests: hunting orcs walking into woods
Disabilities: noneSO: Seregon Fanuilos Isil Wilwarin Lady of the Elves of Middle Earth, Queen of the Reunited Kingdom
Race: Half-Elven
Age: 77
Occupation: Lady of the Elves of Middle Earth/Queen of the Reunited Kingdom
Interests: Witchcraft
Disabilities: noneChildren: noOthers living with you (who and what is their relation?): several servantsPets (species, other information): yes
Huan the Hound of Valinor, He has approximately the same size as a small horse.Location: Mirkwood, the large forest in Rhovanion, east of the Anduin in Middle-earth,Adoptee(s):
Number of children you’d like to adopt (max 3): 3
Race preference: elf
Genders: both (only 1 girl please)Will you accept:
-Disabilities? (kinds and severities): no
-Siblings?: yes
-Multiples?: yes
Other: loke what?
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Welcome Galadwen, Celedan, and CelethilGaladwen is a newborn elf from Mirkwood. She has black hair and brown eyes. She was abandoned by her parents. She has no interests yet.Celedan and Celethil are twin elves from Lorien. They have black hair and brown eyes. They were also abandoned. They have no interests yet.
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