Re: Echo's Random Event Congrats - Round One!!
I saw your question for the sign up round now (if I wanted them to be gay), but the answer is no. David's parents were only very kre8tiv when they named her ;P Also, it's pronounced Dah-veed (lika Ziva David in NCIS?)
LN: Fimbley
DH: John Alexander (27)
DW: David Tonie (24)
DS: Samuel Robbie (nb)
DCat: Hugo
Me and John had been trying for a baby for two years and when I didn't get pregnant we decided to wait and get a cat instead. The cat already had a name, Hugues, but we didn't like it. We decided to name him Hugo instead.
He is lovely and it was a great feeling to have someone else in the house.
A few months later I started to feel wierd. I was soooo tired, angry, hungry and I felt like I had a foot in my throat. John asked me if we shouldn't take a pregnancy test. I just laughed at him. Why should I be pregnant now? We waren't even trying for a baby now when we had Hugo. Anyway, when I still felt sick after one week I thought that a test wouldn't do any harm. You should have seen me face when I found out that I actually was pregnant!
John was at work at the time but I called him and asked him if he could get home. When he asked why I just said that I didn't feel very well (I didn't wanted to tell him on the phone). One hour later he was home and I showed the test for him. At first he was shcoked but then he started to laugh, jhug and kissing me.
The next day we started to talk about names. I wanted to name a daughter Present Joy and John was fine with this as long as a boy were named John Alexander II. I didn't wanted a little junior because I thought it would only get problem. Who was John, who was Johnny and so on. John and I started to fight about this and then we compromised and said that John got name the boy but no junior.
He chosed Samuel for his firstname, to honor his father Samuel Henry, and for his middlename he chosed Robbie to honor his granfather, uncle and best friend who all was named Robert.
When our child was born it was a little boy. I was hoping for a girl since I loved the names Present Joy. But our son, Samuel, is lovely. We couldn't be any happier and we only live for him now. Nothing else matters!