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Re: Echo's Random Event Congrats - Round One!!
in reply to a message by Echo
LN: Norrington
DH: Bradford Gillian Lewis "Brad"
DW: Emmaline Lucille "Emma"
DS/DD/DS: Sebastian Hopkin, Kristina Liesbeth, and Lucas Rabbi "Bastian, Kris, and Luca"
Brad caught Emma in an affair just before the twins were born. Emma says she had been seeing "R" for about a year, there was a chance that the triplets or at least one might not be Brad's. After months of bitterness and fighting the couple sought out help with the situation. They did a paternity test and to the better the childern are all Brad's! Emma and Brad are staying together and went to marriage counseling. It was found out that the reason for Emma straying is that Brad was not filling a void, he was distant and spent more time away from home than he should have. They are closer than ever and can not wait to make their family grow even larger than his was.
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