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Congrats Round Three
Now it is 1992. You have your hands busy with a 5 year old and two 3 year olds when low and behold you find out that your pregnant again. Plus your husband decides that its time to get a dog. You oldest has enough responsibility. Tell us about you, your hubby, your kids and the new baby.If your first name starts with...
A,K or U you have a Poodle
B,L or V you have a Rottweiler
C,M or W you have a German Shepherd
D,N or X you have a Boxer
E,O or y you habe a Chihuahua
F,P or Z you have a Labrador Retriever
G or Q you have a Dachshund
H or R you have a Yorkshire Terrier
I or S you have a Golden Retriever
J or T you have a BeagleBoys: Aaron Alex Austin Bradley Bryan Caleb Cameron Carlos Christian Corey Derek Devin Dillon Dylan Edward Ethan Evan Gregory Ian Jared Jeffrey Jesus Jose Juan Kenneth Kevin Luis Nathaniel Richard Scott Shane Shawn Steven Taylor TrevorGirls: Alexis Allison Amber Anna Ashley Brianna Brittany Brooke Cassandra Chelsea Courtney Erica Haley Heather Jenna Jordan Julia Kaitlyn Katelyn Kathryn Katie Kelly Kelsey Maria Melissa Morgan Natalie Olivia Paige Shannon Shelby Stephanie Taylor Tiffany VanessaMale Dogs: Max Jake Buddy Bailey Sam Rocky Buster Casey Cody Duke Charlie Jack Harley Rusty Toby Murphy Shelby Sparky Barney WinstonGirl Dogs: Maggie Molly Lady Sadie Lucy Daisy Ginger Abby Sasha Sandy Dakota Katie Annie Chelsea Princess Missy Sophie Bo Coco TashaAmy
DH: Dominic Oliver
DW: Amy Ellen
DS: Benjamin CharlesBen
DD/DD: Mary Andrea / Alexandra VictoriaAllie
DH: Mark Joshua
DW: Anna Marie
DS: Ryan Nicholas
DH: Alejandro
DW: Auria
DH: James
DW: Amy
DD: Katherine Elizabeth
DS/DS: Joseph Michael / Mark Alexander
DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan Jae
DD: Emily Elizabeth
DS/DD: Nathan Michael / Hannah Christina
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Charles AnthonyCharlie
DS/DD: Samuel JacobSammy” / Alexandra VictoriaSasha
DH: George
DW: Caroline
DS: William Thomas
DD/DS: Alexandra MaryAlex” / John SamuelJack
DH: William
DW: Karen
DD: Rebecca Jessica Erin
MDog:Claire H
DH: Chris
DW: Claire
DD: Lauren Emily
DD/DD: Victoria Amy / Hannah Caitlin
DH: Jesse Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD: Megan LauraMeg
DD/DS: Alyssa Mary / Joseph Eric
DH: David Spencer
DW: Jennifer NicoleJen
DS: Nicholas DavidNick
DS/DS: Jonathan TravisJohn” / Samuel JordanSam
DH: Jacob Daniel
DW: Mary Paula
DS: Benjamin MatthewBen
DD/DD: Sara Jasmine / Amy Hannah
DH: Brenden
DW: Lisa
DS: William Thomas BenjaminLiam
DD/DD: Caitlin Sara / Alyssa Mary
DH: William GabrielWill
DW: Catherine LydiaKate
DS: Christopher Benjamin
DD/DD: Alexandra KristenAlex” / Jennifer MichelleJenny
DH: Greg
DW: Julia
DD: Kayla Elizabeth
DD/DD: Brittney Michelle / Lindsey Nicole
DH: James
DW: Kaitlin
DS: Andrew Christopher James
DS/DS: Jordan Samuel Mark / Brandon Zachary John
DH: Andrew Stephen
DW: Elizabeth Josephine
DS: Nicholas ChristopherColin
DD/DD: Alexandra Mary / Michelle Victoria “Mischa”
MDog:Lissa Kristine
DW: Lissa Kristine
DS: William JamesLiam
DS/DS: Dustin CodyDusty” / Stephen John “Stephie”
DH: Bryan
DW: Melanie
DD: Rachel Sarah
DS/DS: Jesse Michael / Samuel Jordan
DH: Ryan
DW: Kristine
DS: William JasonWill
DD/DD: Amanda Mary / Sara Victoria
DH: Toby
DW: Laura
DH: Michael Steven
DW: Rachel Colleen
DD: Samantha Rachel
DH: David Julian
DW: Stella Josephine
DS: James William
DH: Tim
DW: Amanda
DD: Erin Rachel
DD/DS: Caitlin SaraCait” / Jesse Patrick
DH: John
DW: Hannah
DD: Elizabeth KatherineEliza
DD/DD: Alexandra MaryAlex” / Victoria SaraToria
MDog:Skye Morgan
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DS: Ryan William
DS/DS: Brandon Patrick / Zachary Andrew
DH: Stephen
DW: Bethany
DS: Benjamin Matthew
DD/DD: Mary Ashley / Hannah Jasmine
DH: Shaun
DW: Stacey
DD: Samantha DanielleSammy
DS/DD: Sean Tyler / Sara Michelle
DH: Joshua Henry
DW: Sophie
DS: Adam Timothy Daniel
DS/DS: Jonathan Paul Alexander / Mark Samuel Zachary
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Danielle Kimberly Crystal “Dani”
DS/DS: Alexander Nathan SeanXander” / Zachary Brian TravisZach
DH: Sean Robert
DW: Erica NicholeNikki
DS: Justin Kyle Robert
DS/DD: Joshua Patrick Sean / Hannah Caitlin Nicole
DH: Cullen Gregory
DW: Topaz Eleanor
DS: Jeremy RyanJem
DH: Morgan Oliver
DW: Juliana Marguerite
DD: Angela EmilyEmmie
Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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DH: William
DW: Karen
DD: Rebecca Jessica Erin
DS/DS: Alexander Dustin Joseph/ Patrick Jacob Eric
DS: Cameron Ethan Caleb
MDog: Poodle Winston
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DH: Michael Steven
DW: Rachel Colleen
DD: Samantha Rachel
DS/DD: Joseph Michael / Joshua Steven
DS: Evan Kenneth
FDog: Sadie (Yorkshire Terrier)
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DH: Mark Joshua
DW: Anna Marie
DS: Ryan Nicholas
DS/DS: Sean Alexander/ Zachary Kevin "Zac"
DD: Paige Olivia
FDog: Bo (Poodle)A little girl! The boys are so excited, although Ryan seems to think that babies are supposed to come in two's since the twins, and he doesn't quiet understand that there is only one baby this time! Zac has really taken to her, barely leaves her side, while Sean's a bit wary. Mark is thrilled to bits. We've also decided, after alot of begging on his part, to let Ryan have a dog, so we came home from the breeders with a black bundle of fluff named Bo!
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DH: Alejandro
DW: Auria
DS: James Christopher
DD/DS: Hannah Britney/ Dustin Patrick
DD: Olivia Shannon
FD: Sasha the german shepard We decide to get a german shepard, we thought it a good dog for our farm. James has been asking for a dog and has shown he is responsible enough, he takes care of the chickens what he can, and helps out with the goats, ducks and our five dairy cows, we just had a calf a few months ago. our farm is doing good, we have a produce stand at a local farmers market that does well. Alejandro is content with how this years crops are doing, it should be a fair yeild. james, hannah, and dustin are helping out with baby olivia, hannah cant wait till she gets older so she has a girl to play dolls and such with, boys can be so rough. hannah seems to really like flowers, she started her first bed this year. james has kept up with his little patch and we extended it this year. he sells the tomatos, eggplants & beans he's been growing, he wants a little petal tractor and we are teaching him about earning what he wants, so many kids are spoiled today and know nothing of working for what they want. we have told him if he can raise half the money, we'll pay the other half. this also helps with his math, writing, reading and socialization skills for school this fall.
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DH: Morgan Oliver
DW: Juliana Marguerite
DD: Angela EmilyEmmie
DS/DD: Travis Nathan & Vanessa Caitlin 'Cait'
DS: Nathaniel Trevor
MDog: Shelby (Beagle)
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site:
Pillar rocks!Phoebe: I need your help.
Cole: You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.
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DH: Ryan
DW: Kristine
DS: William JasonWill
DD/DD: Amanda Mary / Sara Victoria
DD: Julia Kathryn
FDog: TashaOur fourth child is here! It's a girl, Julia Kathryn. It's been busy in the house. Along with the arrival of our new baby girl, Ryan decided that the kids should have a dog. So just a few days before Julia came, we got a beagle named Tasha. The kids adore her. Sara in particular can't get enough of her. They're also warming up to their little sister. I can tell the twins are starting to get a tad bit jealous with having to share their attention but it's not as worse as we expected. Will has become my little helper when it comes to Julia. He's such a sweetie.

"I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."
Mae West
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DH: David Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen”DS: Nicholas David “Nick”
DS/DS: Jonathan Travis “John” / Samuel Jordan “Sam”
DD: Natalie Kathryn MariaFDog: Coco (Beagle)
We finally have a little princess! David and I are thrilled to announce that we are the proud parents of a beautiful little girl named Natalie Kathryn Maria. Our darling angel came into our lives on March 31st at 2:48 PM, weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces; 19 1/4 inches long. She is a mother's dream, such a happy baby girl with a smile always on her face. She loves to be held and is content to be in anyone's arms, although she prefers them to be mine; there's no doubt that she's a mommy's girl, and according to David she even looks a lot like me. The boys were hoping for another little brother, especially the twins, Jonathan and Samuel, who will be three years old in October. Nicholas on the other hand, who is now nearing his fifth birthday in July and getting ready to start kindergarten in the fall, is a wonderful big brother; very protective of his little sister. David and I were definitely hoping for some pink, and we're delighted that we finally have our little girl; there's no question that she is and will always be our little princess. Welcome to the world Natalie!
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Alexandra Kathryn Cecile, Ariella Madelyn Elisabeth, Courteney Ava Rose, Elisabeth Rachel Grace, Janna Michelle Rene
Austin Bryant, Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Luke Preston, Roman Spencer

This message was edited 8/5/2005, 9:16 PM

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DH: Brenden
DW: Lisa
DS: William Thomas BenjaminLiam
DD/DD: Caitlin Sara / Alyssa Mary
DD: Paige Oliva
FDog: Our Rottie: Sasha!
My Babies !!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, and Guinevere
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DH: Greg
DW: Julia
DD: Kayla Elizabeth
DD/DD: Brittney Michelle / Lindsey Nicole
DS: Dylan Gregory
FDog: RalphGreg was excited to find out that he would no longer be the only man in the house when Dylan Gregory entered our lives. Kayla was excited to get a little brother but I don't think Brittney and Lindsey have quite adjusted yet. Everytime Dylan starts to cry the girls run out of the room with their hands over their ears; it's the cutest thing! Greg's been hounding me since we got married to get a dog but I'm not too fond of animals so I'd always put my foot down. He waited until I was practically passed out from taking care of the kids one evening to ask and the next day we had a Beagle, Ralph. Sometimes I think the girls are more interested in Ralph than Dylan!
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
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DH: Andrew Stephen
DW: Elizabeth Josephine
DS: Nicholas ChristopherColin
DD/DD: Alexandra Mary / Michelle Victoria “Mischa”
DD: Anna Kathryn
MDog: Max the Beagle
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DH: Bryan
DW: Melanie
DD: Rachel Sarah
DS/DS: Jesse Michael / Samuel Jordan
DD: Julia Shannon
MDog: CharlieThey will see us waving from such great heights,
'come down now,' they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
'come down now,' but we'll stay...
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DH: Tim
DW: Amanda
DD(5): Erin Rachel
DD/DS(3): Caitlin SaraCait” & Jesse Patrick
DS: Dylan Jared
MDog(German Shepherd): Harley WinstonErin, Cait, Jesse, Dylan, and Harley
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DH: David Julian
DW: Stella Josephine
DS: James William
DD/DD: Alexandra Mary / Victoria Heather
DS: Edward Jeffrey
MDog: Toby -Labrador Retriever
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold

This message was edited 8/5/2005, 3:25 PM

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DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Charles Anthony “Charlie”
DS/DD: Samuel Jacob “Sammy” / Alexandra Victoria “Sasha”
DD: Julia Paige
MDog: Bailey (Yorkie)~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
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DH: William GabrielWill
DW: Catherine LydiaKate
DS: Christopher Benjamin
DD/DD: Alexandra KristenAlex” / Jennifer MichelleJenny
DS: Scott Edward
FDog: Maggie (beagle)
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DH: Joshua Henry
DW: Sophie LouiseDS: Adam Timothy Daniel
DS/DS: Jonathan Paul Alexander / Mark Samuel Zachary
DS: Dylan Scott NathanielMDog: Bailey (Golden retriever)And it's another boy! Dylan Scott Nathaniel was 3 days late but he finally arrived this morning. The boys were disappointed at first because they wanted a sister, but once they saw Dylan they were won over! And Bailey is a hit with everyone, luckily he doesn't mind having his tail pulled on a regular basis!S xx--
There was a time when you let me know what was really going on below, but now you never show that to me do you? - Leonard Cohen
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DH: George
DW: Caroline
DS: William Thomas
DD/DS: Alexandra MaryAlex” / John SamuelJack
DS: Edward Gregory
FDog: LuluGeorge and I are proud to annouce the birth of our son Edward. He is completely balled and has blue/green eyes. William is now 5 and attending pre-school. He is very outgoing, and very close to his father. William has dark brown hair and eyes, and is rather tall for his age. Alexandra and Jack are now 3. They are the best of friends and love their older brother William and their younger brother Edward. Alex has wavy blonde hair that has grown down to her mid-back and beautiful hazel eyes. Most of the time she has some sort of ribbon tied in it, or it is in braids. She is very adventurous, and quite confident. Jack has dark hair and surprised us with his bright sea green eyes. He looks a lot like my father, with his darker skin and thick wavy hair. He is a quiet, serious child. Very loving and very smart. Oh and we adopted a German Shepard named Lulu. Well, that's our family, George and Caroline and children William, Alexandra, Jack and Edward.
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I dont believe that Lulu was a choice on the pet name lists. Please choose a name of of the list for female dogs.Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Woah, sorryI didn't even notice the pets name list. You people sure do take this seriously don't you.. Her name is Coco. Alright?
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DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Danielle Kimberly Crystal “Dani”
DS/DS: Alexander Nathan SeanXander” / Zachary Brian TravisZach
DD: Vanessa Cassandra Brooke "Nessie"
FDog: Ginger (German Shepherd)This week we brought home Vanessa Cassandra Brooke, our 4th baby. She was perfectly healthy when she was born, but born a month premature becaywhen I started to show signs of complications because of what happened with the twins. She was 5 lbs 2 oz and was beautiful with the same strawberry blonde hair as her sister and me and the same big blue eyes.
Dani, now 5, wasn't very excited about the idea of having a baby in the house as she had already growen to love the twins and still treating them like a mom, she did not want the attention taken away from the three of them any more. The twins, now 3, however were excited about being big brothers and were so happy when she was born, but now that she is home they have started to side with "Midani." Chris and I are disappointed by this, but we hope that everything will get better.
Dani just started kindergarten and hates it! She doesn't like her teacher, who is unbelievably rude and unconsiderate of the children. And she already knows what is being taught. She comes home complaining daily and we have a meeting with the principle next week to discuss moving her up to 1st grade.

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Lissa Kristine
DW: Lissa Kristine
DS: William JamesLiam
DS/DS: Dustin CodyDusty” / Stephen John “Stephie”
DS: Caleb Dylan
FDog (Rottweiler): Sophie
(PPs in sig)
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DH: Stephen
DW: Bethany
DS: Benjamin Matthew
DD/DD: Mary Ashley / Hannah Jasmine
DD: Olivia Kathryn
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DH: John
DW: HannahDD: Elizabeth KatherineEliza” (5)
DD/DD: Alexandra MaryAlex” / Victoria SaraToria” (3)
DS: Dylan KennethMDog: Yorkshire Terrier named JackJohn and Hannah are overjoyed to annouce the birth of the fourth child and first son, Dylan Kenneth, born weighing 6lbs 5oz. He is in good health and his older sisters are eager to get to know their younger brother. And, after much arguing and objection on the wife's part, the couple has adopted a dog, Jack.
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DH: Jesse Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD: Megan LauraMeg
DD/DS: Alyssa Mary / Joseph Eric
DS: Ethan Scott
MDog: Bailey MaxWe're so happy to bring home two additions to the family. Our son Ethan Scott and our adorable German Shepard, Bailey Max.

This message was edited 8/5/2005, 12:25 PM

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DH: Cullen Gregory
DW: Topaz Eleanor
DS: Jeremy Ryan "Jem"
DS/DD: Samuel Patrick "Sam"/ Courtney Allison "Coco"
DD: Olivia Vanessa "Livvy"
FDog: Sasha (Beagle)Image hosted by

This message was edited 8/5/2005, 12:17 PM

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Next time please go back to round 2 and dont just fill it in in Round 3.Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Amy & James along with Katherine Elizabeth, Joseph Michael, Mark Alexander welcome Gregory Nathaniel and their pet dog Rocky(Poodle)

This message was edited 8/5/2005, 11:53 AM

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What type of dog is Rocky?Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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* NOTE: I changed Hannah Christina to Hannah Nicole.~~~~~~~DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan Jae
DD: Emily Elizabeth
DS/DD: Nathan Michael / Hannah Nicole
DS: Christian Jared
MDog: Charlie (Yorkshire Terrier)
Shawn and I are so proud to announce the birth of our fourth child and second son, Christian Jared. He was born on March 31, 1992, weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces (he's a big baby!) and measuring 22 inches long. Nathan is so excited to finally have a little brother and cannot wait until he is old enough to play with. Emily and Hannah are very caring older sisters and love cuddling Christian and giving him little kisses.As if family life was not already hectic enough, Shawn thought it was time to get Emily a dog (she had been begging us for one since she was the twins' age). He took her to the pet store, and I prayed they wouldn't come back with a rottweiler. Thankfully, Emily came home with an adorable Yorkshire Terrier that she named Charlie.
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DH: Chris
DW: Claire
DD: Lauren Emily
DD/DD: Victoria Amy / Hannah Caitlin
DD: Natalie Cassandra
FDog: Maggie (German Shepherd)
Write a wise saying and your name will live forever.
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DH: Shaun
DW: Stacey
DD: Samantha DanielleSammy
DS/DD: Sean Tyler / Sara Michelle
DS: Scott Nathaniel
MDog: Shelby (Golden Retriver)__________________________________________________
Proud Adopter of 20 ! see Profile for names!
Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana"
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Shelby was not a choice for the male dogs names. Can you choose one off of the list for male dogs?Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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ummm...I'm fairly certain it was, I think it came before Sparky. "Toby Murphy Shelby Sparky Barney Winston"If you still want me to change it I will, but it was a choice.
Proud Adopter of 20 ! see Profile for names!
Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana"
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Oh Geez your so right and I am so blind. Im really sorry!Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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No Worries :)
Proud Adopter of 20 ! see Profile for names!
Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana"
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DH: Sean Robert
DW: Erica NicholeNikkiDS: Justin Kyle Robert (5)
DS/DD: Joshua Patrick Sean / Hannah Caitlin Nicole (3)
DD: Haley Allison Olivia (NB)
MDog: Chihuahua named Casey JackSean and Nikki are pleased to announce the birth of their fourth child and second girl. Her name is Haley Allison Olivia. She was 6 lbs. 11 ozs. and 21 inches long. Justin loves his little sister and is a very good big brother. Joshua and Hannah arnt quite sure what to think yet but they too enjoy the baby. We also got a dog, a tiny tan chihuahua whom we named Casey.
Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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