LN: must begin with the last letter of your last name, and if your name starts with...
A-G: 1 syllable
DH: You feel most comfy in...
jeans and a tank top: initials JK, names of a nationality to match last name
Josiah Kenneth '
DW: For breakfast, you eat...
A bowl of Cereal: fn number one on popularity charts in US or UK for any year, mn
Anne (with or without e)
Emily Anne Peter 'Emie'
17-year-old: Your favorite fruit:
Apples: no 17-year-old
16-year-old: You prefer...
12-hour time: Girl, fn related to number, mn related to month/week/etc
Octavia June 'Tavie'
14-year-old: You would like to do your bedroom in...
Flowers: G/G/G triplets, fn flower names, mn variants of
Ann or
Lily Marise,
Violet Polly '
Vi' &
Daisy Miriam
12-year-old: You prefer...
London: Girl, fn traditional with nn, mn traditional, too
Juliet Matilda 'Jeta'
9-year-old: You like movies that are...
Comedy: boy or girl, you chose! Named for comedian or daytime TV host.
William Edgar '
~ * ~ Evy ~ * ~